I have done a bit more research on the matter and I have found this site which has a routine on it , well two routines actually. I am leaning more towards the 3x3 and I am wanting to both increase my strength and my size, have that nice looking form and such, but also be able to use it not just have it as weak mass. I am wondering if it seems good to those of you you may have been working out a bit more than myself, and if you have any advice. I have been following a combo of both the strength and the size/strength routines for a week now, and also been eating a good bit healthier.
I do have a few questions though:
- I have been trying to up my lean protein and useful carbs, not just bread but having more brown rice, barley ,and such.
- I have been eating tons of vegetables and fruits.
- I have also been drinking a protein drink right after working out to have that boost of protein taken in with all the nutrients in the drink as well.
This sound good to you guys? Smart? Horrible? Any comments?
Also, the workout(s) I am following is at this sight :
I workout 4 times a week (Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat) and I am seeking something that works into that that can get me what it is I want, which is as I stated both size and strength (and to lose the belly fat I have).
Thank you for any advice given, it is greatly appreciated.
"If nothing is impossible, than would it not be impossible to find something that you could not do?" - Me
If I were going to do anything differently, I'd try dropping your grain intake and getting your carbs from increased fruits, sweet potatoes, and root vegetables instead. Depending on your particular body chemistry, it might help with keeping the fat off.
If you're looking for other workout plans to consider, try a Google search for "Starting Strength" or "Wendler 5/3/1." They are simple and effective, especially for beginners.
Use a 6 day diet. That one day where you can eat anything you want (within reason; you still shouldn't eat junk) does a lot mentally to help you stick with the diet the rest of the week. It's the only way I've been able to keep up with it over the long haul.
Get a stand up desk at work. Even if you have to put your keyboard/monitor on boxes, or put cement blocks under your desk. Standing up at work, alone, burns 100-200 extra calories per day. Your legs and back will get stronger too. And you basically get these benefits for free, as it does not consume any extra time out of your day.