So, unpopular opinions. People have them.
I'm infamous for them
Others here possess them
Armond White has them
Everybody has them, and are oftentimes called out for it. That's okay! People are allowed to dissent, and people are allowed to show their distaste for dissent. What I would like to create here is a safe haven to just let all those unpopular, contrary attitudes flow like wine
Maybe you need an outlet to just let the world know something that you disagree with the majority on
Maybe you think Two and a Half Men is a legitimately great show and want to tell everyone why
Maybe you like Frank Miller better than Stan Lee and want to explain the method to your madness
I want to know where you all break from the crowdNow, just a couple things first:
1) I'd really like to keep this free from personal attacks. People have a tendency to attack a person's character over the things they enjoy/don't enjoy, and/or their social/political viewpoints. It's an unfortunate side effect that sometimes happens when you're passionate about things. That's cool. But I'd really like it kept out of this thread if possible.
2) If you're going to participate at all in this thread, you should maybe learn how to separate objectivity from subjectivity on your own without anyone specifically telling you. If someone comes in and says "Monty Python and the Holy Grail is awful," you should know, without them specifying, that it is, in fact, just their opinion and not objective fact; you shouldn't feel the need to retort with "Well actually Monty Python and the Holy Grail is objectively well-made and it's just
your opinion that it's bad and maybe you should put IMO so people don't confuse your opinion with fact" and yadda yadda
everyone already knows this, so please, spare people the aggravation and spare yourself an aneurysm.
I also don't like most music involving guitars
this thread
40k is vastly inferior to WHFB
The movies are okay I guess
I love lord of the rings, in all forms
but the movies are way better than the books
suck my dick christopher tolkien
thread over
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On this note: Spaced.
I love all the Edgar Wright films so far, and was supremely let down by Spaced. It is just horribly unfunny and uninteresting.
The purpose of this thread has been fulfilled in the best way
Seriously, worst shit I've ever seen. While watching, I wanted to shoot myself, shoot the TV, fly over to jolly old England and shoot the producer and all of the actors and set fire to the studio it's filmed in. Whenever someone mentions they like it, I secretly put them on my list of Those People.
I did not feel compelled to watch the second
Seriously, I can fucking snowboard because capitalism.
I am pro hydraulic fracturing
drill baby drill
I love them while eating them, but it's pretty rare that I'll actually cook one or order one at a restaurant.
oh, I really dislike Jon bon Jovi. does that count?
The real unpopular opinion would be "I FUCKING LOVE PRIME RIB"
which is of course the worst opinion. Prime Rib is quite possibly the most overrated bullshit ever.
Most interesting man, Old Spice's whole shtick, Ron Swanson all over the damn place.
I'm with you on this.
Not even the montage music during Up?
You robot!
are these serious though? I thought the popularity was because they're parodies
I don't think so
I don't know many people that unironically like Bon Jovi
I got so bored with IX that I didn't even finish it.
VII is still the best.