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[Monster Hunter] Wherein we express our hatred for fish wyverns

mere_immortalmere_immortal So tasty!Registered User regular
edited April 2013 in Games and Technology

What is Monster Hunter?


See that guy on the left? That's you! See those kinda scary looking monsters? Those are your prey, doesn't seem too bad!



Monster Hunter is a series about hunting little things, making weapons and armour from the bits of the little things then eventually using those weapons and armour to hunt bigger things. Repeat until the next game in the series comes out.


Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is an updated and uprezzed version of Monster Hunter Tri that was originally released for the Wii. It's due for release on the 22nd March 2013 for both the Wii U and 3DS. Online play is available on the Wii U and to a limited extent on the 3DS, as long as you play through a lan adapted Wii U. (protip: buy a Wii U and play with PA dudes). Data transfer between the Wii U and 3DS is included, so you can do some hunting on your lunch break and come back home to show your buddies your new sword.

Capcom are pretty cool dudes so are patching a bunch of features into the game after release. These are cross region play, Wii U gamepad voice chat, USB keyboard support and off screen play.






Game Info and Useful Stuff

3U G-Rank Armour Sets

Armour Calculator/Database

Monster Hunter Wiki

Armour Skills

Weapons and Weapon Trees

Charm Table Tool

Monster Weakness Guide

Dracil's Awesome Monster Cheat Sheet

Weapon Trees

PA Hunter Roster

Hey you! Go and fill in this Google docs thing with your details to be one of the cool kids!

I'll sort the list by region until the game is patched with cross region play, but you can also view the list here.

Forum Name - Nintendo ID

Elderlycrawfish - Elderlycrawfish
ashdrake - ashdrake
UncleSporky - unclesporky
MonkeyConQueso - MonkeyConQueso
Delphinidaes - delphinidaes
Mystic Terrapin - Ghostosaurus
Brainiac 8 - Brainiac_8
corin7 - corin7
Dr. Phibbs McAthey - DrPhibbs
Rubycat - Rubycat
MordaRazgrom - MordaRazgrom
LeTwig - LeTwig
Mugaaz - Mugaaz
Norumu - Norumu
Iceman2343 - Iceman2343
Spectrum - HopelessDreamer
IncognitoEsq - IncognitoEsq
skeldare - skeldare
Badwrong - badwrong
Malakaius - Malakaius
StompingBadger85 - StompingBadger
Beltaine - Beltaine
Professor Snugglesworth - pols.voice
adventfalls - adventfalls
vagrant_winds - VagrantWinds
Destroyah87 - Destroyah87
fRAWRst - fRAWRst
angrysquirrel - angrysquirrel
Chorazin - Chorazin
Taliosfalcon - talios
jwashke - mrjoshuagiraffe
Manetherenwolf - manetherenwolf
king_sleep - King_sleep
Boosterburn - boosterburn
redringer3 - Redringer3
imperialparadox - imperialparadox
jothki - Jothki
Macho - TheMachoGamer
Bruan - jooncole
Dracil - dracilcegon
Zanshinretsu - Zanshinretsu
Bluecyan - RoninKnight
Cantido - H.R. Paperstacks
Athenor - Athenor
Sake - EskimoHawk
CorporateLogo - CorpLogo

Forum Name - Nintendo ID

mere_immortal - mere_immortal
John Zoidberg - PAJZ83
RavenWinters - SkyKnight87
Jam Warrior - JamWarrior
WotanAnubis - Wotan-Anubis
Adda - AddaUK
Achire - Achire
Kisidan - Tee Kay
Klyka - Klyka1
Sicho - Sicho84

Steam: mere_immortal - PSN: mere_immortal - XBL: lego pencil - Wii U: mimmortal - 3DS: 1521-7234-1642 - Bordgamegeek: mere_immortal
mere_immortal on


  • mere_immortalmere_immortal So tasty!Registered User regular
    Charm Table Fixing

    Charm Tables
    For some reason when you begin a character in 3U you are locked into a specific charm table that the game pulls the charms you can get from. You've no real choice in what you get unless you use the following method. To have a look at all the charm tables go here, but basically you don't want 11, 12, 15, 16 or 17.

