Lost and Found

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
I believe all L&F stuff at the end of PAX is turned over to the MCCA.

Their lost and found website is here: http://wf.massconvention.com/publicsafety/

Please consolidate any posts about lost and found to this thread.


  • wishfullthinkingwishfullthinking Lord & Master IoRegistered User new member
    Earlier today, between 2:30 and 5:00, I lost a small black notebook (about 6.5" tall x about 4.5" wide). I either lost it at the Tabletop Gaming Terrain 101 Panel (Sphinx Theater), on the show floor (likely near the Indie Megabooth) or on the way from one to the other.

    It had a beige rubber band holding it closed and a black rubber band that is built into the notebook holding it open to the current page (page 22, I think). It has about 20-22 pages full of writing (and various scribbles) in the front, and a bit less than 20 pages written in the back (the back pages are labeled 'Awesome Band Names' - it's a running joke between me and my best friend).

    The actual contents of the notebook are really only useful to me, it's basically my to-do list/ideas. However, it is very important to me. Please let me know if you find it. I can't offer much in the way of a reward, but I do have a beta key for SmashMuck Champions, and a key for the PAXEast LoL skins (both are obviously unredeemed). If you find my notebook, and can return it to me (mail it, or whatever), they're yours if you want them. Don't think I have anything else left, but I can look through my stack of flyers/buisness cards; if I come across anything else I haven't redeemed then I will post an update.

    Thank you for your help.

  • wishfullthinkingwishfullthinking Lord & Master IoRegistered User new member

  • wishfullthinkingwishfullthinking Lord & Master IoRegistered User new member
    monday morning bump.

  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    I don't see much for notebook here yet - but have you filed a lost report with this?

  • wishfullthinkingwishfullthinking Lord & Master IoRegistered User new member
    no, thank you very much, though. I didn't know that existed.

  • Tony WilsonTony Wilson Registered User new member
    I took a cab on my way to the bus depot heading home, and I found a signed copy of Mass Effect 3 that someone is probably very sad about losing. I want to ship it back to the person who lost it.

    Seeing as anyone could claim it, I need to make sure the right person speaks up. If you lost your signed copy of Mass Effect 3, please PM with your first name (the name the signed part is made out to), who signed it, and what edition it is. If you happen to know the cab number, that would be perfect, as I still have my receipt.

    Please nobody flag this is as spam or creepily asking people for their name in a PM - I am completely serious about wanting to get this lost game back to its owner.

  • sidran32sidran32 MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    Might be a good idea to post this on Reddit in /r/pax as well.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I merged the existing two threads about lost and found items into this one, in case anyone is wondering why posts are referencing the website I linked in the OP.

  • vttymvttym Ardent Gamer Northern NJRegistered User regular
    Lost: Screaming monkey with yellow leopard woot cape. Was to be my crossbow for Assassin's ball, but the bugger fled captivity some time on Friday.

  • cocowoushicocowoushi Registered User regular
    Found: A Derpy Pony Messenger Bag that had a water bottle in the Handheld Lounge. It was Saturday around 5-o'clock or so and the bag had been sitting there for over an hour. People had already pulled away the sumo bag it was next to and I asked the people around if the bag belonged to any of them before I turned it over to the Enforcers at the Handheld Lounge. It was filled with stuff but I didn't riffle through it, but it was definitely not bought at the Con.

    I hope whoever it belonged to managed to get it back.

  • purevalpureval Somersworth, NH Registered User regular
    We lost a few things over the weekend. Contacted the BCEC but no luck so far.
    1. Sometime Friday my son lost his water bottle. Blue bottle with his name written lightly on it. Lost either in line for or in the main theatre for the concerts.
    2. My daughter lost a black infant sock in the queue room Sunday morning. We were in the fourth line (first one after the empty spot for the poles.)
    3. Finally at some point my travel charger for my phone/Kindle disappeared. It does not have the wire in it. Motorola USB charger.

    If anyone grabbed these we would love to have them back.

  • AlpineAnticAlpineAntic Registered User regular
    Someone stole my Never Winter bag full of swag at the Elder Scrolls party. In it was my signed State of Decay shirt :(

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I turned in a 3DS in a case to enforcers in the classic console area. Hope whomever lost it found it.

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    My friend lost a white bag that had some Genesis games in it that he bought, if anybody finds anything please let me know.

  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    I'm pretty sure this is lost forever, but I had an MC Frontalot pin signed by Front himself on my bag, and then I looked down and it wasn't there anymore. It was a white pin, signed by him and he wrote PAX 2013 on it. If anyone actually found and turned it in, I'd love to get that back.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I found a cell phone in the mezzanine ladies room at the Westin and turned it in to the Westin lost and found.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • Zer0Zer0 Boston, MARegistered User regular

    If anyone happened across, or accidentally walked off with a black Sony digital camera on Friday, the 22nd some time between 4:00 and 5:00 pm, I'd be extremely grateful if they would contact me here. It has 5 years worth of pictures on the memory card, not all of which I have copies of anymore due to a very recent hard drive crash.

    I filed a report with convention center security on Friday, but nothing's turned up yet. So, if anyone can help me out, I would very, very much appreciate it.


  • reverend_tobiasreverend_tobias Registered User regular
    A person in our party found a red 3DS in the Handheld Lounge. If you can tell me what game was in the card slot and what your Mii looks like/is named, we'll ship it out to you soon.

  • ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    A person in our party found a red 3DS in the Handheld Lounge. If you can tell me what game was in the card slot and what your Mii looks like/is named, we'll ship it out to you soon.

    I really hope this wasn't the 3DS that went missing/was stolen from a 7yo during the con :/ In future, if anyone finds something that isn't theirs, pretty pretty please bring it to the nearest Enforcer and we'll bring it to info/lost and found.

  • CoanCoan TorontoRegistered User regular
    Indeed, since not everyone reads the boards that goes to pax...

    Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
  • casslcassl Registered User new member

    I lost this on the Saturday of PAX East, and it has a lot of sentimental value. I know the chances of anyone actually having it are slim to none, but I've got to explore every possible avenue of investigation. I tried the lost and found at the BCEC multiple times to no avail. If you happen to have this or can think of a better place to inquire further, any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    I didn't find any 4chan.org links at PAX, maybe someone else did.

This discussion has been closed.