I'll say up front that, besides
liking shiny new technology, I'm not exactly tech-savvy. If some kind of system specs are needed to answer a question, I'm sure I can look them up, I just probably won't know what it means (but the problem itself might not require any of that info, either).
The problem I'm having is that I'll be browsing the web, and then every so often,
everything just stops loading after clicking a link. As in, the loading bar stops in the middle of loading, same spot every time, and sits there until I resolve to disconnecting and reconnecting wi-fi. Then it works fine until it happens again. I'm not sure of the exact amount of time in between failures, but I want to say it feels like every 30 or so minutes, or maybe less time than that? I've never sat and timed it; the only thing ever going through my head when this happens is "fuck!"
The second problem is it'll sometimes completely load a page, but then
links won't work. I could click it 10,000 times and it won't go, but a simple refresh will render it clickable again.
Other devices in the house don't seem to have this hiccup issue, so I'm guessing it's in the computer (even though I don't want to think so, as it's not even a year old yet).
I don't know when it started doing this, either.
I've tried different browsers, but they still do it, too--seemingly more frequent than Safari does it. I can't find anything about the problem, except the closest result I found said something like changing DNS numbers, or something like that? I did so, and I don't think it helped.
At the time of this writing, everything should be updated; I'm running Safari v6.0.2 and I just upgraded from Lion to Mountain Lion v10.8.2 about a week or so ago. Note that it's been doing this since before the upgrades, so those can probably be ruled out.
If this were a blue moon kind of thing, I wouldn't sweat it. But needless to say, it's been getting frustrating, especially being frequent enough to continually interrupt regular browsing. First world problems, but I'm tired of it. I sure hope someone might recognize this issue, and have a solution in mind.
This seems to only happen with safari for my users that are having the problem.
Also, is it possible that your computer is inside a zone with wireless interference? If your computer is always at the same spot, try moving it somewhere else. Remember that if a computer and a router are too close from each other, it could create interference between the two devices.
Finally, you can try to ping any webserver and see if you drop any packets. On a Mac, go in the Utilities folder inside Applications and start Network Utility. Look for the Ping tab and try to ping any IP address (you can try, it's Apple's server) for a long time (500 pings by example) and you should see if you lose any packets in the box.
It is okay to lose some packets, the Internet is a complicated thing! For example, I've pinged Apple's server 500 times and lost about 5 packets. A Ping test may not prove anything but it may help finding part of your computer's problem.
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