    To aim for a specific table make sure your Wii U/3DS is not connected to the internet so it doesn't automatically update. Once you're ready to start a new set your system clock to a few minutes before one of the following times based on which table you want, then set a stopwatch going. Boot up the game and once the stopwatch has counted the remaining time of the table you are looking for press New Game. For instance if you wanted table 1, set your system clock to 00:12:11 and as you press OK start a stopwatch. Boot up the game and once the stopwatch has reached 2m press New Game. You have about a 3 second window for each table so make sure to be precise. Here is a list of the tables and timings with a brief description for each table:

    Normal Tables
    T1 00:14:11~13 - Contains a nice balance of Blademaster and Gunner charms with high stats/many slots, but lacks good Awakening charms and doesn't excel at any one thing
    T2 02:14:39~42 - Feels like an inferior version of T1. Lacks any amazing charms unique to this table, not much to talk about
    T3 00:11:28~30 - All-purpose table. Especially rich in good evasion charms, but has the possibility for many skill setups with a Handicraft +4 OOO charm (with Sharpener -3).
    T4 00:05:47~49 - Good for Blademasters. Has the most charms suited for Lancers, but also contains a Handicraft +4 OOO charm and is good for other Blademasters as well
    T5 00:56:43~45 - Good Evasion Distance and Earplug charms, great for Switch Axe and Heavy Bowgun users. Most of the good charms are Dragon Talismans though, so grinding for them may be a chore
    T6 00:42:17~20 - Leaning towards Blademasters. Has both Handicraft +5 OO and Handicraft +4 OOO. Contains great charms for Evasion and Awakening with other useful skills
    T7 01:43:58~01 - Most plentiful in Evasion charms. If you want Evasion +2 regardless of your weapon, this table has good unique charms
    T8 09:25:48~51 - Above average Evasion and Guard type charms, but slightly lacking in other areas. Its Dragon Talismans tend to be good
    T9 07:09:58~01 - Somewhat geared towards Gunners. Has plenty of charms with a gunner skill combined with Attack +10 or Expert +10. Does have excellent charms for Blademasters but its Handicraft charms are the worst of all tables
    T10 00:14:43~45 - Extremely good charms that combine Handicraft with another skill, such as Handicraft +5 Free Element +7. Is also plentiful in Edgemaster charms and probably gives the highest possible power with pretty much any Blademaster weapon. It does seem to be somewhat lacking in Good Evasion distance charms
    T13 00:07:46~48 - No unique godly charm, but does have a wide variety of good charms in most areas
    T14 00:17:02~05 - Slightly geared towards Blademasters. Many great charms such as Sharpness +4 Free Element +7 and Handicraft +4 Expert +10. Rapid Fire +5 Expert +10 is great for Light Gunners as well

    Cursed Tables
    T11 00:02:43
    T12 00:06:41
    T15 00:08:09
    T16 00:13:22
    T17 00:20:03

    This has been proven to work but to confirm which table you are on you need to unlock the fishing boats by completing the quest to collect 3x Monster Guts. Send out your boats and once they return go here and enter into the table the exact item and amounts your boats came back with in the order that you see them. You'll get a result that shows which tables have been ruled out and which you may be on. You'll have to do this several times to fully confirm your charm table.

    Steam: mere_immortal - PSN: mere_immortal - XBL: lego pencil - Wii U: mimmortal - 3DS: 1521-7234-1642 - Bordgamegeek: mere_immortal
  • SeidkonaSeidkona Had an upgrade Registered User regular
    Meeting up at a friends house tonight for some multi-player local. Should be fun.

    Mostly just huntin' monsters.
    XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
  • mere_immortalmere_immortal So tasty!Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Got into G rank online but want to upgrade a bunch of stuff before moving on, some of which need Jhen parts. What's the bets way to do it offline?

    First go round he destroyed the ship in the second phase, but I wasted my ballista ammo in the first. I'm guessing the best way to go is first phase: cannon fire when he's far away, jump on his back and attack the weakspots when he's close and bomb his tusks once the weakspots are broken. Second phase: ballista when he's far away, cannons as he's getting closer and use the gong and the ballista ropes to cancel his attacks. Use the dragonator when he's charging the ship in the first phase and when he gets close in the second.

    mere_immortal on
    Steam: mere_immortal - PSN: mere_immortal - XBL: lego pencil - Wii U: mimmortal - 3DS: 1521-7234-1642 - Bordgamegeek: mere_immortal
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    So, does the Mock Melynx Mask drop Cha Cha's Defenses? Because the poor guy's been knocked out way more often than usual lately.

