Check out this thread for an update on DJ Eebs.

PAX without PAX

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
This discussion was created from comments split from: PAX PRIME 2013 Information and FAQ (READ THIS FIRST, THEN ASK ALL QUESTIONS HERE).



  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013

    I've decided that I really need to get the important stuff up to the top of this post. Here is how the ShadowPAX four-day event will work during PAX:

    There are four facebook events listed at ShadowPAX facebook page (managed by @Necrotel), one for each day of PAX, to invite your facebook Friends to:!/ShadowPAX2013
    These pages will be key because they can be updated with any ShadowPAX events as they occur. Scheduling the event list will primarily be on-the-fly, based on what we can do around PAX, what the ShadowPAXers are in the mood for, and so on. There does not necessarily need to be just one ShadowPAX mob, so if you also want to schedule events, you can.

    Okay, now that that's out of the way, here is the earlier note with the above torn out and the rest rearranged:

    (per the request of @LexiconGrrl, includes the latest on all things ShadowPAX):

    ShadowPAX Yahoo group (managed by me, TarakaDark; allows multiple threads for suggesting and discussing events along with other information):

    ShadowPAX Dropbox folder (managed by me, TarakaDark; allows shared files and includes an editable spreadsheet mentioning ShadowPAX-endorsed events, locations, eateries and members):

    ShadowPAX Google Docs link (created by Necrotel and managed by no one so far; includes outdated version of updated version doc from the Dropbox folder):


    Q: Does ShadowPAX include any events from the MMT, Schlitzkrieg, Night Before PAX board game playing, forumer parties, (insert other PAX thread unofficial established event here)?
    A: While there will be food and drink involved, ShadowPAX has been envisioned to primarily focus around the PAX space (i.e. gaming-specific events and activities). It will not focus on "things for tourists to do in Seattle," pub crawls or parties to go get smashed at. While some ShadowPAXers may be involved with other PAX thread events as filler for their schedules, you will want to check out the other PAX Forum threads regarding the events mentioned in this question. Do not expect this thread to be a consolidation link for these other events, but some interesting forumer events and parties were included to fill out and balance a single tentatively scheduled path through the four days of ShadowPAX.

    Q: Can I sponsor an event for ShadowPAX?
    A: Yes. Please post it on the spreadsheet mentioned in the link above. I have posted my own event on the Events tab so you can get an idea of what I personally intend to sponsor.

    Q: Do you need volunteers to help organize?
    A: Yes! The current count of people actively contributing to ShadowPAX in an official capacity is: 2. So if you wonder why there is not more to do and see, this is why. Please message me with what you would be interested in doing to help out. Here is a list of our known needs:
    volunteer post 1: a ShadowPAX photographer to take ShadowPAX event, location and participant photos to post on the associated ShadowPAX facebook page (@G23inIT, would you be interested?)
    volunteer post 2: a ShadowPAX game designer to design game events for ShadowPAX as assigned (although additional ideas are welcome too)
    volunteer post 3: a ShadowPAX coordinator to organize or schedule events and oversee that no venue gets overbooked; an unofficial consultant is available to help in suggesting venues that may be available for sanctioning

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Regarding the non-corporate public spaces, such as the ShadowPAX-sanctioned parks, there are some special regulations that need to be followed for permits, so if a PAX or ShadowPAX LARP, cosplay or improv gaming group of significant size wants to organize in these spaces (e.g. schedules a special event during ShadowPAX), this must be considered by that party. That being said, permits can also allow vendors, so that holds its own possibilities for interested enterprises. Because ShadowPAX is operating on no budget whatsoever, it will not be organizing any events in these spaces this year, so the city should be contacted instead. ShadowPAX is willing, however, to announce your events if you have obtained the appropriate permits, and will even allow a thread for you in the associated Yahoo group regarding organizing your event. On the other hand, impromptu groups of several can probably enjoy these areas all day without issue. For anything more formal, here is a link to Seattle's policies and permit application procedures:


    @Alazull, @capnsanity, @LexiconGrrl,
    And whoever else reads this who wants to do fun PAX-style stuff at PAX, but was unable to get a badge:

    I was unable to get a pass for myself and my girlfriend (I found out that the passes were sold out two days after the fact), but I definitely still want to do something in the spirit of PAX for the duration of PAX. As of March, I actually live around a block away from the Washington State Convention Center, so I plan on scheduling some fun things to do during PAX in the several blocks around the area of the convention.

