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Feel free to discuss your own predictions for the conferences, what you personally hope will happen, what you think actually
will happen, etc. You can use facts to back up your predictions or just simply list your wishes on announcements that have a small-to-zero chance of even existing.
I'll kick things off:
Sony: Regardless of which side you support during this new generation of system wars, there's little argument that currently Sony looks the most favorable among gamers right now. They kicked things off right with their PS4 announcement, offering a smart presentation that was virtually BS-free, as well as outlining their focus in very favorable areas (core gamers, Indie devs, easier development tools).
No two ways about it, Sony's got the most ammo to fire off this presentation: we've got a nice farewell send-off for the PS3 with Beyond: Two Souls and Gran Turismo 6, a possible revitalization for the Vita with some appealing new titles, PS4-connectivity features and maybe a price drop, and undoubtedly some new games and features to show off with the PS4, as well as a release date and possible price. If they also manage to show one or both of their long-delayed but still-hyped games (The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy Versus XIII) under new PS4 tech, then they will really cause a stir with gamers around the world.
Basically, Sony would have to try really hard to mess up their conference.
Microsoft: Following the arguably disastrous and undeniably boring reveal of the Xbox One, there's been a lot of insistence from fans and MS employees alike that their E3 presentation will be entirely, 100% focused on games.
I don't believe that for one second. If you're really expecting them to not tout their TV features, exclusive ESPN partnership or Kinect+Dashboard functionality, I truly feel sorry for you.
The good news is that their conference should be
mostly focused on games, but as for which titles will take up the bulk of the conference, well....I fully expect a lengthy "played" demo of Call of Duty: Ghosts, as has been their tradition for some time now. I also expect something similar for Batman: Arkham Origins.
The real question is how many new and exclusive Xbox 1 games will make an appearance during the conference. I honestly can't say for certain. I can only hope they have something new to show that isn't a third party game or an upscaled "Xbox 360.5" title.
Nintendo: The good news with their online presentation is that we'll be spared the embarrassing moments of filler such as a plastic instrument band or Wii Fit stage demonstration. The bad news is that we won't have hilarious moments of filler such as a plastic instrument band or Wii Fit stage demonstration.
I expect this year to be Nintendo's most "predictable" presentation...but also one of their best. We pretty much know what they're going to show: a new Mario, a new Smash Bros, Wind Waker HD, perhaps a tease for Zelda Wii U, and perhaps some 3DS games (come ooooon, Punch-Out 3D and Super Metroid 2!).
All of it is going to look great and will no doubt be bought by everyone come launch day....but those are all things we saw coming. I highly doubt we'll get any big surprises along the lines of Twilight Princess (back when it was a Gamecube game) or Metroid: Other M (which floored
everyone until we actually played it), and third party reveals seem even rarer. We might get a Zombi U 2 reveal, which should be neat, but big surprises.
Sad to say, the one thing I'm probably most excited about is a Wii U price drop, which then leads to a new Ambassador program for early adopters. I want some digital Wii and Gamecube games, darn it.
Square Enix: I really couldn't stress enough how profoundly disappointed I've been with Square this gen, at least from their Japanese side of games. That goes especially for Final Fantasy, which was once an RPG series that made everyone stop and take notice whenever a new game was announced. These days, a new FF game results in everyone pointing and laughing.
They've been spending a considerable amount of time hyping up E3, almost making you believe they have something worthwhile to show. The company has also been undergoing a corporate makeover, with new policies that sound appealing in paper ("shorter development times, more community focus in shaping their games") and others....not so much ("more smartphone games, more money spent on advertising").
Let's be honest here: even if Lightning Returns and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn end up as legitimately great games (the latter has a good chance, the former...), no one is really going to care about either during E3. Square must be aware of this, and simply must have something more substantial to show at E3. We know they've got a "new FF announcement" planned...they had the balls to take up time in the PS4 conference to illustrate that point while also being the only company to not have something new to show.
There's been a ton of rumors pointing to that game being Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which has now been re-branded Final Fantasy XV and is now a PS4 game. Personally, I would be satisfied with that confirmation, even though many jaded people will immediately compare it to DNF. That said, I really am hoping they've got even more to show off besides that. More than anything I want to get a sense that they have finally learned from their years of embarrassments and have taken the first steps to restore some faith with the next generation.
Konami: They might as well call themselves "Metal Gear Production Company", because whatever they've got to show will undoubtedly be 99% MGSV focused. That said, I'm still holding on to hope that with they will utilize the allegedly versatile FOX Engine to bring back some of their long-dormant franchises, as well as hopefully finding a developer that actually knows how to make a proper Silent Hill game.