    In other news, I upgraded to a Grior's Landmaker, got the Dung mask, and killed my first Baleful Gigginox. How does the Dung mask work? Does the wearer only throw dung bombs? Can I designate a target, such as ordering him to pelt the Deviljho that C. Peco just summoned?

    Oh, and the Argosy captain seems to be dropping hints that my first Brachydios is just around the corner. Fun fun fun...

  • DracilDracil Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    I think some of it depends on how good your weapons are. I've heard after breaking his weakspots just go in and keep smacking the insides.

    Ballista when far as cannon won't reach. Otherwise cannon does more damage. Dragonator in first phase is sometime after the first jump and before the second jump. Second phase is to do it as he tries to pancake the ship. Dragonator is made up of 4 sections and each section does like 750 damage I think. Also something about it being 2.5x powerful as the dragon bombs though that's just what I read, not sure about specifics.

    Second phase you actually want to go to his legs and break them to push him back. When he falls over, bomb his mouth. But you may want to wait till he gets a little closer so you aren't wasting time running around (also possible invisible wall when really far)

    Slime weapons will do 500 damage per explosion on him (also Ceadeus for that matter)

    Transporter/speed gathering/bombardier might be useful skills re: cannon/ballistas.

    Dracil on
    3DS: 2105-8644-6304
    Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
    MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
  • SichoSicho Wellenstein, Luxembourg, EuropeRegistered User regular
    one more spongy hide to finish my Ludroth armor ... one more ...

    "Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."
  • Halos Nach TariffHalos Nach Tariff Can you blame me? I'm too famous.Registered User regular
    HGE/Tremor Res are also useful skills for Jhen; he roars and slams a lot when you're out on the sand trying to smack his legs and you can end up stunned for quite a while.

  • MordaRazgromMordaRazgrom Морда Разгром Ruling the Taffer KingdomRegistered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    So, does the Mock Melynx Mask drop Cha Cha's Defenses? Because the poor guy's been knocked out way more often than usual lately.

    In other news, I upgraded to a Grior's Landmaker, got the Dung mask, and killed my first Baleful Gigginox. How does the Dung mask work? Does the wearer only throw dung bombs? Can I designate a target, such as ordering him to pelt the Deviljho that C. Peco just summoned?

    Oh, and the Argosy captain seems to be dropping hints that my first Brachydios is just around the corner. Fun fun fun...

    I think by equipping a new mask on him you cratered his Mask Affinity, which probably is the reason he's more derpy.

    Monster Hunter Tri code/username: 1MF42Z (Morda)
    WiiU Username: MordaRazgrom
    Steam Username: MordaRazgrom
    WoW/Diablo 3 Battlenet Battletag: MordaRazgrom#1755
    Me and my wife have a gamer YouTube page if interested
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    Tryin' to fix that by feeding him every time we go out on a hunt.

    Does Ethnic Wyvernmeat boost Mask Affinity faster than Well-Done Steaks do?

  • Dr. Phibbs McAtheyDr. Phibbs McAthey Registered User regular
    That reminds me, what the hell does Ethnic Wyvernmeat do?

  • RendRend Registered User regular
    That reminds me, what the hell does Ethnic Wyvernmeat do?

    It primarily stops, collaborates, and listens.

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    That reminds me, what the hell does Ethnic Wyvernmeat do?
    You can feed it to Cha Cha or Kayamba during a hunt. Can't eat it yourself.

    I think that feeding them different meat does different things. But I don't know what it does different.

    Hm... what happens if you detonate a Felvine Bomb on a monster when one of your Shakalaka allies is a False Felyne or Mock Melynx?

  • mere_immortalmere_immortal So tasty!Registered User regular
    Do slagtoths ever show up on harvest tours?

    Steam: mere_immortal - PSN: mere_immortal - XBL: lego pencil - Wii U: mimmortal - 3DS: 1521-7234-1642 - Bordgamegeek: mere_immortal
  • DracilDracil Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Whoops, killed Brachydios in village using a lot of potions and then realized afterwards I'd somehow mismatched my armor sets and thus had no skills for the fight (no Attack Up L, Defense S, or Guard +1). But apparently, killing him is how you get Slime attack for the shakas, so more slimey goodness for non-Brachy monsters.

