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Prime 2013 BYOC Information - [Wrap Up and Feedback]



  • bacon_avengerbacon_avenger Defender of Pork Products Pacific NW, USARegistered User regular
    Raptor007 wrote: »
    I remember hosting this mod at a small startup ISP, it was fairly popular. For my money, we found Holy Wars to be even more fun, chaotic, and absolutely more hilarious than action quake.

    Ahh, those were the fun days... :)

    Never played that one. For me, the most hilarious mod was QPong, where it's basically like playing soccer with a huge metal ball. You have to shoot it towards the enemy's goal, but if the ball rolls into you it gibs you. They made a Quake 3 version too. Hmm, that might work as a tourney game too... I think I'm more fond of AQ2 though.

    Hahaha, oh yes, qpong was another crazy one. I remember fixing a broken texture for one of the balls and sharing that out/sending it back to them.

    Good times!

    Ok, enough of the off topic stuff, on to the rest of the suggestions. :)

  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    So, Looks like Nvidia has these at Quakecon for attendees.

    REALLY hope I get one at PAX.

    S2000Gan on
  • shugaraeshugarae Phoenix, AZRegistered User regular
    Euphasie wrote: »
    Game -- Artemis
    Format -- 3-6 players on pc or iDevice, one server per ship; PvP or NPC shipt kill count or really anything
    Why you want this as a tournament -- this game lets you be the bridge crew of a starship suspiciously like the Enterprise. Someone is the captain and gives the orders. There is a red alert button. It's completely awesome.
    Why others will want this as a tournament -- Artemis needs so many people that it's hard to play at home, whereas a con is perfect for making new friends and crewmates. People who wouldn't be otherwise able to play it can be introduced to a fantastic game. Also, who doesn't want to be captain of a starship? (I myself prefer Science and Communications.)

    During the occasional pause for technical difficulties with Artemis, (basically inevitable) I suggest Spaceteam, which is an iDevice (and now Android!) game which is to Artemis as Galaxy Quest is to Star Trek and primarily consists of shouting hilarious technobabble at your friends. Leads to great team-building for your real spaceship, and is pure fun.

    Although I'm not sure how an artemis tourney would work, I would totally love to play some artemis during PAX!!

    Omeganaut class of '08. Fuck Peggle. Omeganaut class of '17 West. Fuck Rainbow Road.
    The Best in Terms of Pants on JCCC3
  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    shugarae wrote: »
    Euphasie wrote: »
    Game -- Artemis
    Format -- 3-6 players on pc or iDevice, one server per ship; PvP or NPC shipt kill count or really anything
    Why you want this as a tournament -- this game lets you be the bridge crew of a starship suspiciously like the Enterprise. Someone is the captain and gives the orders. There is a red alert button. It's completely awesome.
    Why others will want this as a tournament -- Artemis needs so many people that it's hard to play at home, whereas a con is perfect for making new friends and crewmates. People who wouldn't be otherwise able to play it can be introduced to a fantastic game. Also, who doesn't want to be captain of a starship? (I myself prefer Science and Communications.)

    During the occasional pause for technical difficulties with Artemis, (basically inevitable) I suggest Spaceteam, which is an iDevice (and now Android!) game which is to Artemis as Galaxy Quest is to Star Trek and primarily consists of shouting hilarious technobabble at your friends. Leads to great team-building for your real spaceship, and is pure fun.

    Although I'm not sure how an artemis tourney would work, I would totally love to play some artemis during PAX!!

    For my Artemis brethren, with the proliferation of Artemis on mobile platforms, this can really go beyond BYOC. I know I'll be packing Artemis on at least two devices.

    The core question I have here is if we should start an Artemis at PAX thread?

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular

    Are you bringing a custom case mod, rig, or other fancies to PAX Prime 2013?

    Give us a hint and a sneak preview of what we can look forward to seeing!

    Post pics, videos, or other tangibles here in this thread!

    See ya all in a few weeks!

  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    Does the Laser etched window I did at a thinkspace count? xD

  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    Euphasie wrote: »
    Game -- Artemis
    Format -- 3-6 players on pc or iDevice, one server per ship; PvP or NPC shipt kill count or really anything
    Why you want this as a tournament -- this game lets you be the bridge crew of a starship suspiciously like the Enterprise. Someone is the captain and gives the orders. There is a red alert button. It's completely awesome.
    Why others will want this as a tournament -- Artemis needs so many people that it's hard to play at home, whereas a con is perfect for making new friends and crewmates. People who wouldn't be otherwise able to play it can be introduced to a fantastic game. Also, who doesn't want to be captain of a starship? (I myself prefer Science and Communications.)