Atlus: Persona 5. Persona 5. Persona 5. Persona 5. Persona 5.
That's about everything I'm hoping for. Let's hear your own predictions.
Of course, the phrase "... with the power of Kinect..." could render that argument moot.
I also want to know more about the next Pro Evolution Soccer. They started saying "it's running on the FOX engine!" and then it became "it's running on a version of the FOX engine" and slowly I'm seeing the old PES creeping in when they really, really, really need a clean break.
I think the OP is a little biased against Microsoft, I would completely deny that the reveal was boring, it was an hour long and told me lots of things I'm interested in and excited about, I do however get that it wasn't for everyone and if you're not going to use a lot of the features they were touting you could be disinterested. I just don't think it's a good move to pretty much write them off in the OP. They've made this commitment of 15 exclusives in the first year, I'd be surprised if we didn't see most (if not all) of them, and there's rumours that Rare has something big to share...
Nintendo are confirmed not to have a presentation aren't they? They are going to do something spectacular though I think, Nintendo Direct has been a big success and I can imagine them doing something like putting a mario kart demo out on the Wii U and 3DS during E3 and simply showing a trailer reel through Nintendo Direct of new Mario, new Mario Kart, new Smash Bros, New Zelda, Pikmin and whatever else they have up their sleeves.
I'm hoping for Ubisoft again. Watchdogs blew me away and I can't wait to see what they can show of their upcoming games.
Ubisoft is probably going to have another shtick-driven conference. That is going to be a pain to watch through. They're going to talk up their strategy of having 2000 staff members working on all their games simultaneously while showing things off.
Konami is going to pre-record again, and we're not going to get much new info about any Metal Gear or Castlevania stuff going on. They're just going to tease during an event meant for showcasing, which has kinda been their thing to do for the last couple years from what I remember.
Electronic Arts is going to be the most embarrassing to watch. They're probably going to have Microsoft folks show up on stage to go, "WOO UNPRECEDENTED PARTNERSHIP!" It's pretty much going to be some games, but they're going to use them to justify the bad business crap we've been exposed to recently. Also Sims 4, or 5, whichever we're at.
Microsoft is gonna go one of two ways; show video games to try and win people over, or re-iterate their reveal and try to assure the upset response with a lot of smooth talking that will still leave things open. I don't expect them to have a launch price nor launch date, not until Sony does it.
Sony will probably be the best presentation. But we have been wrong before. I'm hoping they don't blow it, they're on top of the world by not playing into the bad business going on by competitors. If they announce a low price people will be stoked.
Nintendo is going to make people here on this forum happy, or people on the internet in general, but the general media basically isn't going to have much info or reporting to do since Nintendo made the bizarre decision to not have a keynote.
Activision is the wild card to watch for. Are they going to pick a 'side' to support strongest, or maintain neutrality in the pathetic console war? STAY TUNED!
Microsoft talked a lot during that one hour but they said very, very little. If they'd wanted to, they could've squeezed all that talk into 10 minutes but they didn't and we received 90% buzzwords and bullshit ("90 bazillion transistors!" as if that means a thing).
Anyway, Henroid's predictions are pretty much what I'm expecting, though I've already got an answer for his Activision question: They'll keep themselves out of the dick measuring competition and will only step in if swayed by the highest bidder. It's why they signed the timed exclusive CoD DLC deal with Microsoft years ago and undoubtedly why Diablo 3 and exclusive Destiny DLC are coming to PS4.
My only real prediction is that if Sony and Microsoft bother with price announcements, the PS4 will be cheaper than the XBO.
Personally, I'd much prefer an inFamous Vita title, maybe something that works with Second Son, but it's probably a long-shot unfortunately.
Microsoft: I don't really know what to expect, except a lot of talk about the living room being the center of entertainment. All I want them to do is announce Killer Instinct 3. If they can manage to do that, they will have my attention.
Sony: I'm very interested in the indie developer stuff, but I don't know if we will see much of that, so i'll just be happy with some awesome games. Unless Square announces a FF7 HD Remaster to pull their asses out of financial trouble.... which won't ever happen, I'm gonna pretty much just expecting the normal with some nice details on the new features of the PS4.
I don't try and get my hopes up too high because it is E3 after all. Last year all I wanted was the Animal Crossing announcement and I had to wait forever to find out I had to wait forever + 1.
The games I want to see that we won't see at E3 are:
Killer Instinct 3
Black & White 3
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
Half-Life 3
I think.... there is a theme here.
