So mexican politics is pretty fucked up, right? Rampant corruption? The youth in Mexico fears political assassinations for dissent.
Technology finds a way, and the young people in Mexico are engaging in one of the most hilarious examples of political activism I've ever seen: los animales politicos
meet Burro Chon. He's one of an army of fake internet animal personalities that are running for office in various parts of mexico. With catchy slogans that translate into stuff like "It's better to vote for a jackass for president, than to vote for president jackass." And actual, literal television ads. And bumper stickers. There's a ton of these all over the place, including:
Morris the "Candi-gato": "Considering voting for rats? For for the cat!"
Tina the Hen: "Just one of many cocks running for office."
Titan the Dog: "The only politician who will admit I'm in it just for the bone," and "He'll always give you a hand" with accompanying video of the dog shaking on command.
A unique take on politics - memes as political action. The best part? These candidates are leading by enormous margins in (admittedly informal) polls:
thumbs up to this
Apparently it has, there is a mayor of a town in alaska that is a cat, and has been for a few terms. Or so I've read.
I'm pretty sure this is fucking awesome right here:
Even after a lot of the really dirty stuff they got caught doing here they were still allowed to run really confuses me but then this is the Land of Entrapment
Mexico, or...?
I saw some interviews last night, and the people were saying that they realize the elections are shams put on by the cartels. I can only imagine how depressing it must be to be an intellectual in Mexico right now.
Rather than endlessly speculating during the dull bits, just cut to Kitt Romney and Purrack Obama "debating".
#yeswecat is their official twitter hashtag
whoa are things actually that bad in Mexico?
That's just what the people in the interviews were saying. I'm trying to find the exact video I saw. I'm guessing anybody going out of their way to be interviewed about a cat running for office likely already has a negative view of politics in general.
Mind you, I'm a typical american. Meaning I know fuck-all about mexican politics, other than I know a lot of police chiefs in juarez apparently die gruesome deaths.ón_Gnarr
Read that as "sham put on by the camels" initially.
Just a bunch of shady camel lobbyists trying to get more animals into positions of power.
Camels are just thirsty horses that are lying to themselves, anyways. We need less liars in office, not more.