Ok, I lied...it's not starcraft 2, but it IS starcraft 3D. Screens:
It's essentially a mod that uses elements from both Warcraft 3 and Starcraft to make a 3d Starcraft experience. I don't really know much else about it, except they claim to be able to play over Battle.net, and the mod has been in development FOREVER. However, they seem to update their
http://www.wc3campaigns.net/revolution/index.php fairly frequently, so as far as I know it will eventually come out.
Personally, it can't come soon enough. I was super psyched when I initially discovered it, and after nearly a year I'm becoming somewhat discouraged. I stay away from the forums, as they seem to be filled with overly critical, whining, impatient, and otherwise "douche-y" people. So, is anyone else following this mod? Maybe someone knows something I don't. As of right now I'm awaiting its arrival with cautious optomism. It could either be scrapped by blizzard, completely suck, or just never be released for all I know. I hope it comes, and soon--and I hope it's as good as it could be
You will save a lot of injury (on others' part).
Thread did not deliver. Though I didn't really expect it to.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
On a related note, I hate and loathe you now.
SC2 to be announced very soon.
Which is why I jumped straight into this thread as soon as I saw the title.
That was something they talked about very briefly on the last 1up Yours podcast.
Blizzard event, in Korea, game-to-be revealed. Hmm . . .
Exactly where I got it from.
I didn't mean to get people's hopes up.....though now that I think about it from an outside perspective, I'd hate me too (dear sweet jesus mother of God blizzard, I WANT STARCRAFT 2)
Anyways...how do I edit the thread title?
I'm not site whoring. I'm in no way shape or forme even remotely affiliated with these guys. The mod has just piqued my interest for a long time, and I wanted to know what other people thought about it.
Dot dot dot.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
Edit: Hi5 Dublo
Now less hating and more discussing.
I'm personally interested in seeing what the engine is going to be like. Straight Starcraft, or Starcraft with a WC3 flavor? I'm hoping for the former.
Well since I don't want to abandon talk of SC2 completely, is there any other information regarding this event? It does look extremely hopeful for SC2. Personally, I'm not so much interested in the game itself (although I'm sure the gameplay will rock) as finding out what happens next in the SC universe.
I hope they don't expand the number of races though. Or at the very least keep them balanced.
I hope they don't fuck up the balancing like they did with Warcraft 3.
I also hope that my PC can run it. It will be the first PC game I've bought in a long time.
Aaah, fuck. That picture makes me so happy.
I just hope they haven't gotten money hungry from the insane success of WoW and announce a World of Starcraft MMORPG. Because while I would buy it instantly, I would like a true sequel to starcraft 100000x more.
I would cry, and die a little inside. Then I'd reserve a copy
As much as this makes me sound like a crotchety old man, I'm still nursing a grudge with Blizzard over WoW. It's petty, but the fact I'm not playing it makes me dislike Blizzard, because I wish I was but I cannot play that... game... any more. *makes the sign of the cross*
Even if it means I will miss out on a potentially good product, at this stage I would not give Blizzard another dollar.
That picture is outstanding!
The way I figure is, if Blizzard set the game up with insane spec requirements, fuck all people will play the game.
They want to keep it accessible. Another good reason why I love Blizzard.
I want SC2 so badly...
This is probably true. Starcraft was designed to run on older hardware, 640x480 VGA graphics wasn't exactly pushing it when SC came out.
... Maybe SC2 will be 2D... Nah.
This mod needs to be releaised BTW.
If YOU had a personal choice over a guaranteed billion or million, which would you choose?
God, for the last time, if they made a Starcraft MMO, only a tiny fraction of people would keep playing WoW AND play the new one too. Most of their fanbase would either stay on WoW or move on to WoS and stop paying for WoW. The amount of additional money they'd make would be pathetically insignificant, and wouldn't cover the costs of maintaining and updating two MMOs at once. As long as WoW is the most popular thing in the universe (as it is now), they're not gonna make a new MMO.
I mean, hotcakes wish they sold as well as WoW.
I disagree. I think it's perfectly plausible to think that everyone who was able to get their hands on a few hundred bucks for the game (and a few months playing) itself plus has access to a thousand dollar PC will be willing to raise their monthly payments from $15 to $30.
Actually, I'd put real money on SC MMO and WoW being #1 and #2 on the charts for subscription games if they went through with it.
Never ever EVER doubt the buying power of gamers and the latest craze. Or Blizzard's ability to make literally surreal amounts of money.
It's not the buying power that's an issue. It's the gaming time. Most people can't dedicate themselves to consistently playing two MMOs (of course, there is a fringe that can, but that's a tiny minority).
blizzard always aims for the lowest common denominator for hardware
the games look great because of astonishing work by their artists, not because of pixel-shaders
True that.
Look at the models in WC3. So simple, yet it's the texturing that makes them look great.
I can't imagine how gorgeous they will make SC2 look.
Honestly, I do sort of hope that SC2 is in 2D.
But nah, it won't happen.
Well, technically, unless you have actual 3D movement, 3D is pretty superfluous. WC3 would've worked just as well in 2D, because verticality doesn't affect the gameplay in any way.