Let's start with putting things into perspective. I'm somewhere between 5'9 and 5'11, so i'm not a short guy. I weigh about 160-175 lbs, with about 3/4 of that being muscle (pretty average muscle, not ridiculous football player-esque muscle) and the remaining quarter being body fat. All in all i'm not exceptionally athletic, nor do I try to be, but I can hold my own. Pretty okay, for a Ninth Grade High Schooler. My foe in this fight is Carson, he's a mean-spirited person, who I told you guys about in the "Stupidest Insult" thread. More than anything he's big, a full head taller than me and a good 20-30lbs heavier. Though, I think he has more body fat than me, but i'm not sure. Anyways his arms aren't exactly... bulging with power.
Why am I preparing for a fist fight with this Carson? Let me tell you the backstory. He is, in short, pissed off at me. Why? I cannot recall. I must of done something I though was innocent, but really pissed him off. I noticed this a few days ago in a Science class. Someone had pissed him off (a common thing really) and he was threatening to kick people's asses. I told him to try and calm down because threats didn't get him anywhere with this problem (reasonable advice really) Then he gets even angrier and threatens to kick my ass. Over the last few days he has been getting angrier and angrier with me, and i'm pretty convinced he wants a fight.
Now, from what i've seen of him fighting, he usually tries to push a guy hard to get them off balance, then tackles them to the ground before they can get their guard up, using his usually larger size and bulk, and his weight to pin the other guy down. It's not that i've have no experience in fights. I have had my fair share over the years. It's that everyone who i've ever fought has been roughly my size and weight, and Carson is bigger than me in both respects. All i've thought of so far is to keep my distance, hit him with a some stinging jabs to the face, keep my legs moving and stay light on the balls of my feet. (he's more of an overpower-type guy, so he's always flat-footed in a fight) If I get a chance before the first punch is thrown, I'd go for his gut with a hard hook or uppercut, take the wind out of him and end it before it even starts.
Anyways, i'm open for suggestions. If this Carson guy kicks my ass, I won't only be roughed up and bruised, i'll probably loose the respect of most of my peers. I'm not looking for anything fancy, I'm just a simple guy hoping to win a fist fight.
If all else fails, kick him in the balls. Let him explain that to his future boyfriend.
punch him in the throat
That would be kinda funny.
But as for advice, don't throw the first blow schools seem to really only care about 'the first blow*'. And if you are going to fight make sure it's your friends around, nothing worse than his friends lying about what happened.
As for the fight itself, you have the right idea with the 'knock the wind out of him', I've seen big guys succumb to that. Another less violent technique is 'the sleeper' or a submission move, but it really helps to have a little weight on your side, otherwise you'll get beaten trying to force him into either.
*Urge to make blowjob joke, unbearable...
Otherwise, stand at an angle. Keep one leg forward, and the weight of that foot on the heel of the foot. The foot away from your opponent should have weight centred on the ball of the foot. This will make it easier to react to and soak punches. If your opponent tries to kick you, back up to avoid thrust kicks, and stop other types mid-swing with your forward leg.
Keep your arms up when you kick. If you have trouble with this, hang a towel around your neck and wrap it around your fists, and throw some kicks for balance. Kicks are mostly defensive maneuvers, unless you're an experienced fighter, which you're obviously not.
For punches--avoid throwing your shoulder out. If you throw a punch, and you can see your shoulder with your peripheral vision while looking straight ahead, then you're throwing it out too much. When your fist reaches the apex of your punch (The planned "meeting point" for your knuckles and your target) your arm should be entirely straight and preferably parallel to the ground.
Learn to clench your abs and pecs. It'll make it easier to soak punches that you can't block or avoid. Don't rely on doing this--it's a last resort, and it's only slightly better than nothing.
Keep your thumbs outside of your fists.
Some places are easier to apply pressure to than others. With straight punches, the easiest are the insides of the shoulders, the sternum and area around it, the bottom of the chin, (Note that the bottom of the chin is NOT the neck.) and the nose.
If your opponent is really close, then don't draw back for a punch. That will just leave you open. At that kind of distance, your forearms can be utilised to great effect. Hold them perpindicular to the ground and swing towards the inside of your body, sort of like throwing a hooked punch.