Microsoft:I'm expecting some big exclusive FPS games, Halo 5 teaser, Perfect Dark Zero, and Respawn timed exclusive deal. Xbox Live Gold will continue to be a bewildering "why would you pay for that" thing that continues to have great success, and the gaming press either won't ask about the Kinect advertising metrics it collects or they will be coy about it. Not going to lie, I'm not a fan of the way Microsoft has been doing business with the 360, and I expect them to double down on the shittiness, with great financial success in the long run.
Nintendo: This is really make it or break it time for the Wii U, and I'm really hoping they wow us all. Realistically, I'm expecting really uncreative and exactly-what-you-would-expect versions of Mario Kart and SSB that excite the Nintendo diehards and absolutely no one else, and maybe some Wii ___ minigame/fitness thingymagig, but with a 3D Mario that blows everything else ever out of the water and forces me to get a Wii U pretty much just for it and classics at some point. I'm really hopeful they nail HD Windwaker too, it's one of the greats. Not expecting too many surprises, but to make things interesting I'll guess a $50 price drop for the Wii U and a full console Pokemon RPG for the Wii U, but only a teaser for now until after the 3DS one is out. It's waaaay past time Nintendo made one.
EA: I'm expecting Mirror's Edge 2 and Dragon Age 3 to be shown and look staggeringly awesome on the surface, but be packaged with untenable DRM/DLC/Dead Space 3 style freemium-but-not-free-in-the-first-place bullshit. I'm going to throw out a guess that we'll see a suprise iOS revival of one of Bioware's older franchises.
Ubisoft: I think they've already shown their most interesting hands with Watch Dogs and ACIV, but hey they look cool so whatever. Expect more Splinter Cell footage and generic-but-next-gen-prettified Tom Clancy war stuff. I'd love few things more than to see "Beyond Good and Evil 2, next gen launch title bitches" but am not holding my breath. Expect another big Assassin's Creed iOS push to get a few last bucks from the franchise before it's done.
Square: Will continue to make the blindingly awful decision to dump more money and advertising resources into FFXIV, the MMO we've all already written off. I'm expecting a Tomb Raider 2 teaser, but it's way too early in development to see anything from it. Given their most recent track record on the development side, an announcement of FFXII HD for PS3/Xbox/Vita would be the best bet for actual quality announcements from the JRPG-side of Square. I'm expecting an interesting new IP announcement that looks visually fantastic but ultimately falls flat on its face in the writing and world building side. They'll finally give in to their fan's demand and go ahead with an FF7 remake, but for 3DS to keep costs down.
Bethesda: Doom 4 trailer that looks insanely fun, Fallout 4 teaser but no date or anything terribly concrete.
Atlus: Persona 5 hell yes, and while I don't expect to see it I'd love to see a "Persona 4 Platinum" for the PS3-they've developed a ton of positive mind share with P4Golden, but honestly who has a Vita?
Konami: Tons of cool MGSV information, and another Silent Hill that looks like it will miss the mark, unfortunately.
Edit: Forgot to mention, I bet that Nintendo will finally unveil an account system, but still keep 3DS and Wii/Wii U VC purchases separate.
I would love love love an actual revival of that so much.
I'm expecting an announcement of Blood Omen 1 and/or Soul Reaver 1 getting ported to phones and tablets or something as another "how would that even fucking work" thing. (The former would be a lot easier, but still awful)
Yeah, EA is really into the walled-garden business approach and they clearly aren't backing down from it. But it's their loss in every which way, it's a shit strategy for the long-term.
I also predict something big from Valve, hopefully some more details about the Steambox / "Piston", and maybe something about Half-Life if we're really lucky.
I'm hoping for Persona 5 for PS3, or maybe PS4. I'd wager PS3 with how Persona 4 worked out.
I own Persona 4 Golden and Arena but if they did re-release it again for PS3 I'd probably pick it up (because Persona is a weakness). I could see a bundle of Persona 4 Golden (up-scaled and added stuff for PS3) and Persona 4 Arena.
Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
The way they can keep the interest gained from their first conference is continuing to show off games that won't be ready for another year or two. Even if FFXV or TLG gets revealed, it's highly unlikely either will be ready this year. Having a mix of stuff they'll have ready for launch and stuff to look forward to in the next year would be ideal.
As for Xbox One, it entirely depends what their launch lineup is going to be. So far it looks like sports titles and ports (Arkham Origins, Thief 4, Watch Dogs, etc). Maybe they'll have some new exclusive IPs or sequels to show off, but it's highly unlikely they'll be ready for launch. In that case they can fulfill one of the two conditions for Sony's conference.
The one way they can sell me on either system is the guarantee that their games will be 1:1 as good looking as their PC counterparts on max settings.