    If you would be interested in getting involved to help with the organization and scheduling of these activities in the vicinity of PAX, please message me via the Website link in the About section of my profile information.

    Helpful things to include in your initial contact would be a little bit about your situation (e.g. you were unable to get a pass), what sorts of things you love to do at PAX and especially what you wanted to do this year. I will try to organize based on the number of responses that I receive. If you are interested in an experience that I did not plan on organizing, I will likely ask you to help promote and host that particular event.

    I look forward to helping create a memorable, enjoyable experience for everyone who wants to be involved even without having access to a PAX pass.

    TarakaDark on
    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I'm so 1000% behind this idea, it's not even funny. Personally, I'm already committed to my maximum availability level for externally-organized events but would love to assist others in any way that's feasible.

    If you haven't seen it yet, there's a sticky in the Prime Forum with a calendar of non-PAX events. That's a good place to start.

    I can confirm that the SchlitzKrieg will happen on at least one PAX day, schedule TBD.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Y'know... thinking about it... there's been a lot of suggestions in the Things to Checkout Before PAX thread that the MMT will probably not be able to do. Specifically: events and tours that happen outside of the city proper, like the East Side.

    I'd suggest starting a list of things that are probably too far for the MMT, and confirm with @Punzie, then see if you can get some love for those activities. If they happen during PAX, there wouldn't be an MMT conflict anyway and you could always double up on the same locations whether in-city or not.

    Also, I might be able to swing some pre-reserved time on the Cycle Saloon that weekend if we can get some blocks determined early. Up to 16 people at a time. It's going to be a busy labor day weekend though, so we'd want to get the dates and times in early.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular
    I'm on board with the idea, although I don't know if I can participate. If I'm not at PAX, I'll probably be at work since I feel bad enough asking for a weekend off in the middle of our busy season.

    It'd be funny if we could get a decent amount of space, contact some companies, and set up like a shadow PAX though.

    User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    @LexiconGrrl, thanks for the sticky link. Myself, I'll be scouting out the neighborhood immediately around PAX for filler events. There's a place called John John's Arcade, for example, that's just a few blocks away and serves alcohol. I haven't been in there, but I see that they have pinball and likely some classic arcade stuff.

    There may be places for tabletop gaming too (there's at least one gaming store nearby) if we don't have access to any at PAX, but I seem to recall at least some demos out in the hallways there.

    @Alazull, I've set up the "PAX withotu PAX" like shadow PAX by giving it the name Tarakon, a play on my own gamertag. Provided that I have set up my signature correctly, the link to the associated Yahoo group should show up here.

    I'm probably also going to see if there is a room at the library that we can reserve free of charge as a sort of headquarters (or for some relaxed tabletop gaming), but I'm guessing that will be an on and off sort of thing, which is why our mobiles and the forums will be handy for after hours and so on.

    TarakaDark on
    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Consider this my vote for calling it Shadow PAX.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Consider this my vote for calling it Shadow PAX.


    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • mike923mike923 Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    This is an awesome idea. I think something to keep in mind if possible would be creating a schedule or just organizing the Shadow PAX as something that can be dropped in and out of. The reason I say that is I was able to get tickets for myself and three friends, but my other friends were only able to get Friday and Monday tickets. If we could drop in and out of this Shadow PAX, that would be a huge boon to the trip. I'm sure many others are in the same boat as us (not having all the passes). Also, you guys might put together some things that people may want to participate in whether they have a pass or not anyways!

    mike923 on
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    mike923 wrote: »
    This is an awesome idea. I think something to keep in mind if possible would be creating a schedule or just organizing the Shadow PAX as something that can be dropped in and out of. The reason I say that is I was able to get tickets for myself and three friends, but my other friends were only able to get Friday and Monday tickets. We were going to probably have to share passes on Saturday and Sunday with them, meaning a couple guys would not be in PAX at those times. If we could drop in and out of this Shadow PAX, that would be a huge boon to the trip. I'm sure many others are in the same boat as us (not having all the passes). Also, you guys might put together some things that people may want to participate in whether they have a pass or not anyways!