    During the occasional pause for technical difficulties with Artemis, (basically inevitable) I suggest Spaceteam, which is an iDevice (and now Android!) game which is to Artemis as Galaxy Quest is to Star Trek and primarily consists of shouting hilarious technobabble at your friends. Leads to great team-building for your real spaceship, and is pure fun.

    Unfortunately, iOS and Android play that depends on Wifi (so both mobile Artemis and the iOS version of SpaceTeam) will basically not work at all at PAX. Fortunately, everyone in BYOC will likely have a computer capable of playing Artemis that is wired into the LAN, and will tend to be in close proximity. (Side note, Artemis is available on Android now in a beta version)

    Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
    3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
    PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
  • [H]olyGeekboy[H]olyGeekboy PAX dad and PC builder ClevelandRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    I will be bringing my latest casemod to Prime... super excited to see Seattle for the first time! :D

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    For those anxiously awaiting the Group Seating Update - I will be working on that tomorrow morning. So stay tuned. =) Sorry for the delay.

  • GammaGamma [E] PC BYOC Manager CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Hey All, we're working hard to get the schedule finalized of tournaments and contests. I'll hopefully have something to post up in the next couple of days. We're also working on a list of game of the hour (games that we'll organize during off hours) that will include some older titles so fans can get their jimmies. Send me a PM or post here if there is a game you'd like to see us organize.

    Thanks for the feedback so far!

  • JackDavionJackDavion Registered User regular
    You guys doing the big non-traditional contest again this year? Popsicle bridge building, little pony dressup, etc.

  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    Oddly specific but also somewhat daft question: Since I have to be at the Omegathon M&G at 8 a.m. on Friday, does that mean the rest of my group (idqqd) has to wait for my buttmunch ass to breeze in before they can check in at BYOC?

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    WuShock wrote: »
    Oddly specific but also somewhat daft question: Since I have to be at the Omegathon M&G at 8 a.m. on Friday, does that mean the rest of my group (idqqd) has to wait for my buttmunch ass to breeze in before they can check in at BYOC?

    Is your group registered for group seating (something I'm working on right this moment to update)? If so, you should have a reserved seat with your group. Otherwise, PM me.

  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    Yes, it's group 'iddqd' (not idqqd as I typed earlier). I just couldn't remember if the entire group had to check in at the same time or not.

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • hobbseltoffhobbseltoff Issaquah, WARegistered User regular
    But to confirm, not all group members need to be there? 2 people from my group won't be showing up until the afternoon and last year that wasn't a problem.

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    But to confirm, not all group members need to be there? 2 people from my group won't be showing up until the afternoon and last year that wasn't a problem.

    Yeah not a problem.

  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Group seating (before leadership change) was some spaces had a sticky note with the group name on each space reserved for the group. If you're in the group, sit there, if not, don't.

    PikaPuff on
  • sizzlersamsizzlersam (Retired) [E] PC Room Network Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    See this from vapok's original group seating post...
    Vapok wrote: »
    [*] Your group must check-in to BYOC on Friday together. No longer a requirement

    sizzlersam on
  • SHiZZAMSHiZZAM Registered User regular
    Game:-FTL: Faster Than Light
    Format:-One full day to obtain a High score with any ship on Normal mode (proven by screenshot with time stamp)
    Why you want this as a tournament:-This game does take some time (hence the day timer) but it is simple and something to do over time. The goal is not hard and they can always retry to get the best score they can if they happen to do bad the first time.
    Why others will want this as a tournament:- This game is cheap, easy to grasp, and with some luck and perseverance, everyone has an almost equal chance of winning, with multiple tries.
    manaleak34 wrote: »
    Dota 2
    format: 1v1 competition or team tournament with captains mode or all random
    why: PAX will take place several weeks after full release and only a few weeks after The International so hype levels for the game should be at maximum, plus the game is fun.
    other why: it's free to play so anyone can download it, plus it can satisfy the serious business skills people

    +1 on both of these, especially DOTA 2 :)

    For DOTA 2 it might be fun to do Random Draft (half way between Captain's mode and All Random) as to not leave too much up to chance (someone could random a really strong team vs a weaker one).

    Other suggestions:

    Game: Left 4 Dead 2
    Format: 4v4 Versus mode.
    Why you want this as a tournament: Fun team game, it's been around for a while now and on sale many a time so the number of players that have it should be quite high.
    Why others will want this as a tournament: Who doesn't love puking on survivors and covering them in zombie attracting bile?