The easiest way to exert energy from your body is your elbow. From your end, it probably won't feel very powerful, but swinging your elbow upwards is a very effective way to get your opponent to back off. Just don't make the mistake of trying to bring it down on your opponent, unless he's done something stupid to leave himself open. Even then, you will probably be better off using your knee.
Again, use your knees if your opponent is close.
Grabbing your opponent's shoulder with your hand, or wrapping your elbow around his elbow is an effective way to control him. If he does either of these to you, counter with the opposite. If he's an undisciplined fighter like most street fighters are, any attempts to grapple you will probably leave him open to being grappled himself.
Please, for the love of God, don't try to hurt your opponent. I'm only giving you this advice because I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. That is, I'm assuming you won't go looking for trouble. If he tries to back out, or especially if he doesn't start anything to begin with, then just let him be.
From what I read of the thread in D&D, this Carson just sounds like the standard weird kid that always gets provoked just so everyone can see his reaction.
Grow up and just ignore him.
First off he may tackle you in one of two ways, either he will have his hands out infront of him to push you, or he'll spread his arms out more to try to bear hug you.
If he's going to try to push you down, and he's quite far from you, let him get a good run toward you. Keep the right foot in the back and the front legs a bit forward. Hold onto your stance, get your right arm ready. As he's about to reach you, redirect his push by swinging your right arm left, and then outward to the right, like a circle (and at the same time, move left to evade his body). As he's moving forward you are doing two things. One your right hand is reaching for the back of his neck, and your right knee is coming up to slam him hard, preferably in the nuts (which will be easy if he is as massive as you say) Your left hand should also be grabbing his back. Anyway, once you knee the shit out of him this way, use the forward momentum he had to throw him to the ground or into a wall or whatever. Then just be like "hay man just chill out there for a second."
If he's coming in a bear hug type attack you could probably just knock the shit out of his jaw since he's wide open.
But I don't know, you might also not understand fighting so none of this may work.
First, you can have assault charges filed against you. You can be expelled. You can go to juvie. I've had friends go for less.
Second, have friends with you so his friends dont gang up and kick your ass.
Thirdly, its very possible to accidentally kill someone in a fight. Its not like the movies. He or you could fall wrong and crack your head open or you could accidentally crush his throat. You could even hit him on just the right spot on his head and he will die. or vice versa.
Fourthly, the most important part of winning a school yard fight is getting the first hit in. Unfortunately this can also land you in a good deal more trouble.
Fifthly, if you ever gain an advantage, dont stop hitting him and let him recover.
LASTLY. My best advice would be this. Wait till he says he wants to kick your ass again, then agree to fight, but say you dont want to deal with all the bullshit school or cops might give you so you should have a boxing match. Get some gloves from some friends and box in one of your backyards or even a park (although cops get called to break up fights in parks a lot, although the gloves will help stop you from getting arrested).
Also, fight fair. If you fight dirty you'll get a shitty rep and no one will like you. Even if you lose you'll get props for having the guts to go through with the fight.
Also, dont puss out.
You are an idiot. This is the worst advice I've ever seen in H/A.
OP, listen to some of the good advice in this thread and just ignore him. Nothing good will come from fighting him.
Hey, did I say "Buy a gun and shoot him?" No, I said buy a gun. If someone knows you have a weapon, it's extremely unlikely that they'll attack you with their fists, especially over something like what was described in the OP.
Of course, carrying a gun on school grounds is a bad idea, but I'm assuming that this person doesn't plan to attack the TC at school, anyway.
And if your really desperate, carry sand or black pepper pepper spices in your pocket and throw them at his eyes like a ninja. He'll be crying and shit and you could easily finish him.
Yea? And what if he steals his weapon and blows the OPs brains out.
If he wanted to kill the OP, he'd get a gun himself.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
EDIT: Buying a gun is seriously fucking retarded.
Keep in mind that many schools nowadays have zero tolerance policies on violence. Even if you don't start the fight, you may end up kicked out of school merely for defending yourself (sounds unfair, but schools are not courts, they have no onus upon them to establish guilt or even investigate evidence really).