    Dracil on
    3DS: 2105-8644-6304
    Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
    MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
  • GooseyGooseGooseyGoose Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Supagoat made an awesome video last thread and I posted my thoughts on it. Didn't realize there was a new thread. Here were my comments:

    I just started playing last night. It's my first monster hunter experience outside of the demo. I thought you touched on some important advice for the nooby.

    1. Saving. I spent like 10 minutes figuring out how to save last night.
    2. canteen - I had no idea about making food. I don't know if I rushed through text or something but the game explained farming and boats to me, but I hadn't noticed the food thing.
    3. I was kind of curious if I should spend money on buying armor from the merchant, since it seemed like a relative steal compared to all the mats I'd need to craft it. You answered that and it makes sense eventually she will be outscaled.

    I kind of skipped over your online tutorial part since I'm not super interested in that yet. Some things that would be helpful in maybe their own video:

    1. Configuring the Wii U controller. I can tell with like 20+ different options that this can be super awesome, but I have no idea what to do here. I'll probably learn as I go but a video on this would be nice.
    2. You kind of breezed missions and never went on one. A video on these and why I'd rather do them than free hunt would be helpful. Also, I know the supply box is there but if I take everything I sometimes fill up when I'm gathering and then I don't know what to throw away. You mentioned mission supplies some staying with you. An explanation on this and if I should even be gathering in missions would be nice.

    Thanks for all your hard work making that video!

    GooseyGoose on
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    Dracil wrote: »
    Whoops, killed Brachydios in village using a lot of potions and then realized afterwards I'd somehow mismatched my armor sets and thus had no skills for the fight (no Attack Up L, Defense S, or Guard +1). But apparently, killing him is how you get Slime attack for the shakas, so more slimey goodness for non-Brachy monsters.

    Absolutely not the case. I haven't even seen Brachydios, and my Shakalakas have had Slime Attack for a good while now.

  • SupagoatSupagoat Registered User regular
    Great comments! I'll whip up another video that covers those topics. I thought about going on a quest but the video was already getting so long that I figured I shouldn't do that but there are a couple things I didn't really fully explain like the chests that I should really go over. I'll make a part 2 this weekend.

    bnet: Supagoat#1884
    Switch: 6589-6405-3399
  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    That reminds me, what the hell does Ethnic Wyvernmeat do?
    You can feed it to Cha Cha or Kayamba during a hunt. Can't eat it yourself.

    I think that feeding them different meat does different things. But I don't know what it does different.

    Hm... what happens if you detonate a Felvine Bomb on a monster when one of your Shakalaka allies is a False Felyne or Mock Melynx?

    How do you feed Cha Cha or Kayamba?

    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
  • DrascinDrascin Registered User regular
    I fully endorse the new thread's title.

    Steam ID: Right here.
  • LanrutconLanrutcon The LabyrinthRegistered User regular
    Killing the Brachy with a switch-axe is painful. I touch him and he punishes me almost instantly. When he's enraged it's incredibly dangerous to fight him.

    Neeeeeeed bettah armah!

    Currently playing: GW2 and TSW
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    That reminds me, what the hell does Ethnic Wyvernmeat do?
    You can feed it to Cha Cha or Kayamba during a hunt. Can't eat it yourself.

    I think that feeding them different meat does different things. But I don't know what it does different.

    Hm... what happens if you detonate a Felvine Bomb on a monster when one of your Shakalaka allies is a False Felyne or Mock Melynx?

    How do you feed Cha Cha or Kayamba?

    Same way you give inventory items to other Hunters during a hunt.

    Go into your inventory (the actual Item Pouch menu option, not the quick-select), and select a piece of meat (Ration, Rare, Well Done, Ethnic Wyvernmeat, Chilled Meat, Hot Meat, etc. Just not Raw). And then click "give", and select which Shakalaka you want to give it to. You'll hold up a pinging red ball until the shakalaka walks up to you and picks up the item.

    You can also give Raw Meat to a Grill Mask user (he'll cook it for you), and any number of various items to a Mystery Pot Mask user.

