RULES! Read these please.
Welcome fair lads and ladies to the first chapter of my first PbP. Now for the most part things are going to work as if we were at a table, but there are a few things I want you to know.
User specific stuff: If there is something that only one person knows, be that because of background, skills, or something else, I will put their character name in
color and spoiler it. Everyone can read this obviously, but only that character will know it. If they want to share. Sure they can. I just want you guys to try to avoid meta gaming.
The only other thing for now, I may add more later, is this: I am the DM and I am fair and I am balanced but if I say something it usually goes, if you want to call me out on something then PM me. If I say the skeleton doesn't die even though you crited it with your Great Skeleton Killer +3 then there may be a reason, just trust me. I am open to suggestions/critisim but please keep it to PMs.
If you have any questions please let me know. The first real post of the game will be later tonight/tomorrow sometime.
@zekebeau@Duke 2.0@Zonugal@Thorn413@Zen Vulgarity
The road has been a long and hard one, but you have finally arrived. When you first heard the ARMS Mercenary group was hiring new recruits you almost didn't believe it. They do recruitment drives rarely and even then they usually seek out recruits not accept them in. The application process was itself an adventure worthy of song. A blind seer looked deep within you, you had to traverse a maze while being chased by a wall of fire, escape a trapped room, fight the craziest half-orc you've ever met, and finally take a really hard test. After you made it in things didn't get any easier. You spent weeks training for all sort of things, how to row as a team, how to set a sail, pitch a tent, set a basic snare. Up every morning before the sun, and to bed far late in the night. Drills every day. Out of the 25 accepted applicants you are pretty sure only yourself and these fellows standing with you made it through the whole way.
But you have arrived. In the heart of Absalom, the City at the Center of the World stands the great guild hall. Originally a warehouse, the legendary heroic band who started off as random hired bodyguards and mercenaries purchased the land for a base of operation. Then, after saving the world they expanded on their operation, getting bigger and bigger. Over the last 200 years the ARMS group has grown to be one of the greatest and well trained fighting forces around.
Walking through the hallowed halls of the almost temple like building, you see the statues of the groups founders. Alberon - the Half-Elf thief and leader of the group. He was said to be a master tactician and supposedly planned the siege of Ulgrog's Tower. Then theres Roktok - Halfling barbarian, oddly enough the muscle of the group. Supposedly he was as strong as 10 halflings, or 5 men you guess. Merana - The Human cleric, she served a mysterious god that was never mentioned in any of the stories. Because of this the group to this day has no real affiliation with any temple. And lastly, near the final door is the statue of Sul-fark - the mysterious dwarven wizard. Out of the group he remains the only one alive, but has resinded control of the group to his next in line.
You and the other new recruits enter the large double doors at the end of this ornate hall. A group of guards greets you and instructs you to follow. You are led into a large round anti-chamber and then through a smaller set of doors. Suddenly things don't seem so grand and decorative. The guards lead you into a plain looking hall and tell you to go into the third door on the right side. This isn't what you pictured at all. When you get there the door is opened, peering in you see a dwarf, in a suit and wearing glasses, seated at a table going over figures. As you enter he looks up.
"Oh hello! You must be the new hires! It is a pleasure to meet you. Come in come in. I am Thon Goldshift, accountant at large. Or at least, I am large!" he laughs at his own joke. "I'm sure you have many questions, but first a few things." He pulls a small box out of his desk. "Now as you are brand new at this, the company won't be spending any money on your gear. You all seem to have your own so thats good. Apply these somewhere that people will see." he pulls out a small badge, and shows you how it is adheasive on the back. "This will let people know that you are with us, officially. Now I also need you to sign some paper work. Basic things, your contract first off, it states the basics, at your intro level you are entitled to 10% of any spoils gained each, and a payment per job. I also need you to sign a waver saying you are of sound mind and body when accepting this job and not under the effect of any curses, mind control, or magic spells that would alter your judgment. And if you like we offer Death Insurance, if you die on the job your share of any money will be sent to your loved ones, for a small monthy fee." he hands you the badges and a small pile of documents.
"Here we are, one for you Tora and for you Corgen and here you go Mr. um...Mazin did I say that right? Apologies. Ah and here you go, I think you must be Cormick. And lastly, but not leastly, here are your documents Richard now if you will all fill those out and affix your badges where you please, I will also be answering any question while we wait for your escort."
"We must know that while the ARMS group is noble and fair, they share an exalted place in my heart with the knightly order I follow. And while you, Thon Goldshift, an accountant oh so large, may come under fear of shifted alliance I can assure you my training has not been for nothing. If there is a duke in danger, a princess in peril, I will oppose the tyranny of any & all injustices as a member of the ARMS group!"
Richard looks down and the documents and then rises to meet Thon at eye-level.
"Now where on here are we to sign???"
Frustration growing, he looks in the dwarf's eyes and says, "This is too much talk, just point and say what I need to do to start battling evil wizards and stopping great armies. I don't have time to read. When has reading helped anyone?"
And with that Richard releases a hearty laugh.
She raises an eyebrow, one pitch-black eye regarding Corgen as she continues to fill out her papers, slowly but steadily, reading each page of the contract before signing and moving to the next. "You'll be fun to spar with."
He briefly glances at the rest of the party and then asks Thon "So... are there going to be some sort of team building exercises or... not so much?"
"It might be hard, I'm tougher than I look." She grins as she stands to her full six feet, revealing a mouth full of fangs, glittering bright white against her dark skin.
