I don't see a lot of people going for this unless it's super early. Some people have to rush the Expo, others really want that Storytime.
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There's a Dunkin Donuts 0.5 miles away 10 minutes from the expo center, we can meet there for a quick breakfast and be back in line before the crowds happen.[img][/img]
I plan on driving in from Littleton, MA to Boston should take me 40 minutes. I can be there for around 6. Everyone is welcome to come by, all I know is I plan on getting a little Dunkins before the expo.
DD by the expo will be a mad house. It always is the between 7-8 on Pax Days, especially Friday when you combine the business people going to work with the first day convention crowd who didn't read the NO ONE IN BEFORE 8 signs and are now wandering aimlessly around looking for anything open
There are 2 DDs closer than the one you mentioned: one over on Congress St near the Children's Museum and one inside South Station.
Also, there are 2 very good diners right near by:
Mul's Diner 75 W Broadway (corner of W Broadway and A St. right by Broadway T station) 5am-2pm
South Street Diner 178 Kneeland St (next to South Station, at the bus terminal end of the block) Open 24 hours
So is anyone else interested I have a feeling we may not get a group together last minute I know, but just thought a small breakfast before PAX starts Friday morning would be a great start to the day.
So is anyone else interested I have a feeling we may not get a group together last minute I know, but just thought a small breakfast before PAX starts Friday morning would be a great start to the day.
I'm interested, but I'm at the Westin, so I don't want to travel too far away from the hotel and BCEC.
south street diner is walkable from the bcec and is a decent choice; there's some discussion about it in the last page or so of the restaurant thread if you want more info.
Ok ladies and gentlemen I will be arriving in Boston tomorrow morning and getting some much needed breakfast before the convention. So please if anyone wishes to meet up around South Station for PAX Breakfast send me a message and ill give you my cell or kik me
Kik- a_harrington1
I plan on driving in from Littleton, MA to Boston should take me 40 minutes. I can be there for around 6. Everyone is welcome to come by, all I know is I plan on getting a little Dunkins before the expo.
Also, there are 2 very good diners right near by:
Mul's Diner 75 W Broadway (corner of W Broadway and A St. right by Broadway T station) 5am-2pm
South Street Diner 178 Kneeland St (next to South Station, at the bus terminal end of the block) Open 24 hours
If South Street Diner is an option, I'd also highly suggest Max's Deli in the Finanical District.
Unfortunately our lease ended on February 28th and we have closed the Boston location.
Oh well.
They have room for 20+ at 7:00 am
Any takers ?
Kik- a_harrington1