As far as particular moves go, if this tubby bitch comes charging at you, I'm a big fan of the edge of foot stomp on his shin move. It's half kick, half stomp. You step forward lifting and turning your forward foot inward and thrust it down and forward onto his upper shin, letting your weight carry it straight down along his shin until you end by stomping on the top of his foot.
This won't cause serious injury (remember, shin, not knee!) and as far as the Navy is concerned, this is a "green zone strike" meanining minimal risk of permanent injury and belonging to the lowest tier of physical force.
And for god sakes, avoid fighting him. There's nothing you can to do prevent a little violence if he comes running at you, but if you want to do the mature thing, don't allow yourself to be intimidated by him. Just walk away, and don't respond to his stupid chest-beating. Let it go.
You mess with the dolphin, you get the nose.
That doesn't change the fact that this is absolutely horrible advice. Seriously, what part of you thought it was in any way smart of you to say this?
To the OP, be the bigger man. Fighting solves nothing and proves nothing as well. You can fight this kid, he may kick your ass or you might beat him. Chances are either outcome will not be the end of anything.
9th grader? There is no rep to preserve here, ignore him, you guys will look like fucking retards to anyone besides your closest friends. You and him will probably have such a dumb sissy fight it wont even matter who wins, you will both be the laughing stock of school.
You think you're going to gain some honour out of this? You think your high-school reputation even matters? Are you following some kind of douchebag little-kid bushido?
Look, talk to this guy and hash out the problem like adults. You've got lots to lose in this fight, and nothing to gain.
Thank you, Rubacava!
You mess with the dolphin, you get the nose.
Think about this right now, think about it hard.
If you fight this kid at school, there is pretty much a 99% chance that you will BOTH get suspended. It doesn't matter who instigated the fight, you will both be suspended. Think about your future, forget your fucking "rep" or whatever you think you're protecting here.
Just stay the fuck away from this kid and don't put yourself into a position to get in a fight with him. I'm not telling you to fall on the ground crying or do nothing if he hits you, I'm telling you to avoid the situation entirely. Stay surrounded by friend you trust, try to stay within general sight of any school officials, and for god sakes don't meet him for a fight. If this guy comes up to you and says some bullshit like "3:00 by the basketball courts" or something just don't fucking go.
If the next day your friends are giving you shit because you didn't show up to a fight than you need to find some new friends. Simply tell them that you don't want to get suspended because that goes on your permanent record and will need to be reported when you go to college. If your so-called friends don't see this as a valid argument than seriously, re-evaluate your peer group.
Take the higher path, it will probably shock and confuse this neanderthal of a human being. If for some reason you are jumped by this kid during lunch or something and he starts wailing on you I BEG OF YOU to simply take a defensive position. Make it clear to the school officials that show up to the fight that you were simply trying to protect yourself through your actions. Block his punches, tell him that you're not a fucking animal and you're not gonna fight him over something trivial.
It will be hard, but afterwards when that kid is suspended for a week and you're still in school with a clean record you'll be glad you did it.
Even better, cover your bases now.
Go to your school's office, tell them you've been threatened. Once you tell them this you are pretty much indemnified from being punished if he starts a fight with you. Tell them that you don't want them to call in this kid and tell him you've told them this because it will just cause further harassment by him and his friends. Explain this in a calm manner, tell them you're going to avoid the kid and not try to instigate anything. Basically you're giving them a heads up. If/when something happens, this kids throws the first punch, you will more than likely not be suspended from school which should be your ultimate goal here.
This is a serious thing, if you have any thoughts about going to college you might have a perfect transcript but once they see you had problems with violence at school, you're going to be fighting an uphill battle in the college admissions process. Colleges don't have to take everybody and they certainly aren't going to want to bring someone in who has been shown to be a troublemaker in the past.
Hero gets a minor offense for telling him to get a weapon.
All you people who told him not to fight: props.
Oh, and Mosin walks away with a perma-ban for the gun thing. I don't really give a shit what his record is, that would've been a perma-ban, regardless.