  • DelphinidaesDelphinidaes FFXIV: Delphi Kisaragi Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    Enlong wrote: »
    That reminds me, what the hell does Ethnic Wyvernmeat do?
    You can feed it to Cha Cha or Kayamba during a hunt. Can't eat it yourself.

    I think that feeding them different meat does different things. But I don't know what it does different.

    Hm... what happens if you detonate a Felvine Bomb on a monster when one of your Shakalaka allies is a False Felyne or Mock Melynx?

    How do you feed Cha Cha or Kayamba?

    Same way you give inventory items to other Hunters during a hunt.

    Go into your inventory (the actual Item Pouch menu option, not the quick-select), and select a piece of meat (Ration, Rare, Well Done, Ethnic Wyvernmeat, Chilled Meat, Hot Meat, etc. Just not Raw). And then click "give", and select which Shakalaka you want to give it to. You'll hold up a pinging red ball until the shakalaka walks up to you and picks up the item.

    You can also give Raw Meat to a Grill Mask user (he'll cook it for you), and any number of various items to a Mystery Pot Mask user.

    Ah I see, and is there a special benefit for items given to them (aside from mystery pot of course) or do they get the exact same benefits from the item as a hunter would?

    NNID: delphinidaes
    Official PA Forums FFXIV:ARR Free Company <GHOST> Join us on Sargatanas!
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    I think Cha Cha sometimes mentions the benefits of feeding him when yo utalk to him. As much as I remember, I think that what happens is he gains more experience (and more Mask Mastery?) when you feed him. Unless he's eaten a lot recently and is full. As such, I make it a point to throw a steak or a ration Cha Cha's way whenever I'm using a relatively underleveled mask.

    I think I also saw Cha Cha regain some health after eating a steak, too.

  • jothkijothki Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    So, does the Mock Melynx Mask drop Cha Cha's Defenses? Because the poor guy's been knocked out way more often than usual lately.

    In other news, I upgraded to a Grior's Landmaker, got the Dung mask, and killed my first Baleful Gigginox. How does the Dung mask work? Does the wearer only throw dung bombs? Can I designate a target, such as ordering him to pelt the Deviljho that C. Peco just summoned?

    Oh, and the Argosy captain seems to be dropping hints that my first Brachydios is just around the corner. Fun fun fun...

    I think by equipping a new mask on him you cratered his Mask Affinity, which probably is the reason he's more derpy.

    The mask's description actually directly states that his defense sucks while wearing it.

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    So it does. I'll just have to be careful. Give him Guard Boost, if I want to use Last Stand. How does the Dung Mask work?

    Enlong on
  • MordaRazgromMordaRazgrom Морда Разгром Ruling the Taffer KingdomRegistered User regular
    WHoever answers Enlong, also please answer me how the ferk does that meat mask work. I've worn it, equipped Shock Trapper...nothin. Cha Cha just stands there scratching his ass.

    Monster Hunter Tri code/username: 1MF42Z (Morda)
    WiiU Username: MordaRazgrom
    Steam Username: MordaRazgrom
    WoW/Diablo 3 Battlenet Battletag: MordaRazgrom#1755
    Me and my wife have a gamer YouTube page if interested
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    Ping him, maybe?

  • MordaRazgromMordaRazgrom Морда Разгром Ruling the Taffer KingdomRegistered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    Ping him, maybe?

    Seems to do nothing.

    Monster Hunter Tri code/username: 1MF42Z (Morda)
    WiiU Username: MordaRazgrom
    Steam Username: MordaRazgrom
    WoW/Diablo 3 Battlenet Battletag: MordaRazgrom#1755
    Me and my wife have a gamer YouTube page if interested
  • MordaRazgromMordaRazgrom Морда Разгром Ruling the Taffer KingdomRegistered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    Ping him, maybe?

    Seems to do nothing.

    Can't edit, so I have to double-post, sorry.

    I think that's actually the intent of the mask. It's basically a taunt-thing, so him standing there scratching his ass is actually supposed to be appealing to the monsters. True to that fact, he was getting his ass kicked handily the whole time. Still, Shock Trapper...he's NEVER dropped a trap!

    Monster Hunter Tri code/username: 1MF42Z (Morda)
    WiiU Username: MordaRazgrom
    Steam Username: MordaRazgrom
    WoW/Diablo 3 Battlenet Battletag: MordaRazgrom#1755
    Me and my wife have a gamer YouTube page if interested
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    I've only had Shock Trapper happen once. If it's not arbitrary, I'd like to know how it works.

