Hi there the good people of Penny Arcade I originally came here to build a player based for Anarchy Reigns, but after encounter some rather rude players it got me thinking are we really still in the age where we tolerate an put up with such behavior. I admit this is no easy task or it be solved but with things such as trolling which we've all done sadly but that problem is easily solved just ignore them I'm talking about people who kick low levels for being new or using the word noob in a derogatory manner or generally mock someone just because of there skill and ruins others fun etc. But how do we truly tackle such behavior because it takes a lot of man hours and money in some cases to have active professional mods and I rarely hear people reporting such things, I honestly not sure what we could do to solve this that why I'm asking for help from what is considered the best community on the web.
thanks for reading this and I'd love to see if this interest you guys.
Mind you this role isn't needed just for video games; anything a kid does should have parent involvement to teach how to manage the emotions and situations that arise. I just stress it though because video games still have a stigma where people don't want to get involved with games even vicariously, which is the actual danger.
I get that sounds too idealist but no harm in trying.