EDIT: Angry about this? Take action. Write your representatives. Here's a convenient way to do so:
https://action.eff.org/o/9042/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=9260So I guess it's a big deal now that the NSA spies on American citizens? Yesterday a court order granting the NSA access to all call meta-data (number, duration, location, etc) from Verizon's business customers was leaked to The Guardian. According to Diane Feinstein, chair of the Intelligence committee, this has been going on for 7 years and is totally legal guys, don't worry about it:
I just had an opportunity to review the Guardian article and I’d like to make the following points.
As far as I know, this is the exact three month renewal of what has been the case for the past seven years. This renewal is carried out by the FISA Court under the business records section of the Patriot Act. Therefore, it is lawful.
Just today, slides pertaining to a program called PRISM, which involved collaboration between the NSA and major internet companies were leaked. The companies involved all swear up and down that they have nothing to do with it, but I mean, that's kinda what they'd have to say, isn't it?
For those in the know, this isn't exactly new news, what with
the taps they installed at AT&T backbone switching centers so they could take copies of literally every email sent within America back in 2003 and store it in their
yottabyte scale datacenter out in Utah. While this may have been illegal at the time, for their servitude AT&T was granted a
papal indulgence retroactive immunity by the FISA amendment bill in 2008. "Doesn't retroactive immunity undermine the rule of law?", you might wonder...
if you're a thoughtcriminal.
Let's all discuss living in a dystopian surveillance state where privacy is reserved for the government!
Addendum: lol
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Anyone that doesn't realize this is some sort of freedom-hating communist puppykiller, and they need to be reported to the authorities immediately.
Maybe he can make his friends back off
It's about damn time!
I hate to say this dude, but you're coming off as totally paranoi-
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
The Entire Analyst Binder
Some excerpts:
hilariously, the FISA court itself only came after the sort of widespread inquest into the massive abuses of the intelligence community that itself seems impossible to exist anymore (the Church Committee of the 1970s)
that part of the future's ok
Also, some of the natural disaster ones are pretty funny.
Are the terrorists working on tornado generators now?
Just a forum where every post is in the form of a captcha
hahaha nope
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it's like how star trek was looking into the future and they couldn't even imagine what smart phones would be capable of
dystopian writers severely underestimated what would actually occur in the Grim Cyber-Future of 2013
U.S. consulate
reported for possible terrorist activity
You gotta always keep an eye out on Atari
Just what a terrorist would do!
well hey come on, death is only one of their many functions
let's not pigeonhole the flying death robots
I dunno, Brave New World and 1984 combined (brave new world for us, 1984 for the browns) make for a pretty accurate portrayal of things
Look, I am on record as being INCREDIBLY LOYAL to FRIEND NSA COMPUTER