    The event sticky kind of does this now. FYI, Any Shadow PAX events will be posted there whether there's an independent schedule or not.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • vespachicavespachica SeattleRegistered User regular
    I love the Shadow PAX notion. So awesome.


  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    @mike923, I never wanted to limit this to just people without PAX passes, but my idea is for multiple schedules, specifically set up by those who will be shadowPAXing all the way. ShadowPAXers can, of course, collaborate on schedules.

    Scheduling is going to be very dynamic and on the fly. The reason for this is that it will be based on events around PAX that ShadowPAXers can attend. Examples include parties and other organized events, not necessarily organized by ShadowPAXers, that occur outside of PAX central. My own schedule is going to be very loose with locations to visit during dead times (e.g. John John's Arcade; a tabletop game store venue).

    Regarding the shared pass idea, that also crossed my mind, if we had a pool, however limited, of PAX passes for the ShadowPAxers. Key among these would be anyone who, for example, came for an event early in the day and left in the late afternoon. I don't know of a way to solicit for these, however, so it would likely be a separate thread, with a manned place to drop off the passes. Also, the prime time for these would be when the expo halls are open, and I see little pass turnover during that time. If anyone is interested in pursuing this, please contact a moderator to assess the proper communication channel for the request. I am not interested in managing this aspect as I think there will be issues.

    In favor of everyone's votes, the name of the associated Yahoo group has been changed to ShadowPAX. If you are unfamiliar with Yahoo groups, key items include the ability for multiple moderators and multiple threads to reflect different events.

    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    For a little pre-PAX goodness, there are some game-related events going on at the Experience Music Project in Seattle in the next several weeks as part of their "The Art of Video Games" exhibit. If any of you ShadowPAXers want to get together to check these events out, here are the minimal details. You can get additional info through EMP. I'm unsure what my plans will be for these nights yet since I'll likely be over there this Friday, 4/27, for a members-only exhibit opening, but if you do plan on going to either of these and you want to invite the other ShadowPAXers along, please post the details over on the ShadowPAX Yahoo group.

    Thursday, May 2nd, 5 P - 8 P: BONUS ROUND: EXTENDED PLAY, "Super Sports Night" (Punch-Out!! and Major League Baseball 2K12 tournament gaming in Sky Church), sign-up begins at 5 P
    Free with EMP admission

    Friday, May 10th, 6 P - 11 P: INSERT COIN NOW - GAME NITE 2: GAME OVER
    Example highlights: "hear spotlight talks with gaming industry whizzes, meet Donkey Kong champion Steve Wiebe"
    $10 EMP members ($20 general public), $5 youth

    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    TarakaDark wrote: »
    For a little pre-PAX goodness, there are some game-related events going on at the Experience Music Project in Seattle in the next several weeks as part of their "The Art of Video Games" exhibit. If any of you ShadowPAXers want to get together to check these events out, here are the minimal details. You can get additional info through EMP. I'm unsure what my plans will be for these nights yet since I'll likely be over there this Friday, 4/27, for a members-only exhibit opening, but if you do plan on going to either of these and you want to invite the other ShadowPAXers along, please post the details over on the ShadowPAX Yahoo group.

    Thursday, May 2nd, 5 P - 8 P: BONUS ROUND: EXTENDED PLAY, "Super Sports Night" (Punch-Out!! and Major League Baseball 2K12 tournament gaming in Sky Church), sign-up begins at 5 P
    Free with EMP admission

    Friday, May 10th, 6 P - 11 P: INSERT COIN NOW - GAME NITE 2: GAME OVER
    Example highlights: "hear spotlight talks with gaming industry whizzes, meet Donkey Kong champion Steve Wiebe"
    $10 EMP members ($20 general public), $5 youth

    The Art of Video Games exhibit ends in May.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular
    Pass sharing could be interesting. For example, if nothing else I would like to see the Protomen, and have friends who would like to see them. If people were not going to need their passes during that time, which to wit is after the Expo Hall closes anyway, it would be amazingly cool.

