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Any Austin PAXers?

ohkateyohkatey Owner of Bitch Team AlphaAustin, TXRegistered User regular
Just curious. I'm moving there in 2 weeks and haven't met anyone there yet. I go to PAX Prime almost every year (though might do East instead next year). I used to know a pretty tight-knit group of people in Seattle, where I used to live a couple years ago, but I'm going to be pretty far away and was wondering if you guys ever meet up. If not, would any of you have an interest?

pax primer @ <3


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I think there's quite a few PAXers in the Austin area actually, although I'll let them speak for themselves. I wouldn't expect it to be too hard to find some folks to hang out with.

  • ohkateyohkatey Owner of Bitch Team Alpha Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    I would imagine so, Austin is a pretty gaming industry-heavy area and I bet some people go to PAX every year! :)

    pax primer @ <3
  • Kaoken00Kaoken00 TexasRegistered User regular
    Yeah my friends and I live the north Austin area and its our first time for Pax Prime.

    South 2016 Status: .[*] 3-Day Passes .[*] Hotel .[*] Waiting Patiently .

  • ohkateyohkatey Owner of Bitch Team Alpha Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    Hope you guys have fun! It's an awesome experience.

    I'm trying to see if there is any interest in a pre-pax meetup in central Texas.

    pax primer @ <3
  • OsirisStudiosOsirisStudios Registered User new member
    Will you be at RTX? If so come by and see us there.

  • BadNews65BadNews65 Data Solutions Analyst ArkansasRegistered User regular
    I plan on moving to Austin next year. I think I may be the only Person going to PAX int he whole state of Arkansas where I live currently.

  • LordOwenLordOwen Young Joel Heyman Austin, TXRegistered User regular
    I'm an Enforcer (and RTX Guardian) who's been living in Austin for a little over a year now. It's a pretty cool place, and there are a few other PAXers and Enforcers living down here as well. Hopefully you're enjoying yourself already!

  • DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    I'm living in the Dallas area, not quite local to Austin, but there's still a fair amount of Texan PAXers

  • KomiKomi Registered User regular
    I'm in San Antonio, so I'm -really- close to Austin. Only about an hour away from me. I've actually been curious as to how many Texan PAXers there are too.

    -PAX Prime 2014-
    [x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
    [ ]Airfare
    [ ]Buttoneering Buttons
    [ ]Challenge Coin
  • helen0rzhelen0rz Registered User regular
    Dallas here! Will be there this year!

  • clickpictonyclickpictony Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    I myself live in Houston but I go to Austin quite often (at least once a month) and usually will take the opportunity to meet up with other PAXersfriends from when I went to UT when I'm there. I'd definitely be up for hanging out if you would like and also a Pre-PAX hangout sounds like a lot of fun and I'd definitely be up for going to Austin to join for that.

  • DysprosiusDysprosius Eclectic Registered User regular
    Quite a few DFW peoples are around. Speaking of which QuakeCon is next weekend, anyone going to go?

    "History is Written by the Victors"
  • moonglow1980moonglow1980 San Antonio, TXRegistered User new member
    I'm from San Antonio. I consider Austin my 2nd home since I'm always there. I'm all about live music so as the live music capitol of the world, it's no wonder Austin & I get along swell. ^_^ I <3 dirty 6th!

    ~love glows~
  • beverageninjabeverageninja Austin, TXRegistered User new member
    I would be interested in a meet up. I move to Austin 6 years ago from from Seattle. PAX Prime is something I try to do every year, been to PAX East once and loved it! I'm super excited about PAX South now! Hope to see some of you there!

  • beverageninjabeverageninja Austin, TXRegistered User new member
    I would be interested in a meet up. I move to Austin 6 years ago from from Seattle. PAX Prime is something I try to do every year, been to PAX East once and loved it! I'm super excited about PAX South now! Hope to see some of you there!

  • beverageninjabeverageninja Austin, TXRegistered User new member
    I would be interested in a meet up. I move to Austin 6 years ago from Seattle. PAX Prime is something I try to do every year, been to PAX East once and loved it! I'm super excited about PAX South now! Hope to see some of you there!

  • beverageninjabeverageninja Austin, TXRegistered User new member
    I would be interested in a meet up. I move to Austin 6 years ago from Seattle. PAX Prime is something I try to do every year, been to PAX East once and loved it! I'm super excited about PAX South now! Hope to see some of you there!

  • SynnSynn Registered User regular
    Me and the girlfriend will be there, got our 3 day badges before they sold out luckily. We are also looking to split our hotel room with someone the nights of the 22nd 23rd and 24th. We snagged a room at the Menger Hotel which is just across the riverwalk from the convention center. The only room we could reserve has 2 queen size beds and we won't be using the 2nd bed. The total for the room is $455.34 and we would be asking for half, so if anyone is looking to get 3 nights in downtown San Antonio please let me know.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    There's a room share thread stickied in the pax south section, please use that for room sharing.

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