For someone like me who has a decent PC rig that can't always crank every new game to max settings, being able to get that same visual performance on a console without worrying about middling framerate, stuttering and other potential PC problems, while also offering a compelling amount of social features (the ones that matter, at least, namely saving replays and live recordings), would entice me to spend $4-$500 on a new system instead of $1000+ on upgrading my PC to get the same experience.
Until someone like Crytek cranks out a new monster PC game that will take years to run perfectly, there's no reason Sony and MS's new machines can't have their games look equal to their PC versions.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.
I want a console Fire Emblem game.
Like, a whole Wii U game where the CG cutscenes from Awakening are real-time cutscenes.
And is also a sequel, because the characters were rad.
Lucina is rad.
Though honestly, I'm looking forward to this E3, big boys showing off new systems, always makes for fun.
If I ever get an Xbox One and "Joseph Sports" isn't taken, I'm making that my profile name.
I'm going to be a steam person now. All ready plays worms on my tv, that is fun stuff. I hope valve has some good things, but don't know.
I can see sony taking the gaming stage. As I said above, I think MS will do ok, but it is not the game crowd they are aiming at now. It is the casual gamer, and connected living room crowd. That is why I think Sony will take the game stage, regardless of what MS brings.
I don't think EA will mention anything SimCity DLC, that hurts to much, but I could see them launching Sims 4. 3 has been out for a while. And my girl wanted it and just bought it. So I know it will be out datted soon.
Nintendo, don't know don't care. They have solid IP's, and do what they do. I don't use them anymore.
Someone mentioned Castlevania, I would love that. Would love a doom 4, even though I probably can't afford all the games I want. Or have time. Oh steam, why do you do what you do?
Indie games are an area where Sony are making Microsoft look like a joke and they were widely praised for The Witness' appearance at their unveil, so I'd say an indie presence is a dead cert.
Yeah, the games will be fine I am sure, but i'm mostly interested in the framework they have setup. They pushed on it a bit in their 2 hour presser, and it peeked my interest. As a wannabe developer I am always interested to see what types of doors companies open for indie developers.
I don't expect anything from Microsoft. With XNA dead and no mention at all in the presser, I'm not expecting them to suddenly surprise everyone with a new framework/platform for getting indie games on live.
Nitnendo is working with Unity, and they are also working on a web framework, so I am interested to see how accessible that is. A lot of indie groups are going mobile due to the ease of access, but expanding console support for indie developers would tickle my fancy.
It remains to be seen how much of an effect the Indie support will have for Sony, but between that and JRPGs you're already looking at two possible exclusive genres for that system.
Mike and Jerry could probably swap out a few words from the second and third panels and re-run this for 2013.
Microsoft: man I cannot wait to see how they show the Kinect into Halo 5. You know its going to happen.
Activision: I really want some solid news on Ghosts. Especially the multiplayer, but will settle for story/setting info.
I will instead get a 10minute gameplay demo with a lot of scripted sequences to show off shiny new graphics.
PS4 might be the console that I'll get some years down the road and I feel like, in some weird way, my moderate interest in the platform makes me way less interested in what they'll have to say. Like, sure, it'll probably be fine and I might get one when it's nearing the end of its life so I don't really care all that much right now.
Most interested in Nintendo because I have a Wii U and 3DS. Blah blah they'll show everything you expect but it'll still get me hyped. I'm hoping new 3D Mario is more exploratory like 64 or Sunshine or at least is less abstract than the Galaxy games or even 3D Land. Not to say that those games weren't fantastic. Or even better the new Mario is another shift in what 3D Mario is. Super excited for Smash Bros. and that's probably the only E3 demo that could get me to a Best Buy because I love the dumb and incredibly detailed fan service that Smash Bros. provides. I feel like they have to have a curveball somewhere, a "one more thing", like the first Brawl trailer which was insane when it happened and I'm pretty sure it'll be whatever Retro's working on. Like, after the first day everyone will be asking "where's Retro?" and then bam open world Star Fox full game on the eShop right now.
I'm excited to see what Konami will screw up this time, last year was the "livestream" that five minutes in everyone realized it was all prerecorded and they could skip through it right? I want a 2D Castlevania with proper sprites but I'm expecting that any Castlevania will be the new Lords of Shadow game and otherwise it'll be all MGS all the time.
I want Persona 5 but I don't want to buy a PS3 so I hope they release a version on the 360 (That's reasonable because Catherine sold alright on it right? please?) or Wii U would be even better for me and probably only me so I'm not holding my breath. What I'm saying is I'll be buying a PS3 sometime next year. Hopefully by then they'll be cheap.
