San Jose, November 30 1952
Officer Daniel Hatchett walked past a construction site. It was hard to imagine that the freshly excavated patch of land would one day be the TimeCop HQ. As he started pushing buttons on a device strapped to his wrist, he wondered if his recruitment efforts would be enough. Only time could tell...
San Jose, September 30 1997
The building that Daniel Hatchett stood in front of looked just like any of the other tech companies in the area. It would be almost 35 years before TimeCop was founded and this building would show its true owner. Daniel pulled a list of very special names out of a mail slot. He tucked the list into his pocket, and pressed a few more buttons on his wrist.
San Jose, February 29 2032
Daniel walked hurriedly into TimeCop HQ. No matter how early you arrived for a meeting with the Commander, you were always just a little late.
“Are the preparations complete?”, the Commander boomed. He was obviously annoyed that Daniel was late again.
“We’ve done everything we can, short of ripping the earth apart with a localized class 6 paradox again.” Daniel hated being late.
“And you’re sure these recruits can help?” The Commander didn’t understand how anyone could be late. Did they not understand time travel?
“Yes sir, they were all unaffected by the minor alterations to their timeline.” Daniel was sure that one day these recruits would make fine TimeCops one day, assuming that TimeCop still exists one day.
“Good. We’re losing officers left and right out there. The Principles of Time must be protected from these Time Vandals at all costs. Our future depends on it.”
Daniel started pushing more buttons on his wrist device. The TimeCop had no time to lose.
Somewhere outside time and space, something was stirring...What the heck?
This is a Phalla, Penny Arcade Forums version of the party game Mafia.
This phalla has nothing to do with the movie TimeCop, and usage of the word is entirely because I think the idea of a “TimeCop” is pretty cool.
This sounds sorta interesting! May I please know more?
This is a Village vs. Mafia setup with some twists.
General rules of Phalla can be found
Each day, you must vote for one player to be killed. Votes must be placed in
Bold Red. The ‘winner’ of this vote will be arrested and
Tie votes are bad.
(REDACTED) will happen if the red vote is tied.
In addition, everyone should make at least two non-vote posts each day. Failure to vote or contribute will lead to warning and replacement.
Vote close is 0:00 Mountain Time(2:00 Eastern Time). All votes and actions at 23:59 Mountain Time and before will be counted, while any submitted after will not.
Do not directly quote anything from PMs with me, or share screenshots of them. Paraphrasing is ok.
Do not anonymously contact anyone. All communications regarding the game should be traceable to your forum username.
When you die you may make one ghost post which cannot contain any game related information. After that please do not discuss the game with any players, living or dead, without my permission.
Are there any special mechanics I should know about?
Of course! This is a premium phalla, after all.
Players will start in one of 3 junctions: 1952, 1997, or 2032. These are the locations in time that have become the battlegrounds for control of the timestream. These will be assigned by the host at the same time as your role.
In general, abilities used in a junction can only affect another player in that junction.
That's all very nice, but what if I have a question?
Ask for clarifications in
Bold DarkOrange. You may PM me with clarification requests, or post them directly in the thread. If you have questions about your role please send me a PM.
What should I do if I wanted to contact someone privately?
Make sure you invite me and make me an admin of any proboards you might form.
Please add me to all PMs related to this game.
Do not add other players to existing PM conversations.
Anything else I should know?
This phalla may be somewhat crazy and experimental, so I'm making absolutely no promises about balance.
Special thanks to
@Rend for some helpful feedback on the mechanics and roles.
Can I get a sample role?
You are a Civilian.
You woke up one day and the world looked different. Were things always this way?
Then the TimeCop showed up. Things were different. Someone was mucking things up.
He left you with a communicator and a calling card to report anyone you think is suspicious.
Your time has just been commandeered.
Powers: None. Hell, you still barely understand what's even going on.
Win Condition: Eliminate all threats to the TimeCops.
I'm so down for this, how do I sign up?
Please make a post in
Bold Limegreen to sign up. If you would like to sign up for the reserve list, please indicate it in your post.
This phalla is designed for 30 players.
1. Auralynx
2. vertroue
3. The Anonymous
4. Grunt's Ghosts
5. Megafrost
6. Iron Weasel
7. Farangu
8. ihaveachair
9. jdarksun
10. Lockeout
11. Langly
12. I needed a name to post.
13. Phyphor
14. JPants
15. BradicusMaximus
16. Zonugal
17. Ringo
18. ObiFett
19. Cayrus
20. KetBra
21. Flarne
22. Egos
23. CesareB
24. Kilnaga
25. MrTLcious
26. TheRoadVirus
27. OminousLozenge
28. GriswoldInvictus
29. Matev
30. blahmcblah
Opening Narration
End of Day 1
End of Day 2
End of Day 3
End of Day 4
End of Day 5
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
Order of actions:
I really need to host games more often. It's been too long since I could say CLARIFICATION DENIED
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
As a guy said to me in class a couple weeks ago: "Things were always different in the past."
Was supposed to be 2 eastern, I missed that in my proofread.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Here, let me help you with that.
Chicago Megagame group
Watch me struggle to learn streaming! Point and laugh!
3DS: 5129-3454-7122
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Okay. I'll give it a try.
Depending on how long it takes you to fill and what Quirks of Fate looks like at that point, I might switch over.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
Confusion will be my epitaph
Just do it first.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Since we probably have at least a few similar ideas you can take a look at how they play out before actually running it!
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
Henri Emmanuel Gratien St Pierre in Where No Man Has Gone Before
Lord Augustus Cumberbatch in Eclipse Phase
Thousands of years ago - in the future - ObiFett runs his time phalla. We are unable to comprehend its majesty and he is forced to return to the past, become premium, and run his time phalla now.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227