CANCELLED - Pre-PAX Board Game Night at the Seaport Boston Hotel
Unfortunately, negotiations with the Seaport didn't work out after all. There will not be a coordinated gaming space there for this year. If you are staying at the Seaport and want to game in the lobby, you're welcome to find whatever seating you can.
This year, for the first time ever, PAX East will have not 1, not 2 but (tentatively) 3 pre-PAX gaming nights, staggered throughout the Boston Metro area for your gaming pleasure. Attend one or all! See below for details.
UPDATE: Negotiations with the Seaport have gotten complicated and it's now unclear whether there will be a space set aside for games or not. Please check back on this thread for updates before committing yourself to this event.WHAT: A coordinated meetup the night before PAX for anyone with board games, or anyone who wants to play boardgames.
WHERE: Seaport Boston Hotel: 200 Seaport Blvd.
Specific location within the hotel is TBD.WHEN: Thursday March 21
Start Time TBD - the hotel is putting us in a ballroom after another group vacates it. More details soon...ALTERNATE GAME MEETUPSBoardGame of Thrones Game Night at the Westin : 4:00 PM, 200-300 Seats
Shadow Moses Game Night at the Boston Mariott : 8:00 PM, 50-100 Seats
Details TBD. Boston just got hit with a huge snowstorm and discussions are still catching up after the delays it caused.
HOW IT WORKS On the Thread
1. If you have games to bring, please post what you're bringing.
2. If you're looking to play a specific game, please post your request.
3. Please post your game/requests on the thread for the hotel that you plan to attend.
Once Present at the Hotel
1. Your coordinator for the night is TBD. Any volunteers?
2. If you've got a game and are looking for players, put the box top of the game vertically on your table. This is the universal sign for "I don't care who you are, please join us"
3. If you're looking to join a game, look for vertical box tops.
- Being good guests is critical to this event's welcome at the hotel. Don't be a dick.
- The hotel is giving us amazing space and service
for free. The best way to show your appreciation is to support the hotel bar and restaurant while you're there.
- Please sit in one of the designated gaming areas to game. If you get asked by the hotel staff to move, please be respectful and honor their request.
GAME ON!!Requested Games
Arkham Horror
Available Games
Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
The last two years there's been gaming in the lobby Sunday night as well for anyone hanging around; last year there was a great group playing Cards Against Humanity fairly late.
Also, I'll have Munchkin and Cards Against Humanity!
I'm pretty much a PC Gamer exclusively, but willing to try new things.
And another storm today! Goodie!
Any updates, or info on the overall approach here? Just trying to evaluate whether I'll be antisocial and board-game in a hotel room, or come down and be antisocial in a group .
There probably won't be as many people or as many games as in the Westin, but we're still taking over a sizable chunk of the rooms they have. So come down, look around, and if you don't find anything that suits you the bigger group is a 5-minute walk away (if that).
PAX East 2014 Checklist:
[X] - Pre-registered | [ ] - Train tickets | [ ] - Time Off
Remember that the Westin may also be full-up with two hotels converging on it for gamenight.
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja