Welcome to the Starcraft 2 thread
You've arrived at the official Penny Arcade StarCraft 2 discussion page. Here we discuss everything from the game, the races, balance issues, tournaments, and the culture (K-Pop, etc). Be warned, this thread moves quickly, especially when live events are happening.
StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm has released worldwide! Go buy your copy today and help Kerrigan destroy the Terran and Protoss menace.
How to play with PA people.
1) Log into Battle.net and join the group Penny Arcade (on the NA realm). We all hang out there. Chat, 1v1 lobbies, and team shenanigans are always going on!
2) Sign up for a replay site such as gamereplays.org or drop.sc. This is a site where you can upload your replays. The perfect way to share your replays with the thread and get advice on how to get better. Gamereplays lets you post the cool banner that you frequently see on the internets and drop.sc lets you upload replays without having to create a new account.
3) Register with the PA SC2 1v1 Ranking site. Sign up for this awesome site to see where you stand amongst fellow PA members. Remember, this is important in the nurturing and expanding of your e-peen. Add yourself by clicking on [Manage Characters] on the top right side.
4) Sign up for the PA mumble page. Sign up if you want to chat with fellow PA users during games or watching tournaments. Thanks to Exoplasm for hosting the service and providing the step-by-step process for installing mumble.
Where can I watch some good tournaments and streams?
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I have my positive and my negative feelings about ranked matches, but the negative feelings aren't associated with losing points, they're just associated with flat out losing
and that doesn't change in unranked
I completely agree. the loss is as bad but I know less about the game, or feel like I do anyway. as in our ranks.
re: post about needing 4 hatcheries to fight two nexus, if you get 6 lings in the base early you win the game. I feel like there is a balance there
Edit: Also, you're all right. My mic is horrible.
...all the achievements, even
Crap, i was just about to post this.
I mean the guy in question is a fuckwit for doing it, but is it really cheese or just an aggressive opener?
i'm not having this discussion again
Thought my macro was OK (still a bit rusty but better than my opponent) up to the 10 min mark. I then decided to try and put a bit of pressure on to make sure they don't over expand: I ran my army over to their base, checked for a third and then pulled up outside his natural to see what was up there. I have got a bit better at just running into the natural so sent a marine up to check on what was going on, at which point his army walked down the ramp and smashed my face in.
What should I be doing in this situation? I feel like if I leave him to mass up a death ball I die horrible but also if I engage at 12 mins with my roughly equal size army I also die horribly. I'm, sure there is some kind of key strategic point I am missing here but no idea at all what it is
I just got the blue screen of death during a match. Served to remind me that you can't win 100% of the time and it's just a game. I'm very quickly getting over my fear of laddering.
Also, I haven't made a single unit that wasn't a marine or an SCV yet. Best comp so far: 49 SCVs 47 Marines at 10 min
My Digital Pin Lanyard || PAX East '13, '14, '15, '19 | PAX South '15
-Your command centre at the natural was about 30 seconds late - it should go down at 3:30. This is very significant.
-Your CC in your main was idle from 3:41 to 3:54 due to you being distracted by a scout probe. This is nearly a full worker build time worth of delay.
-small non-macro thing - put the bunker at the natural ramp vs Protoss, not near the command centre. If you were playing against me and did this, I would mercilessly punish you with stalker harass with the bunker there.
-your money is floating up at 5:30 - this is because you made your extra two raxes a bit late, which in turn was because you overmade supply depots - you're at 28/46 and still making another one. This is a lot of wasted minerals that should be invested into production buildings sooner to help you spend your money on useful things
-you have similar small mistakes up to around 10mins
Let me clear - all of these mistakes are really minor (except the CC), but let me show you how they all add up into some real bad shit.
To summarize, you attack at 11mins, and while you make a pretty significant mistake (you move-command into his army and lose a few units as a result, the real thing that lost you the game was fixable entirely by macro.
At 11:00 when your forces collide outside his base, you have 8 marauders, 24 marines, stim, no combat shields, and 2 medivacs at your base. You have no weapon upgrades. You also have 54 scvs, and a total of 104 supply.
To illustrate the difference, I quickly ran through a 1rax FE into 3rax medivac same as your build. This is the build I do when I offrace TvP, so I'm decent at it.
in the game I just played, running through the same build. At 11:00, I have 8 marauders, 33 marines, 4 medivacs (2 are in middle of the map, two are with my army), stim, combat shields, +1 weapons, +1 armour started, 57 scvs, and 120 total supply.
So that's 4 medivacs you don't have, two upgrades (combat shield and +1 weapons) and another 9 marines and 3 scvs at exactly the same time point in the game. I also have three more barracks building at home to continue the game if this push does nothing. That final battle, even with the micro mistake you made, suddenly goes WAY better and you probably win the game right there.
something to brighten me up once I'm home from pax
so glad I wasted time on the forum before leaving for the con, almost forgot my mousepad again.
I don't say the above to shred your self confidence in your macro, because your macro was actually not that bad. But it's important to be able to recognise precisely how and where it can be better, and what impact that would have on your game. And as we see in this example, it's the difference between a win and a loss.
Am I right about attacking around this point in time though? I feel like if I was playing against a Protoss who had decent macro they would end up having a bigger army too.
Also, how should I micro against the P army, I assume just stutter step?
If you are watching your replays as you should, you will notice quickly whether you are able to stutter micro and produce simultaneously.
Just find it a little frustrating that I can do ridiculous mech builds with almost no upgrades that beat Diamond P's but can't for the life of my get my head round bio and lose in platinum league every time.
I recognize that not having one early is costing me if I get attacked early, but I don't want to sacrifice early probes to get one.
Yeah yeah I'm bitter after getting absolutely stomped by 2 terrans on the ladder. I just don't see what's suppose to happen here. How does one engage bio/WM?
I think most people start it whenever the core finishes.
Not the unit itself, but the sequence of events that lets my opponent get them outside my base with an army standing on top of them
I do not understand how ZvZ develops now after the initial ling/bane shenanigans
Someone educate me
mutas as far as the eye can see
Why is the zvz meta all mutas? I only recently started playing multi again, and I'm curious how it developed this way.
they are now 4.0 movespeed up from 3.75 and regen an extra 1hp/s in or out of combat.