I can't say I'm looking to see anything else specifically. I just want the unknowns because those are exciting even if I don't want to pay money for it.
3DS: 2019-9671-8106 NNID: RamblinMushroom
Agree with the above posters that Sony's in the best position, favor-wise, heading into the conference. Microsoft are back on their heels a bit, but I think they'll keep their focus on games. I worry that Sony may muddle their message - Wonderbook springs to mind - and I'm curious how they'll handle pushing the transition from PS3 (Last of Us, Gran Turismo, Beyond: Two Souls, FFXIV) to PS4; will any titles be pushed back or ported? Nintendo has the most to gain, but I kind of feel that if they had huge out-of-left-field announcements to make, they wouldn't have foregone the traditional conference. The new SSB will need to make a huge impression, as will a Wii U Zelda tease. Regardless of what else happens, those two titles will determine whether Nintendo's E3 was a success or a failure.
Well, that would be mighty fine.
There are a couple of indies out there defending Microsoft but then they're the ones that have actual publishing deals with them, so of course they're not going to complain.
Edit: Oh god, Microsoft are going to have a 15 minute CoD demo like they do every year, aren't they? That'll sure put me to sleep.
Turns out Valve won't even be at E3 this year so there goes that. Someone wake me when its time for E3 2014.
Except that Sony don't really seem to care so much about the move and focused mostly on games just like Nintendo.
I am really curious to see Microsofts presentation, mostly because it should either be face blowingly fantastic to override all their bad press or it will plunge them straight into the abyss of absolute "Third console curse" doom. I can't wait for it and I know what side I am betting on! But honestly there is no way to lose here, especially if it actually ends up being good (which means lots of great awesome looking games).
Sony I think might be very boring, with mostly the same stuff they showed before and I only really expect them to wheel out what the actual console looks like. It will be a black (or maybe white) box. WHEEE. The problem Sony has is having the general nerdrage/gamer opinion behind them, which means they might not try as hard and therefore get complacent.
Nintendo have pretty much lost me already unless Sony have an equal disaster to Microsoft. Curious to see if they will show any Bayonetta 2 or more Wonderful 101 though.
Keen to see Ubisofts presentation, in fact excited for it as opposed to most of the others as Ubisoft seem keen to kick off new IP. We'll probably get yet another bloody demo of Rayman in there as well, just because. Almost feel like I have played all of Rayman Legends before the game has come out at this point.
Also excited to see what Capcom presents, hopefully some more Deep Down and whatever else they have.
Microsoft makes Visual Studio. They want all those developers using it so they are gonna do all they can to get them back.
"We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
Sony: They've done good so far by effectively keeping their trap shut and keeping the message focused on games, game culture and game development. Microsoft effectively "blinking first" on a couple of fronts has given them a lot of wiggle room to work a message about what their console does and does not do. They'd have to try really hard to fuck up what's essentially a gimme but we'll see.
Nintendo: All they have to show is their staples and not do anything incredibly goofy and they're golden. As long as Mario/Zelda/Smash is shown they could literally spend the rest of their time doing whatever the hell else.
Square: I'd like for Square-Enix to go one year without embarrassing themselves horribly. For all the shit I give that company nowadays I still have a soft spot for them hardcoded into my nerd DNA. I expect some FFXIV 2.0 stuff, Kingdom Hearts announcement, And as a longshot, Final Fantasy versus XIII rebranded as Final Fantasy XV for PS4 in an effort to move it as far away from Fabula Novus Crystallis as possible and finally close the cover on that book of misery. I also expect some announcements from their western arms in the form of sequels despite throwing them under the bus earlier this year.
Konami: If it ain't Castlevania or Metal Gear related don't expect it. I'd be surprised if they talked about anything else
Ubisoft: I expect Asscreed and Splinter Cell talk mixed with back-handed comments about what giant thieves gamers all are. Something Rayman related and as a surprise near the end a teaser for the new BLood Dragon game.
Electronic Arts: Sports because bro-dollar too stronk. I expect real details on Dragon Age 3 and whatever new Mass Effect game they're cooking up. Battlefield something something. New way to play something something before some Microsoft mouthpiece in a very well-tailored person suit comes out to talk about their partnership.
"...only mights and maybes."
Huh? Indie developers are absolutely nothing to Visual Studio as a whole.
And besides, by developing for the PS4, indie developers are already using Visual Studio because that's what Sony supports.
I would have said "no chance", but if by some miracle Versus is close to done (name change or not), then maybe there's a chance at this.
So I can't help but hope Nintendo has one more surprise up their sleeves. Or just announce that Retro is working on a new Metroid game. That'd be cool too.