Saints Row IV™ - From the Crack House to the White House. The ball-busting next chapter in the Saints Row franchise, is starting a party in your pants this August.
War for Humanity E3 Trailer
Saints Row IV has been announced for release on 8/20/13 for North America and 8/23/13 worldwide. It was originally planned as a standalone expansion for Saints Row: The Third and called Enter the Dominatrix. A decision was made at the end of last year to make it a full blown sequel and give it a longer development cycle with the ETD content wrapped in. The basic story has been revealed that the head of the Saints has been elected President of the United States, leading the charge against an alien force in a struggle to save humanity. Players will "wield gargantuan superpowers" and have an "arsenal of alien weaponry and technology" at their disposal, as well as the ability to leap buildings, outrun enemies and use telekinesis.
We're leaving
@VolitionInc in full creative control of the long-in-development #SaintsRowIV with additional time for polishing. No rushing!
The Saints Row IV Teaser Trailer! Analysis
43 Screenshots snapped from the trailer with comments. Some of this info was from the trailer analysis, and some of it is my own:
Part I: Game mechanics and non-spoilery pics
New suit and robot dance taunt
New pants
Flopping wang physics with black censor bar. This is something that Volition wanted to do for SRTT and ended up pulling it (no pun intended) at the last minute and using the SR2 mosaic. This likely means that super crazy breast bouncing is in as well that suffered the same fate.
Super powers running
Super powers running with a Flash outfit
Player leaping into the air getting ready to ground pound with his fist
Ground pound connects
Freeze palm blast
Freeze palm blast effect on npc
Shattering frozen npc with a punch like Subzero in Mortal Kombat
Super uppercut sends npcs flying similar to Saints Row 1 drunken punching
Super uppercut connect and sends npc flying. You can see his shoes in the top right
More super uppercut
Super kick also sends npc flying straight up
Fuck yeah! Telekinesis!
More flight
Looks like the 1920s mobster car from the SR2 DLC
Monster truck returns!
X-2 Phantom returning. Also, VR symbols on the cop car and road signs
Hard to see in the pic, but watch the trailer again for this part. Hydraulics are back!
Laser rifle
Laser rifle and Space Amazon suit from one of the outfit dlc packs
Laser pistol with scope
Looks to be the laser pistol sans scope
Guitar case machine gun from the movie Desperado. Hopefully we get a rocket launcher version as well!
Gun that inflates/expands npc's heads. Looks like super fun times. Please god let us be able to use this on our coop partner.
Fuck yeah! Mechs!
You are definitely piloting it in this part of the trailer. I really hope we can customize them too.
Part II: Story conjecture and pics
Sepia toned politics shot.
Another sepia tone pic. The house interior is a big clue that we're in the past and that there is some kind of time travel mechanic. Perhaps the aliens went back in time to make you not-President and you have to go correct it like Star Trek First Contact. Also, that looks like a custom walk animation. Custom walks may be reinstated from sr2!
I disagree with xFL1PPYx that this is whored mode. It has the same sepia filter as the time travel pics, and is likely story related instead. Something possibly with the mutated Saints Flow.
Saints Flow can fight aftermath. Once again, see the filter on it.
Looks like a boss alien. Possibly the final fight against Zinyak. Cool cape. Player slides underneath him.
Player comes up behind and uses Tai-Chi to redirect force and flip the alien. Looks very Matrix-y like the dojo training.
More fight stuff with player's legs locked around the alien's neck, likely about to flip spin him.
Fighting aliens in Kinzie's warehouse crib
Looks to be a stationary turret section
Possible cutscene that may be showing a new crib and secret service homies
Player going into (or coming out of) the VR booth. It's likely that the superpowers will be available only in VR.
Huge mutated Saints Flow can that we originally saw on the EtD news release
Saints Row IV official Screenshots!More Media!
Link to the original huge wallpaper version of the above pic:
Previous Saints Row: The Third thread:
Steam ID: Good Life
lol... this may be closer to a Prototype without the virus though? :P
Oleg is probably telling creationist to go fuck a tree as the Minister of Education.
With more giant robots
And the option to play as a big lady body slamming super soldiers
Aw yis
I mean didn't it just change developers to...*sigh*
I mean I'll probably buy it but am somewhat worried now.
It didn't change developers - Volition is still developing it.
What it did do is change publishers from THQ to Deep Silver.
Volition is still the developer. They only changed owners/publishers. i.e. Koch Media and Deep Silver who are on record stating that they have given Volition full creative control to do what they want.
And the fact that Boss looks like he's basically Superman at this point is awesome.
This will probably end up feeling like Saints Row 3.5 with super powers. I don't care. Its going to be awesome.
@Dragkonias: I was thinking the same thing. Kind of a corrupt superman takes over and then some bad guys come along. Not "Irredeemable" level corrupt, but bad nonetheless.
I really fucking hope they fix the wardrobe customization, though.
edit - Not that I'm saying the game wasn't fun, but sometimes the characters didn't seem to be also enjoying themselves.
The Presidential Seal, dude.
Like I liked how over the top everything was kind SR3 main story fell kind of flat towards the end.
Plus it's not like they can repeat my biggest annoyance with 3 (Johnny Gat) again, so they have that going for them.
I think it's pretty easy to see how this came about. After declaring Steelport its own independent Saints-run nationstate, the US military kept trying to take it back with the expected limited amount of success. The Boss, eventually growing tired of having her strip shows constantly interrupted by US tanks in dire need of blowing up, decided to use the massive profits from Saints in Space to buy the presidency run a successful presidential campaign.
And that's how the Boss went from street thug to president.
This is probably true.
Has he not been in the son for a year?
Steam ID: Good Life
Aren't the Saints Dethklok level celebrities at this point?
Steam: BrocksMullet
Hoping the map is much bigger this time too tbh.
Yes my oh!
That's what I meant with the getting away with it part.
It looks like it's going to be a pretty packed second half for people who like open world games. GTA V, Saints Row IV, Assassin's Creed IV and Watch Dogs. I wouldn't be surprised if Just Cause 3 ended up as a launch title for next-gen systems as well.
I mean that if the boss is the President, then killing cops woudln't exactly help his approval ratings... but then again abject terror means none shall stand against the Saints and all, lest they get an alien tentacle bat to the face.
and the fact that Boss is crazy.
I'm down.
There was tons of funny in SR2 (and SR1, though to a slightly lesser extent).
The difference was it was the really crazy stuff was optional, with all the funny in the "main story" being mostly regulated to dialogue and the world wasn't as unrealistic as SR3's. This gave the game more variety because you could play through your somewhat serious gang war story, but you could also be a man in a hot dog suit spraying sewage at people and beating up mimes with a mailbox.
In SR3, however, you are already the man in the hot dog suit the first time you play through the game. I like doing crazy run-throughs of these kind of games, but they do lose their charm, especially when that's the only option. Then you throw in how SR3 had less of everything else (Missions, Activities, Diversions, Clothing, etc.) and it doesn't quite attain the level of replayability that SR2 had.
On a related note, SR1 and 2 both had "shit just got real" serious scenes where something tragic happens that the Boss has to react to. SR3 only did this once and only if you go for the bad ending (they could have done it earlier in the story with a certain character, but they totally dropped the ball on it).
Still, SR3 was fun and did get more hours put into it than your average game (just not as much as SR2). Reusing assets should hopefully have given them more time for including additional content so SR4 should be an improvement though.