    As for events, something that might be interesting would be to organize a meet-up for Shadow PAX at some kind of venue near the convention center.

    User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    UPDATE: Reserving a room at Seattle Public Library is unfeasible as the only day that a room is open for reservation is Friday. All organization will instead occur in impromptu meetings in or around the convention center as appropriate with the associated ShadowPAX Facebook and Yahoo group pages to be used as announcement tools (e.g. "We are now going here to eat/game/<activity> for 90 minutes").


    @Alazull, beyond any ShadowPAX scheduled events, the two meet-up types that I have thought of would be:

    * a reserved room at the nearby library (if possible and free), simply to organize and plan, but also perhaps to game; we could also attempt to designate such a space in the convention center, but there would be no way to reserve it short of a ShadowPAXer sitting there the whole time, which I do not believe would prove feasible;

    * planned meals at decent eateries in the area; e.g. Elephant & Castle is right outside of the Red Lion Inn, where some of the tabletop events take place, so it seems a good choice (with good food and brew, I might add; during Pax 2012, I ordered a Double Chocolate Stout there, and found it to be most refreshing); e.g. DragonFish Cafe has Tempura Peppered Bacon, which makes that worth a stop too; we might be able to get a scheduled meal at the meal trucks too like the Assassin's Creed one from last year (I don't think that they check for badges there)

    TarakaDark on
    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular
    Awesome. Keep it up Taraka, and we'll have a merry PAXtivus for the Rest-of-us yet!

    User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.
  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    So what exactly is going on in this thread?

  • AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular
    I think its about creating an event that happens PAX weekend but doesn't require a pass. For those of us who want to get that PAX feeling but can't enter the hallowed ground.

    It's also a bad ass name.

    User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.
  • vespachicavespachica SeattleRegistered User regular
    Well, mostly it's stuff that goes on for which you don't need a PAX pass (MMT, Schlitzkrieg, Night Before PAX board game playing, etc. etc.). So, mostly a consolidation thread with perhaps some extra social things thrown in as well. That's my interpretation anyway.


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited April 2013
    Since it was brought up, we still have a blanket ban on buy/sell/trade of passes via these forums.

    zerzhul on
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    @zerzhul, thank you for the reminder.

    @S2000Gan, vespachica is most correct in their definition of this thread. Alazull mentions "creating an event," and there is the possibility of that if there are enough willing ShadowPAXers to organize that, but it is currently in the sense of "some extra social things" that vespachica mentions. Some of this organization is being handled in the Yahoo group that I have created, so I would say for everyone to be apprised of both this thread and that group, where multiple threads can be posted and multiple moderators designated. Being able to hang out with others who have the same external PAX boundary means that you can potentially share more experiences outside of that boundary during PAX.

    While my mention of local game-related events in the next several weeks in my earlier post may seem off-topic to this thread, I want to throw out there (just to clarify) that it would be a possible way for some local ShadowPAXers to meet, discuss and bond long before PAX, which is why I felt it was worth a mention.

    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    I'll come over to the group once Marissa decides to reactivate my account. :-)

    edgeofblade on
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    It's tough to ask forumers to have multiple accounts and platforms for communications regarding PAX. I'm a fan of keeping it on the forums, but the mods have the final say on that.

    I've (personally) got too much to track to join yet another group, so just send me a PM if you want an event added to the forum sticky. I can't vouch for whether we'll be able to adequately vett events organized outside of the PAX forums.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • NecrotelNecrotel Registered User new member
    So, currently, I am a part of the Yahoo group, and have been explaining my thoughts and plans there to help with the set up of this project, and to essentially form a secondary convention as a service to Penny Arcade and their Exhibition fans. There are a number of venues near the WSCC, but it will take a major effort on everyone's part to make this more than a four-person ten minute meetup.

