Is the kickstarter game a faithful reproduction of the tabletop or something else, more in the vein of Tactics type games?
They mentioned games like XCOM and such, so I am assuming maybe something unique to a computer environment? Minding I wouldn't be unhappy with a recreation of the TT rules on a computer.
Either way I am going to buy it, but sadly I can't invest money in the kickstarter. Hopefully they make the level to have cryx playable on release.
Miniatures companies are generally wary of 1:1 recreating their game on computers due to, probably justifiably, fearing lost figure sales.
Of course the other way of looking at it is your increased exposure might get people in to the physical game.
I never really played much Warmachine due to not having anyone to play with, but they were some of the most enjoyable mini's I've ever painted. The dynamic figures they did, plus the awesome bits on the warjacks, made them easy to pop with only the tiniest bit of blending.
I still have a box of some sort of pistolier guys for Cygnar that I've never even opened. I bought them just to paint.
Edit: Which is to say that while digital might make people question why they pay for the physical mini's... goddamn you'd miss out on some real pleasure with painting.
Of course, while you can charge $30 for a chunk of lead that's also an army component, it's probably a tougher sell to charge $30 for its digital equivalent. But if you cost for digital goods, it's a challenge to make the argument to the broader market that they should still buy an army in meat space.
Darkewolfe on
What is this I don't even.
Warlock82Never pet a burning dogRegistered Userregular
I like this one How is it Child's Play though? Did the Warmachine guys buy the strip this year?
Is the kickstarter game a faithful reproduction of the tabletop or something else, more in the vein of Tactics type games?
They mentioned games like XCOM and such, so I am assuming maybe something unique to a computer environment? Minding I wouldn't be unhappy with a recreation of the TT rules on a computer.
Either way I am going to buy it, but sadly I can't invest money in the kickstarter. Hopefully they make the level to have cryx playable on release.
Miniatures companies are generally wary of 1:1 recreating their game on computers due to, probably justifiably, fearing lost figure sales.
Of course the other way of looking at it is your increased exposure might get people in to the physical game.
It's a gamble nobody has taken the plunge on.
Actually Warhammer Quest seems to be a pretty faithful recreation of the tabletop version (at least what I have played of it). There are also numerous other board games on iOS like Elder Sign and many of them have reported that the iOS version actually helped aid people in buying the physical ones.
I won't count it as a faithful recreation until all of my dice constantly roll 1-2s. Otherwise it's just not the same...
Warhammer Quest is not a 1:1 recreation, but more relevantly it's a stand alone board game, not a full on miniature army collecting hobby. That and it hasn't been on sale in physical form for a decade and a half!
We talked to Matt Wilson (who founded Privateer Press) about what he wanted for his strip, and he was freaking out because they were about to run a Kickstarter for a tactics game based on their tabletop wargame, Warmachine. Maybe he wouldn’t like the term “freaking out,” but the deal is that we will make him a strip, not present him as an ultramasculine paragon. He was freaking out, which I understand, having endured two such campaigns myself. But since the Goddamn thing funded in 35 hours, you know, maybe file that away somewhere. Optimally, this might be an opportunity to enjoy life for five seconds. I say that knowing full well that it’s impossible: the man is a verb. I doubt he’s happy unless he’s engaged in the next high-wire act of terrifying creative exposure.
I like to picture Khoo leaning back in a swivel chair, feet up on his desk holding a small notebook and pencil as he rubs his chin pondering the various options for Tycho domination available to him.
e: The stuff inside that frame ain't half bad either.
I yearn for more surrealism in PA, and this just teases.
Miniatures companies are generally wary of 1:1 recreating their game on computers due to, probably justifiably, fearing lost figure sales.
Of course the other way of looking at it is your increased exposure might get people in to the physical game.
It's a gamble nobody has taken the plunge on.
I still have a box of some sort of pistolier guys for Cygnar that I've never even opened. I bought them just to paint.
Edit: Which is to say that while digital might make people question why they pay for the physical mini's... goddamn you'd miss out on some real pleasure with painting.
Of course, while you can charge $30 for a chunk of lead that's also an army component, it's probably a tougher sell to charge $30 for its digital equivalent. But if you cost for digital goods, it's a challenge to make the argument to the broader market that they should still buy an army in meat space.
I won't count it as a faithful recreation until all of my dice constantly roll 1-2s. Otherwise it's just not the same...
looks like it
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