Paul Cornell's name, to be exact. Writer of Max Comic's 'Wisdom', several Doctor Who episodes and other assorted stuff.
Anyway, Paul was speaking at the recent Phoenix Convention in Dublin - an annual convention for writers and aspiring writers of fantasy. He was on just about every comics panel there, and while the spoilers were sadly lacking he did mention one or two things worthy of note.
First of all, he absolutely adores NBC's new show 'Heroes'. He thinks it's the greatest thing ever, and particularly mentioned the online comics that accompany every episode and the fact that the series is in chapter format.
Unfortunately, the show has probably killed a pitch he currently has in with the BBC since the pitch is... well, it's basically 'Heroes' only all the heroes are female and they wear costumes. He *swears* he came up with the idea before he'd heard anything about Heroes, never mind watched it.
To add insult to injury, his show is called 'Super'.
Recent events in the Marvel and DC universes were discussed, and Paul admitted that he was one of the three people who actually liked Civil War. Yes, he liked it. Even the ending. And he defenced it too! He did make the point that it would have been truly awful if the event had ended in a reset.
There was also a tiny snippet about Joss Whedon (Astonishing X-Men, Runaways, Buffy the Vampire Slayer yeah I know you all know who he is) during a discussion on timelines and comics. The discussion dealt with issues such as sliding timelines, retcons, real world events in comics (The Beatles at Reed and Sue's wedding etc) and how to minimize the impact these problems cause. Anyway, Paul mentioned that Joss blundered right into the issue when he discussed 'Astonishing's story arc with Marvel. His very first question in their first meeting was "So how long have the X-Men been together?"
Joss told Paul later that the Marvel guys just stared at him while he sat there wondering what he'd said wrong.
This is Paul Cornell
The convention was in Ireland, after all. Joss never visits us. *weeps*
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They tried that, it sucked.