    I am currently working on our own credit card sized "Mini-Badges" to signify whoever wants to be a part of this event. These will be available for free (if few enough people want them), or for just the cost of printing. I feel the badges are mainly for flavor and fun, but can also serve a purpose for any "shift change" aspects (if we need to hold a room or man a booth, etc). I do need to know, however, if I can use a color-modified PAX Logo. Otherwise, I have a few ideas i am working on.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Just out of curiosity - was there, at any point, a posting or notification as to how to find this mysterious Yahoo group? It's not in the OP on this thread. Is it a secret?

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • kyle1193kyle1193 Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Just out of curiosity - was there, at any point, a posting or notification as to how to find this mysterious Yahoo group? It's not in the OP on this thread. Is it a secret?

    Its in TarakaDark's signature It would be nice to add it to a more noticeable place.

    kyle1193 on
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    @LexiconGrrl, the Yahoo group was mentioned clandestinely by me because accordng to the PAX forum rules, "Posting to promote your site or for anything that could be remotely considered marketing is absolutely not allowed." So, yeah, it's an Easter egg link in my signature at present (kudos to kyle1193 for pointing it out), and provides a fun (subjective perhaps) little "oh, so that's where the heck it was" moment. Again, the Yahoo group is to allow multiple threads and a less formal structure.

    @Necrotel, thanks for all of your great topics and suggestions in the Yahoo group. I hope we get more people over there to provide feedback.

    I will probably create a Dropbox folder for events to do around PAX, but I happened to be speaking with Andrew Perti, founder of SIMM, this evening, and there is a possibility that the temporary SIMM can be accessed in Seattle Center during PAX, but a Bumbershoot pass will need to be purchased (since it's the same weekend as PAX) if SIMM is still located there then. Just for some background on SIMM, it is a project that will be preserving video game hardware and software, and you will be able to play retro games there. If it makes it through the proper channels, it will someday be far cooler (I actually spent 90 minutes talking to Andrew about it today), but the gist of it during the PAX time is that you can probably play some vintage stuff on former consoles there. You can stop by there now if you want too. It's in the Armory.

    Also, Andrew mentioned the Seattle Pinball Museum in the International District that allows unlimited play on all of their pinball machines for one flat fee.

    So, this is just more of the sampling of locations that ShadowPAXers (or PAXers) will be able to visit during PAX. Again, I will make a Dropbox folder in the next few days and start compiling a spreadsheet there for this growing list when I get a chance. Everyone will be able to update it with other locations, eateries and so on for the ShadowPAX meetings and fun. The link will be provided in the Yahoo group when it is available.

    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    TarakaDark wrote: »
    @LexiconGrrl, the Yahoo group was mentioned clandestinely by me because accordng to the PAX forum rules, "Posting to promote your site or for anything that could be remotely considered marketing is absolutely not allowed." So, yeah, it's an Easter egg link in my signature at present (kudos to kyle1193 for pointing it out), and provides a fun (subjective perhaps) little "oh, so that's where the heck it was" moment. Again, the Yahoo group is to allow multiple threads and a less formal structure.

    @Necrotel, thanks for all of your great topics and suggestions in the Yahoo group. I hope we get more people over there to provide feedback.

    I will probably create a Dropbox folder for events to do around PAX, but I happened to be speaking with Andrew Perti, founder of SIMM, this evening, and there is a possibility that the temporary SIMM can be accessed in Seattle Center during PAX, but a Bumbershoot pass will need to be purchased (since it's the same weekend as PAX) if SIMM is still located there then. Just for some background on SIMM, it is a project that will be preserving video game hardware and software, and you will be able to play retro games there. If it makes it through the proper channels, it will someday be far cooler (I actually spent 90 minutes talking to Andrew about it today), but the gist of it during the PAX time is that you can probably play some vintage stuff on former consoles there. You can stop by there now if you want too. It's in the Armory.

    Also, Andrew mentioned the Seattle Pinball Museum in the International District that allows unlimited play on all of their pinball machines for one flat fee.