"I'm just glad to have someone to really spar with on this crew. The wizards can't quite hold up a good parry."
Not even a day in Absalom and already a demon warrior woman is throwing herself at me. I'm gonna like it here.
Richard von Bracius, knight of the Order of Valor & Virtues, places his hands on his hips and steers his eyes above.
The dwarf shakes his head, "No, not that type of escort. She will just lead you to the adventure."
"Oh," Corgen utters in brief disappointment. "But still, Adventure Time!"
With that, shes off up the stairs.
"So, a meal first? It looks like we stand a chance at getting some food if we go now."
"Seems adventures are always just a step away. Tomorrow can't come soon enough."
Checking the footlocker to see if anything had been provided by the guild, he sighs again. Dropping in his gear but keeping his weapons and armor [his favorite sap and back up greatclub don't leave never leave his sight when possible] he turns to his new companions.
"Yeah, grub sounds good. Unless you want to build up an appetite with some grapple practice." His devilish grin as showy as any bard, those around him can't help but feel like joining.
"How excellent. It is quaint and humble and far do I expect myself to be spending many nights in it, but it will serve its purpose well!" As most of his equipment was on his horse, Alabastor, he didn't have much to store. He sat on the bed to test it out and suddenly jumped up from it.
"A grappling practice?", he inquired towards Corgen, "If your looking to broaden your skill in the grabbing, restraining and pressuring of others I feel I could be a worthy sparing-mate. But such activities are for another time. Much like a king's wisdom, a king's honor and a king's skill at the blade I too have a king's hunger!"
With that you head into the rising sun, its already warm and humid despite being so close to the sea. Gromog handed you each a pack full of supplies. Canteens of water, spare food, a bed roll, rope, and some canvases. The journey takes you north west of the city, at first there are a few houses here and there outside of the town's walls, but after around and hour things dry up. There isn't even a road anymore by two hours, and in the distance you can see the mountains. The walk is quiet, Gromog says little. A little after midday you reach the edge of the mountains. Gromog pulls out a map and leads you through rocks and sparse trees. Eventually you hit a cave mouth, just a little bigger then a man. "Ok heres the deal, the team will be here around dusk. You have a few hours, set up camp somewhere nearby and make sure its defensible. I'm not here to help I'm here to make sure you don't die ."
Tora grabs her pack and takes a look around the area, narrowing her eyes as she judges various spots to camp. Having spent very little time outside of Absalom, the wilderness wasn't exactly familiar to her, but her training had covered the basics, and then some.
"We need something out of the wind, preferably with a bit of high ground so whoever is keeping watch can see anything coming towards us before it sees us."
Sorry my posting's been slow. I've been having a bit of a creative drought.
I'm still here, still postin'!
"I reckon I can climb up this here cliff an' scout out the area. Shame to let a perch like that go to waste."
Startin' this game off with a natural 1
Looking over at Tora, it was clear she hadn't spent much time out in the wild, living and thriving on the land. More important, how to make the place safe.
"Take a step back, I'll show ya how to stay safe and comfy under the stars. First, gotta get a perimeter. Then.." as he goes into the fine details of a great war party campsite. Out of the corner of his eyes, he notices Mazin climbing the rocks without any ropes or support. Not saying a word, just waiting for the comedy goldmine that was sure to accrue.
You find a nice spot, above the cave mouth and sheltered by rocks to avoid wind and rain from getting on you. Its not exactly comfortable, but its a good place to keep an eye on things.
You begin to ascend to an area above where Tora was setting up camp, hoping for a better view. You almost reach the ledge, but as you outstretch your arm to get that final hand hold, your foot slips and the rocks crumble out from below you. You grab for dear life, clinging onto the rock side, sadly for you the whole huge piece comes out. You fall, the slab of stone not far behind. You land with a loud thud, the boulder landing ontop of you. You take
(1d6=5) damage, and twist your left ankle severely.
You also crush the camp Tora just set up.
While Tora found a nice spot, you can do better. You find an area opposite the cave mouth, slightly elevated, but comfortable. Much like hers, the rocks nearby provide natural cover, but its more circular shape will provide better protection on all sides except the one that faces the cave, making it better for standing watch. The ground is soft and even here. You get started on setting camp up
"Hey, good eye. This is a nice site, especially after this guy decided to crush my tent."
She sighs, holding up a broken tent pole.
"I'll take first watch, I guess."
Dummy trying to climb up. Eh, weak fall and enter the spirit world. It is the way of the living, and can't be relying on anyone but myself. Hmm, though if he's a good talker, saving his life might get my name in some stories.
"Yo, Mazin, what is it you do again? That limp gonna be a prob for ya?"
"Oh, I do lots of things good. Anything you folks want and I'll give it a good shake. Lot easier gettin' down than going up though."
With a wince he sits down on his bedroll and pulls out a hidden knife from a breast pocket and juggles it with one hand.
"I suppose these folks wanted me more for bein' more slippery than a snake in a hay bale. Ain't nobody better than me at gettin' around all unseen like."
"I mean not to boast," says Richard walking around the area, "But of my many talents cultivating the wilderness is not one of them." He starts walking around the perimeter, picking up any sticks he can find.
"But be it a lonely cave in the woods or the richest king's court, they all need a fire come night fall."
**takes the lute off of his back and strums it a bit while adjusting various bits at the end of the neck**
It's about a giant who first fell in love with a maiden and then fell... on top of her. Feel free to sing along if you know the words!