    Game: Team Fortress 2
    Format: Man vs. Machine (teams of 6)
    Why you want this as a tournament: Fun team game that's free. Man vs. Machine time trial to see who can complete one of the levels in the shortest amount of time in a given time period on the toughest difficulty?
    Why others will want this as a tournament: Fun team play oriented game where you're not directly competing against another team.

    Game: Alien Swarm
    Format: 4 person time trials. Try and complete level 1 on the most difficult setting in the shortest amount of time.
    Why you want this as a tournament: Free game so anyone can participate. We did this at PAX 2010 BYOC and it was a lot of fun!
    Why others will want this as a tournament: Fun team play oriented game where you're not directly competing against another team.

  • SHiZZAMSHiZZAM Registered User regular
    sizzlersam wrote: »

    I agree with him. oh, and bf3 but I'm sure you don't need reasons for that one.

    +1 on BF3, but last year I know we had issues with the dedicated server. Something about a certain number of max connections from 1 IP (the external 1 from BYOC) to a server being hit. I know Big Red tried messing with the settings for about an hour before giving up. Not sure if DICE/EA has made any changes that would facilitate this now... fingers crossed!

    Also had another idea:

    Game: DayZ
    Format: FFA single elimination, last man standing (survivor/hunger games style)
    Why you want this as a tournament: While I haven't played it in a while DayZ still provided me with some of the most heart pounding/intense gaming moments in recent memory. If we could get a fresh local LAN server for everyone to join and then just see who can survive the longest? Might be worth choosing one of the smaller community maps (Namalsk?) so that it doesn't end up taking too long to complete.
    Why others will want this as a tournament: Who wouldn't want to participate in a hunger games styled competition set in the zombie apocalypse?

  • aamentaaamenta Registered User new member
    Game: League of Legends
    Format: 5v5 Single Elimination
    Why you want this as a tournament: It's not hardcore like the official Riot-sanctioned ones, so non-pro players like my friends and I can get our asses whooped participate for fun. :D Plus League of Legends is free.
    Why others will want this as a tournament: A ton of people play it, and it's fun!

    Thank you for setting this up @Vapok!

    +1 for League of Legends

    I'd also like to +1 for DOTA 2.

    It would be great to see a first person shooter as well in the tourny. I'd suggest Counter-Strike: GO.

  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    +1 for the TF2 MvM variant. I'm pretty sure I could cobble a team together for that.

    edited for mild dyslexia.

    WuShock on
    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • sizzlersamsizzlersam (Retired) [E] PC Room Network Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    So... how about those group seating updates... wouldn't those be great?

    sorry, I have to bug you vapok. Its not like you have a real job or anything.

    sizzlersam on
  • MightyMighty Omeganaut '15 '16 '17 NebraskaRegistered User regular
    I'm down for anything that is low CPU power requirements. The laptop I'm going to be bringing isn't going to be super high end, but I'm willing to bet i can still play tf2 or l4d on lowest settings.

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    Folks! Group Seating has been updated! Sorry for the delay.

    However Exciting News!

    We've had a few people cue us into the fact that they are bringing in awesome case mod's! We really enjoy when people take the time, energy, and money to create awesome looking rigs. So we have created an area near the entrance to BYOC called the "Case Mod Showcase" and we're inviting anyone that has a case mod, to email me at vapokrocks at gmail, send me pictures, and reserve a spot for you in our Case Mod area.


  • AtomicGaryBuseyAtomicGaryBusey I put on my robe and wizard hat. Beautiful Lynnhood, Wash.Registered User regular
    I'm going to be bringing in version 2013.08 of my briefcase PC mod. Here's some shots of what's been done so far:

    I just bought a slew of new parts for it. I should be able to get it playable by next week... can't wait to bust it out at BYOC!

  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Nvidia just posted on Facebook that they will have their Keycaps at PAX!
    Will have to stop by their booth!
    Would be nice if they made some effort to make sure BYOC'ers can get em!

    Will these be for sale? or will you have them at PAX?
    Like · Reply · 54 minutes ago

    NVIDIA GeForce
    We'll definitely have them at PAX. Make sure you come by and ask for one before they all go!
    Like · 18 minutes ago

    The Black ones and Green ones?
    Would be nice if you were sure to have them for BYOC'ers.
    Like · 17 minutes ago

    NVIDIA GeForce
    We'll have both at our booth. Maybe I'll stick some in my pocket and head over to the BYOC like a key cap PAX Prime santa. ~Jeff W.
    Like · 10 minutes ago

    S2000Gan on
  • japerryjaperry Registered User regular
    Team Civ5 tourney? Civ5 has been fun in the past, and with 4 days this year it could work out much better.