    So, this is just more of the sampling of locations that ShadowPAXers (or PAXers) will be able to visit during PAX. Again, I will make a Dropbox folder in the next few days and start compiling a spreadsheet there for this growing list when I get a chance. Everyone will be able to update it with other locations, eateries and so on for the ShadowPAX meetings and fun. The link will be provided in the Yahoo group when it is available.

    I would strongly recommend contacting the forum mods directly to ask about promoting this on the forums instead. It's definitely of interest to other PAX forumers, and taking it off the forums makes it harder for them to access.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • NecrotelNecrotel Registered User new member
    I have the memorabilia badges ready to be reviewed, if anyone is interested.

  • DracilDracil Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Yeah would be nice to make this officially unofficial, like all the other unofficial events that happen around PAX. Last thing we need is to get it shut down because we didn't get an OK from the mods. And once we get the OK, more full scale planning could probably be done.

    Dracil on
    3DS: 2105-8644-6304
    Switch: US 1651-2551-4335 JP 6310-4664-2624
    MH3U Monster Cheat Sheet / MH3U Veggie Elder Ticket Guide
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    Over in the Yahoo group, you can read about the shared Dropbox folder that I have created that contains a spreadsheet of ShadowPAX events, locations, eateries and member contact information that members can update.

    Welcome, new ShadowPAXers edgeofblade and Dracil!

    @Dracil, @LexiconGrrl: this is the official thread. Items can be discussed here too, but it will primarily be highlight notices. If every event were planned in detail here, the thread would go on and on. Also, items have been discussed in the Yahoo group that cannot be discussed here. Those banned items, however, are not the intention of the Yahoo group; the true intention is that if the official thread about this unofficial event were shut down, the ShadowPAXers would still have a place to continue planning without interruption. That about sums up the group's purpose beyond what I have stated in previous posts.

    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited April 2013
    Can you make the Spreadsheet a Google Doc and link it in the OP?

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    @LexiconGrrl, I am unfamiliar with both what a Google Doc is and what OP means. Can you explain further?

    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    @TarakaDark - Sure: OP = "Original Post". It's the very first posting on the thread. For event threads like this, you normally put all the relevant details in the OP so that anyone can easily access them at any time. Look at some of the other event threads on this forum for examples.

    Google Docs are online documents that can be easily shared across as many users as you want. Since they live on the internet, there's no upload-download-sharing issues like a static file on Dropbox has.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • NecrotelNecrotel Registered User new member
    Here is the Google Docs link: do with it what you will.

  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    @LexiconGrrl, thanks for the help. You will see that I have updated my OP. I do not plan on managing the Google Docs version of the spreadsheet at this time. Someone else can step in to manage it if they wish. I will, however, update the Dropbox version to reflect the Google docs version with anything that appears pertinent to ShadowPAX as originally envisioned. I finally got around to looking at the other paraPAX threads, including the ones that you provided sticky links to, and I then decided that being game-focused will be what separates ShadowPAX from the other events, which I have mentioned in the OP Edit's Mini-FAQ. Looking at the other current threads, I was totally uninspired by them since they seem too peripheral to the gaming-centric aspect of PAX and what I had in mind for ShadowPAX. Perhaps if ShadowPAX gets big enough in a future year, it can be the nexus for all of the paraPAX activity, but that requires a lot of cross-collaboration across unofficial events, and I'm only interested in this year at present, and specifically getting some gaming of all types in during PAX weekend, preferably as much of it PAX-related without a PAX pass as possible.

    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Announcing the first ShadowPAX-sanctioned location: Plymouth Pillars Park!
    Open: 6 AM - 10 PM
    Address: Boren Ave & Pike St, Seattle 98101

    During ShadowPAX, come here to get your LARP on! Also, the ancient-looking limestone columns make a great backdrop for cosplayers and photo shoots.
    The columns are all that remain of the entrance to the Plymouth Congregational Church, demolished in 1966.

