[quote][url="Whenever I try to post, I get a bunch of code for holding, italizing, and underlining, and it asks me for a URL to enter. This is why this post looks this way. Pushing delete or even selecting the text box makes it do so again. What is going on?"][b][i][u][s]Whenever I try to post, I get a bunch of code for holding, italizing, and underlining, and it asks me for a URL to enter. This is why this post looks this way. Pushing delete or even selecting the text box makes it do so again. What is going on?[/s][/u][/i][/b][/url][/quote]
On the topic of posting from an iPad, though, I'd really like it if it were possible to create a thumbnail for your avatar from one, although resizing the picture On the iPad before uploading is a fair work-around.
But my Internet connection is shoddy here, so it could be a personal issue and unrelated to the forums.
HOWEVER, when doing my power bill I always get my password rejected on the iPad. Like, every damn time, so maybe it's something with the iPad or Chrome for iOS.
I have this happen periodically - it seems to be an artifact of a poor connection to the net. Some days, I have to give up posting from the ipad altogether.
I've had that happen to me a couple of times. It would log me out, but keep my login info saved, yet trying to log back in would produce an error. Usually just waiting a few seconds and trying again fixed it.
I get logged out on different devices occasionally and that's been happening for a while
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