Seamstress Seamripper Help

jayd8987jayd8987 Registered User new member
Hey, I have been a fan of Penny Arcade for the last...........3 weeks lol. Espically the RSPOD games. I dont know if this is the right thread and usually I'm too stubborn to ask for help on a game but here I am!
On the DLC "Lair of the Seamstress" I just cant defeat her!! I get so close but then she casts "Seamripper" which wipes out my entire team. I've tried interupting but it does not seem to knock her back as much.
If anyone can can aid me with any strategies that have worked I will be as happy as a fruit f***er with an Orange lol.
Jay :oD


  • jippeejippee Registered User regular
    First, take out the cointhingy that ups the offensive power of all 3 enemies, before it casts its first spell. After that make sure to keep health and stats up as high as possible while throwing every lasting damaging effect on her and don't be afraid to defend at times.

    Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
    and trundled off to the jungle
    off she rode with a trumpety trump
    trump trump trump

  • PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    One of Diva's last abilities gives you one extra chance - i.e., when the party is wiped, it rezzes everyone. Once per battle.

    And naturally, it's the perfect counter to stuff like that.

    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Easy strat (without going into detail): have Gabe equip the Hobo class. Hobo everything on turn 1 or 2. Now use the 2 MP attack that hurts more to Hobo'd enemies. Start with the attack boosting coin, move to the defense coin, and then finally kill the Seamstress. If you have a Gardener use the MP garden, you can do this every turn. I say Gabe because he'll invariably have the best attack in the group. Of course, everyone else should be layering in DOTs and effects. Moira's slow, Noir, and interrupt are all very handy for not letting the bad team get turns.

  • Starcat5Starcat5 MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    Polaritie wrote: »
    One of Diva's last abilities gives you one extra chance - i.e., when the party is wiped, it rezzes everyone. Once per battle.

    Why didn't someone tell me this in my thread?!? Seriously, I just spent six months trying to beat her, and I had access to auto-revive this entire time? *Facepalm*
    Easy strat (without going into detail): have Gabe equip the Hobo class. Hobo everything on turn 1 or 2. Now use the 2 MP attack that hurts more to Hobo'd enemies. Start with the attack boosting coin, move to the defense coin, and then finally kill the Seamstress. If you have a Gardener use the MP garden, you can do this every turn. I say Gabe because he'll invariably have the best attack in the group. Of course, everyone else should be layering in DOTs and effects. Moira's slow, Noir, and interrupt are all very handy for not letting the bad team get turns.

    This, combined with the debuffs from Necromaster and Elementsor on Jim were the cornerstone of my own strategy. ...well, except for the MP Garden, and I have no idea what "DOTs" means... That said, I never got around Gabe being the only one to survive her big "**** You!" spell. I just lucked out with my potion revives (finally) and got the team rolling again. ...after six months of trying. *Head Desk*

  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    Sounds like you already beat it, but just for posterity, DOTs = damage over time attacks. Jim's Dark Surge (or whatever it's called) replaces skeleton as one of them, you also want the gardener to hit her with the bleed attack and Hobo might be considered one? Or it just reduces her stats, I forget at this point.

  • Starcat5Starcat5 MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    Ah, yes. The cornerstone of ALL my strategies. My personal problem was concentrating on those, while not taking out the Attack Coin fast enough. And after fixing that, the only one with enough Def/M.Def/MaxHP/etc was Gabe, and that was usually in the single to low double digits. After that, it was a race to use potions to revive my healers faster than she could take them down again. The only reason I actually won was because Tycho was in the middle of healing himself when he was taken down and Trust Fund kicked in, thus surviving her next blow. After getting the party up and running again, all that was left was mopping up.

    Looking back, my team was equipped with classes that they weren't actually using for that fight, which I should have swapped out for ones that gave better stat boosts. I'll try to keep that in mind after I finish 4 and marathon the entire series back to back.

  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    My class choices (spellings all a guess):

    Gabe- Hobo + Tube Samurai
    Tycho- Apocolaypst + Gentleman
    Jim- Elemenstor + Gardener
    Moira- Cordwainer + Diva (solely for the rez, the rest of the class is crap)

    Dinosorcerer can also be a solid second for Gabe, the stat boosts are great even if you never transform. The first couple turns, you want Gabe to Hobo everyone and get into speed stance, have Jim get Dark void and bleeding and possibly the MP garden up, Moira should do Speed-up all (and then she's basically utility for the rest of the fight, items, BUFFZ, healing, interrupt, etc), and Tycho can honestly do whatever. Magic up-all or regen or just attacking the target of interest as best he can. The poison prophecy should go off in the first set, but the rest will be a lot less damaging than what Gabe is doing.

  • Starcat5Starcat5 MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    Well, there's my problem. I was using nearly that exact same build, except I had Gardener on Moira, and and had that def-based crab class on Jim instead of Diva. ...and I wasn't using the Apocolaypst abilities at all. No wonder she was kicking my ass.

  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    I'm sure there's lots of ways to do it. Maybe Moira would make a good Hobo and Gabe could focus on Brute abilities that either weaken defense or ignore it entirely. The obvious things are focusing on Physical skills with Gabe and Magic with Jim/Tycho. I am glad that the dungeon has a locked difficulty, so I beat it as hard as it gets.

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