    I have taken a picture of this location, where you can see someone in a blue shirt sitting at the base of the third column from the left if you zoom in: 15.55.07.jpg

    I have also done a Bing image search for additional images of the columns, which you can see here:

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Regarding the non-corporate public spaces, such as the ShadowPAX-sanctioned parks, there are some special regulations that need to be followed for permits, so if a PAX or ShadowPAX LARP, cosplay or improv gaming group of significant size wants to organize in these spaces (e.g. schedules a special event during ShadowPAX), this must be considered by that party. That being said, permits can also allow vendors, so that holds its own possibilities for interested enterprises. Because ShadowPAX is operating on no budget whatsoever, it will not be organizing any events in these spaces this year, so the city should be contacted instead. ShadowPAX is willing, however, to announce your events if you have obtained the appropriate permits, and will even allow a thread for you in the associated Yahoo group regarding organizing your event. On the other hand, impromptu groups of several can probably enjoy these areas all day without issue. For anything more formal, here is a link to Seattle's policies and permit application procedures:

    TarakaDark on
    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Announcing the first ShadowPAX-sanctioned side quest: game book play!
    Location: TarakaDark's apartment in The Villa, 1106 Pike Street Apt 206
    Time: Sunday, September 1st, Noon; vote in associated Yahoo group thread ("game book play," appearing shortly) for length; participation based on head count and weather (not raining means courtyard will be accessible)

    During this novel event (pun intended), play physical game books (including AD&D Adventures, Choose Your Own Adventure, Endless Quest, Fighting Fantasy) or, on your mobile device, digital game books (Gamebook Adventures, Fighting Fantasy) by yourself or as a group with GM. Advanced Fighting Fantasy rules available for group role-play of Fighting Fantasy game books. Loaned dice, pencils and paper may be available, but please feel free to bring along your custom gear. Also, please feel free to bring along your own game books (e.g. for the previously named series, you can send me a query to see if I have it available or not; GrailQuest; Twistaplot).

    If I haven't finished it before then, I hope to continue my play of the Warhammer 40,000 Gamebook Hive of the Dead by CZ Dunn that I purchased at the Black Library table on the 6th floor of WSCC during PAX 2012 during this time.

    TarakaDark on
    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Details on ShadowPAX-sanctioned "side quest" location: TarakaDark's apartment in The Villa, 1106 Pike Street Apt 206
    Contact: 425-301-3236 (please note that I will likely have my phone off during specific times in order to fully participate in events; also, texting is blocked on this number);

    My apartment is relatively tiny, so a relative few will be able to participate in some of the coolest ShadowPAX events here. Events at this location will be open to the most diligent ShadowPAX volunteers, my personally invited guests, and whomever else we can comfortably fit in. It is likely that I will create a guest list in our previously designated Dropbox folder (see my OP for link) as we determine exactly how many people we can fit comfortably.

    I have posted a couple of pictures of the apartment interior in the Dropbox so that you can get an idea of the relative space: 14.06.09.jpg 14.07.20.jpg

    Since this is a residential apartment, we must have inside voices for events. If the weather is nice, The Villa's shared interior courtyard will also have seating available, and it's pretty sweet: 15.57.58.jpg

    I should probably mention that I have four folding chairs as well.

    TarakaDark on
    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
  • TarakaDarkTarakaDark Grey Warden SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Announcing the second ShadowPAX-sanctioned side quest: role-playing roulette!
    Location: TarakaDark's apartment in The Villa, 1106 Pike Street Apt 206
    Time: Saturday, August 31, evening time TBD (after Seattle Pinball Museum visit that will start around 3 PM, followed by dinner at TBD location); vote in associated Yahoo group thread for event length
    Easter egg: Bring cash for late night pizza party (delivery via Pizza Mart, open until 4 AM).

    What does roulette mean in this circumstance? Does it mean that multiple GMs will be running multiple adventures in multiple settings? Perhaps it means that the players will swap characters as the adventure progresses? Or does the GM change mid-adventure? Maybe the milieu and/or rules set changes. All of the above? The players decide! Please feel free to bring along your GM hat, books, character sheets, and, if you wish, adaptability. Freeform rules welcome!

    TarakaDark on
    PAX without PAX Yahoo group has been set up to organize para-PAX events:
This discussion has been closed.