  • Halos Nach TariffHalos Nach Tariff Can you blame me? I'm too famous.Registered User regular
    I've had both Cha-cha and Kayamba with Shock Trapper since I unlocked the ability.
    Seems to work maybe one in ten quests? Also sometimes they'll both drop down a trap at once, other times one'll wait til the other's already used his. And of course sometimes they drop one just as a monster leaves a zone.
    Pretty sure that it's a random chance of them dropping a trap, doesn't seem to be anyway for me to trigger it.

    Also screw this online high rank [Canteen] Jhen quest. Just failed twice right near the end when it smashed the boat. Did the offline version easy enough; killed it with ~4 minutes left. But it doesn't look like that's gonna happen this time. Guess I'll try just hanging around on the boat to block it's attacks with the gong/binder and hope that I can still win with a repel.

  • MatthewMatthew Registered User regular
    Copied from last thread.

    Rathalos, you disappoint me. You're girlfriend did more damage to me than you did, she even managed to knock me out once! You spent all that time flying around and it didn't do you didly squat! I cut of your tail, destroyed your talons, and ruined your wings, and I did it all without even trying!

    You're on the cover of the game! How do you think Brachydios feel about losing his spot there now! I expect you to do better next time.

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    That's not a garden variety Rathalos on the cover.

    That's an Azure Rathalos.

  • StrifeRaZoRStrifeRaZoR Registered User regular
    I'm guessing the online Jhen quest is just as painful as it was in Tri. I STILL can't beat the online one with just two people (Tri, that is). I've done everything. Broke both tusks, both points on his back, both legs, and kept him from getting the boat to "Low" status...yet it still times out and I fail. Not sure what else I could do, other than bring more people with me. I've tried with ice weapons and dragon weapons, but I just can't do enough damage to the thing to get to HR31.

  • ColumnColumn Registered User regular
    I've had both Cha-cha and Kayamba with Shock Trapper since I unlocked the ability.
    Seems to work maybe one in ten quests? Also sometimes they'll both drop down a trap at once, other times one'll wait til the other's already used his. And of course sometimes they drop one just as a monster leaves a zone.
    Pretty sure that it's a random chance of them dropping a trap, doesn't seem to be anyway for me to trigger it.

    Also screw this online high rank [Canteen] Jhen quest. Just failed twice right near the end when it smashed the boat. Did the offline version easy enough; killed it with ~4 minutes left. But it doesn't look like that's gonna happen this time. Guess I'll try just hanging around on the boat to block it's attacks with the gong/binder and hope that I can still win with a repel.

    If you're on a U.S. Wii U I'll help you do Jhen. We managed to kill him with three people before, two should easily repel if not kill.

  • Halos Nach TariffHalos Nach Tariff Can you blame me? I'm too famous.Registered User regular
    Alas I am neither in the US or in possession of a WiiU so I'll have to tough it out.
    Thanks for the offer though.

    Hopefully it's not requred for procession to the next rank so I can just come back with better weapons and do it that way, although it is the first guild Jhen quest so I probably do have to do it...

  • ColumnColumn Registered User regular
    Alas I am neither in the US or in possession of a WiiU so I'll have to tough it out.
    Thanks for the offer though.

    Hopefully it's not requred for procession to the next rank so I can just come back with better weapons and do it that way, although it is the first guild Jhen quest so I probably do have to do it...

    It's not a key so you're golden there. And I'd do what you said earlier then, focus on the binder and gong. Should be able to repel it that way you can level up the canteen.

  • Halos Nach TariffHalos Nach Tariff Can you blame me? I'm too famous.Registered User regular
    I'll give it one more shot seen as I just got Bombadier from the kitchen. If I mess it up again I'll just come back later with crazy G-rank stuff and mess him up.

  • vagrant_windsvagrant_winds Overworked Mysterious Eldritch Horror Hunter XX Registered User regular
    Anyone have any recommended Hunting Horn lines?

    // Steam: VWinds // PSN: vagrant_winds //
    // Switch: SW-5306-0651-6424 //
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular

    But in specific, you can't go wrong with Green notes.

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