Possible bookmark enhancement

Blood DriveBlood Drive Registered User regular
I use the nifty star icon up there next to my name to do a quick run through my bookmarks when I visit the site. While that's certainly handy you have to scroll all the way back up your page or hit a link to get back to the top of the page to hit the next book mark in the list.
As it stands it would be awesome if that same star could perhaps be down at the bottom of the page for much easier access. Perhaps located next to the page bar so you can make sure you are on the last page and can hit up your next bookmark. It would probably have to scroll the popup window upwards at that point.

Just a thought!


  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    There's the breadcrumbs down there already, so I'd just duplicate the rest of the functions and searchbar.

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