On the mobile version of the site, the page navigation buttons are fairly tiny. Since the mobile site doesn't seen to support zooming (at least in iOS safari) can I ask for bigger page buttons so a thumb doesn't cover at least 3 of them?
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
on Android Chrome, when you click on page buttons that are too small and/or too close to one another, a big mini-zoom pops up for just those few buttons allowing you to select which one you wanted. I browse the forums on my personal Android and love this feature. Zooming in general also works on Android Chrome.
I don't know if iOS Chrome has something like that, but I use Safari on my iPhone so I can't test.
I usually don't have too much trouble hitting the correct page or whatnot, but it happens occasionally and that would be a nice change.
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if it helps, under mobile chrome's accessibility settings, you can have chrome forcibly allow zooming even if the webpage doesn't want it
no idea if safari has a similar setting
I don't know if iOS Chrome has something like that, but I use Safari on my iPhone so I can't test.