  • GammaGamma [E] PC BYOC Manager CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Hey all, I just posted up a preliminary list of activities that we'll be organizing throughout the 4 days of the BYOC. We'll be updating shortly to include some more information about each game. Some are organized tournaments, some are large organized games, and some are for hilarious fun. We're also working on a list of Game of the Hour games that we'll use to fill in spaces for some organized game play of old and new games. We'll also have events such as hard drive shuffleboard, so no worries there.

    Post up games you'd like to see for Game of the Hour, personally I'm looking forward to some Call of Duty 4, Battlefield 3, and some Worms.

    Feel free to PM me with anything you'd like about the activities list.

    Here's a quick link to the list:

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Group Seating updated.

    Group Seating Requests CLOSE THIS FRIDAY. If you're in a group of 6 or more and want to ensure y'all sit together, check out the OP for Group Seating information!

    Vapok on
  • VanusVanus Registered User regular
    @Gamma would this be the f2p Track Mania Nations Forever? Or an earlier version of Nations?

  • meloncolliemeloncollie Registered User regular
    Hmm, I see Dota 2 but not League of Legends. I wonder why? :(

    Also, I'm really excited to see Artemis on there. Would the captain be able to use the projector to do his or her captainly duties? :D

  • SHiZZAMSHiZZAM Registered User regular
    Hmm, I see Dota 2 but not League of Legends. I wonder why? :(

    Also, I'm really excited to see Artemis on there. Would the captain be able to use the projector to do his or her captainly duties? :D

    Because it's the better game? ;D

    In all seriousness though maybe it's because Dota 2 just came out (of beta at least) so it'll be fun to play something "new" ?

  • GammaGamma [E] PC BYOC Manager CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    @Vanus the free to play one (I guess it is TrackMania Nations Forever), I want everyone to be able to join in.

    @meloncollie Without going into any specific reasons, often there are tons of League of Legends things at PAX, so it won't be like there won't be chances to play or compete in it.

  • hobbseltoffhobbseltoff Issaquah, WARegistered User regular
    Hmm, I see Dota 2 but not League of Legends. I wonder why? :(

    Just an FYI to anyone hoping to play LoL at BYOC, because of network issues LoL was pretty much unplayable the entire time last year. I was able to get a couple games in with some friends but expect to get a bunch of leaves if you play.

  • FreAkFreAk Milton, WaRegistered User regular
    Blindfolded FPS was good fun two years ago. Last year there was blindfolded pictionary, Guesser looked at computer screen that was not visible to the drawer, ms paint.

    AMG Productive member of society again!
  • PennyWiserPennyWiser Registered User new member
    edited August 2013
    Vapok wrote: »
    Folks! Group Seating has been updated! Sorry for the delay.

    However Exciting News!

    We've had a few people cue us into the fact that they are bringing in awesome case mod's! We really enjoy when people take the time, energy, and money to create awesome looking rigs. So we have created an area near the entrance to BYOC called the "Case Mod Showcase" and we're inviting anyone that has a case mod, to email me at vapokrocks at gmail, send me pictures, and reserve a spot for you in our Case Mod area.


    I will be bringing both my Triton and AcidBurn mods.

    mod edit: removed embed of way oversized image (keep under 500K please)

    zerzhul on
  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    Folks, Group Seating has closed. Thanks!

  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    PennyWiser wrote: »
    Vapok wrote: »
    Folks! Group Seating has been updated! Sorry for the delay.

    However Exciting News!

    We've had a few people cue us into the fact that they are bringing in awesome case mod's! We really enjoy when people take the time, energy, and money to create awesome looking rigs. So we have created an area near the entrance to BYOC called the "Case Mod Showcase" and we're inviting anyone that has a case mod, to email me at vapokrocks at gmail, send me pictures, and reserve a spot for you in our Case Mod area.


    I will be bringing both my Triton and AcidBurn mods.

    I saw your rig in CPU Mag!
    Looking forward to meeting you!

  • ToastedTriggerToastedTrigger Registered User regular
    I know that the BYOC twitter account has been taken down almost last year(sometime), but will we see another twitter account emerge or something updating us on events(and prizes?) that might be occurring if we might be out of the BYOC area?

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