I picked up DMC 3 SE a little while ago, as i heard it rocked, it was cheap, and I just finished GoW.
Anyway, I started it up, and proceeded to get my ass kicked. I managed to beat the little intro, but once I get out on to the street I get beaten down. I've finally manged to beat all the mooks, but then some Death-lookalike with a giant health bar shows up and destroys me.
I'd heard this game was cool, not that it was so damn hard. What exactly am I missing? Anyone help me out with some tips?
Seriously though it's pretty much just a case of practicing. Leveling your character helps a ton as well since the various styles can really save your ass. If it's your first DMC game it's going to be painful but once you get decent/good it's a blast.
I recommend trickster to beginners.
The Death-lookalike guy always hands newbies their asses. It's nothing to be ashamed of. You'll need to learn his attacks so that you can dodge at least a couple of them if you want to survive. He has two teleportation attacks - one horizontal (which you can jump over) and one vertical (which you can run away or dash away from). There are many more ways to dodge than that, but those are the easiest to understand.
Also, you're invincible while rolling and, when jumping, from the ground to the top of your first jump. Start taking advantage of these.
Also, make sure you're on GOLD mode, not YELLOW.
DMC1 for example.
Did you get to the first boss in DMC1?
As a newcomer to DMC, I second Marty's suggestion to stick with Trickster style -- once you power it up a bit and you get the double-dash power, it becomes much easier to dart around and avoid attacks. Once you've stuck with that and you've learned enemy's patterns and tells for attacks, you can start experimenting with other styles.
or play the first level a shitton too and pick up a feel for the game, i guess
Didn't help me HO HO HO
Keep your eye on the bad guys, not Danté. Quickly Dodge and Counterattack is pretty much the strategy for every monster in the game.
Don't worry, i got owned by the grim reaper look-a-like too. Just keep at it, you'll get better and rape him with rebellion.
If you think this is hard, wait till you fight the REAL bosses. You'll take them out too, but the first couple of times they will wipe the floor with you. Tough love i guess.
This man speaks wisdom.
I've just picked it up myself, and I can back up everything said so far. Stick with trickster. Don't worry about combos or style points for now; I didn't even touch the lock-on button for several missions. Just focus on getting the hang of dashing and jumping out of harm's way, and beating on them when you're good and ready. Your guns won't do a lot of damage, but mashing them in midair is a great way to slow the combat down a bit.
Just use the same basic strategy on the boss man. Whack on him when you get the chance, then when he starts blocking or attacking dash out of the way and bounce around till you feel up to it again. It'll take a couple tries to get the rhythm down, but he's really just a big ol' softie.*
XBL Gametag: mailarde
Screen Digest LOL3RZZ
Difficulty is rebalanced(normal is the old easy, hard is the old normal, very hard is the old hard, I think DMD is the same), you have a new orb choice that lets you continue from a checkpoint instead of from the beginning of the stage, and Vergil is playable. Also the Blood Palace, an area with 9999 rooms and you can go forward 1, 10, or 100 rooms at a time.
I had the same problem with the first DMC.
I'm about halfway through on hard having cleared it on normal long ago, if I remember right.
pics or it didn't happen
also, my other advice was probably more sound
I say patient because to use Royal Guard to full effectiveness you essentially have to learn the attack timing of every monster in the game. You're not gonna do that by being a pussy and dodging about them, you're going to do that by standing and blocking the blows... or getting creamed by them.
Once you learn to block the blows though, the benefits are obvious as hell. You're completely mitigating damage in a way that helps you turn it all back around on the enemy; a fully-charged, well-timed Royal Guard attack on that first boss will instakill him, if I remember correctly.
Wait do by "first boss" do you mean the reaper or Cerberus?
because if its the latter then daaannggggg!
I just picked this up last friday, and after playing quite a bit I just got to the second to last boss (I think). I've managed to completely level up trickster and royal guard, but im atrocious at blocking! Still only have 3 devil trigger gauge units, though. How do you get more?
And man, I dont complain too much about difficulty in action games, but the second fight against vergil was RIDICULOUS. I dont even want to know how hard the last one is.
I didn't have much of a problem beating Ninja Gaiden on normal. How does the difficulty compare to that game?
Definitely the former. Far as I'm concerned if it has a lifebar it's a boss :P
The final boss was a bitch though. I used every cheap trick possible to win.
Cerberus is a joke on all difficulties. Are you using Ebony and Ivory? Use them. Also, never run up to him, unless he lunges. There is no other real reason to run up to him.
Now, Angi and Rudra... those guys are hard until you know what's going on. Then even when you know, they're still hard.
DMC is only hard when fighting bosses. Regular enemy encounters are easy to deal with once you understand that is an enemy is off camera... he will not attack you. There's like only 2 enemies that don't follow this rule and those enemies aren't hard to deal with anyway.
It must take you forever to kill him with just E&I. I just use them to smack the ice armor off his heads and legs then go to town with my sword. If you hit his legs and do enough damage, he eventually falls down for a couple seconds, giving you quality free-time with his 3 heads. If you're using Swordmaster, it's even easier since you can use Rebellion's style button in air and do a 3 hit floating combo that you can repeat and does a good amount of damage.
Gonna have to agree with you on that one, but I chalk it up to the absolutely WORST camera angles in the entire game. There is no other place that drives me as mad as that room.