We are super pleased to announce our musical lineup for PAX Prime 2013. Being 4 days long this year we decided to shake things up a bit and that means we have 3 straight days of concerts for your listening pleasure! Lucky you!
Our lineup includes: The Protomen, MC Frontalot, The Super Guitar Brothers, The Doubleclicks, Mega Ran, Adam Warrock, Supercommuter, Bit Brigade, Hideo, as well as a special performance by Supergiant.
Usually the musical guest list is based off of who is invited. It is certainly possible that JoCo and P&S turned down the invite this year, and it's equally likely that they were not invited (I'm saying equally likely cause we have zero information). Personally I'm going to guess the second, due to the constant outcry by PAX attendees to change up the musical guests year to year, but that is *pure* speculation. It very well could be that they were tired of playing the same show twice a year every year.
I'm actually absolutely stunned that there is no P&S/JoCo, that's always been a can't miss for me at east.
I'm actually kind of happy that none of these are must sees for me (well, maybe protomen but I've seen them live like 6 times), for the first time at any PAX I will actually do something other than concert at night.
This is only my second pax so I haven't gotten to see them as much as a lot of people. Paul and Storm were hilarious and I really like Coulton. I'm sure the concerts will still be amazing though. I understand why they changed it up.
Jonathan Coulton and Paul & Storm were the two acts I have always went to see every year, since the first PAX Prime in Seattle. I am extremely disappointed neither one will be performing this year. This does free up time I would have spent waiting in line and enjoying their performances, but I would rather use that time to see them than to have it doing other activities at PAX.
I would like to know the reason why they will not be at PAX. If they had other obligations, that is completely understandable. If PAX simply didn't invite them this year, that's a pretty big black mark for me on the convention.
This is why if you like something at pax you have to be vocal about it. The people that don't like it are being vocal. And a gamer that doesn't like something is the most vocal there can be .
I love P&S, and I enjoy Coultons music. He's had a bit of a attitude while in band land of "why the hell am I here", but I've still enjoyed his concerts. I'm sad to see them not being at Prime and I hope they'll be back at East next year. Maybe this will give me a chance to check out some more artists.
I'm not sure on Jonathan Coulton's reasoning but Paul and Storm have stated that they will be at Dragoncon in Atlanta the same weekend as Prime. Bummer but nice to see a bit of a change in the concerts.
I'm absolutely stoked to see The Doubleclicks are performing.
PAX Prime 2011 I think? was one year that the Protomen were not scheduled to play. People responded in the post-pax survey (among other avenues) that they wanted more Protomen in the future. Guess what happened? Protomen have been at every pax since.
Those surveys are no joke.
I love that they are trying out new acts. I really enjoy the "staple" bands that have been at PAX for ages, but having them every single time keeps out new acts that could really use the exposure. PAX is not a game con around a JoCo + P&S concert. JoCo and P&S just happen to have played PAX a bunch of times.
Oh, I totally understand why they did it, just surprised that it actually happened.
I've gone to every concert at every PAX East, the fact that the acts aren't there will actually force me to do something else instead for once, so I'm truly happy in a weird way.
I am extremely jealous that your concert lineup is so rediculously amazing. MegaRan and Adam Warrock alone are two of the hardest working men in Hip-Hop, but Supercommuter and Front too? Crazy!
I'm really going to be sad if East ends up with the same old same old JoCo and P&S next year after seeing this lineup.
I am extremely jealous that your concert lineup is so rediculously amazing. MegaRan and Adam Warrock alone are two of the hardest working men in Hip-Hop, but Supercommuter and Front too? Crazy!
I'm really going to be sad if East ends up with the same old same old JoCo and P&S next year after seeing this lineup.
Good point. I've seen JoCo and P&S. Time for new things!
Are concerts free at PAX? I've never heard of a single one of these bands but if it doesn't cost anything to hang out at a concert I might check one out.
Are concerts free at PAX? I've never heard of a single one of these bands but if it doesn't cost anything to hang out at a concert I might check one out.
While I am sad that JoCo/P&S won't be there (I *suppose* we should share the P&S love with those silly people at Dragon*Con), I am absolutely thrilled that The Doubleclicks are in the lineup.
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
CuvisTheConquerorThey always say "yee haw" but they never ask "haw yee?" Registered Userregular
Are concerts free at PAX? I've never heard of a single one of these bands but if it doesn't cost anything to hang out at a concert I might check one out.
Concerts are included with the PAX badge. And they're definitely worth checking out; I hadn't heard of anybody in 2011 (except for JoCo), and I had a great time regardless. It's fun music with a nerdy and/or gamer bent. You'll love it.
I'm honestly extremely sad that JoCo and P&S won't be there, mainly because I'm bringing a friend of mine to his first PAX this year and really wanted him to see them, buuuut... I do like seeing all of that chiptune showing up, I'm really into chiptune so it should be pretty sweet.
Still sad I won't get to eat some brains though.
-PAX Prime 2014-
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
I'm very excited for the opportunity to see new bands, I'm glad to see a very different lineup than East 2013 as well (even though I only stayed for the Protomen, I just didn't care for Those Who Fight and didn't get to any of the other acts this year).
Regardless, change is good, and the Protomen still being there makes me very happy, because I know they won't be there forever.
It always sucks when your favorite acts are absent. I felt that in 2011 when the Protomen didn't play. It's hard to keep everyone happy.
I will say that I'm super pumped about the lineup! If you've never had a chance to check out Bit Brigade, you're in for a treat. One of the member of their band does speed runs of old NES games on the overhead screen while the rest of the band does UNREAL covers of the music to correspond with what's happening on screen. It's a super fun show to watch!
Soooo excited for protomen. Ive wanted to see them in concert for years. Listened to the other groups too and enjoyed most of them, although my fiance is not really into hip hop so I hope Protomen play the night she has a ticket
ColdbrewDown in Front ProductionsLake Stevens, WARegistered Userregular
The new lineup is music to my ears, heh.
I love P&S and JoCo as much as the next person, but I welcome the change with open arms. I am much more bummed at the fact that The VGO are absent from the list. But at the same time I'm thrilled to death that Bit Brigade is getting a chance to enter the spotlight at PAX. KillerMcDead speaks the truth, they put on one of the most entertaining acts I've ever seen, it really is a performance that's not to be missed.
I gotta say I'm also really happy to see Super Guitar Bros., The Doubleclicks, and MegaRan on the lineup too, they all definitely deserve the spotlight as well. And I'll always love to see The Protomen and Supercommuter, so no complaining there.
Though it's still far from my ideal lineup, I'm much more excited about this PAX now than I ever thought I would be.
OH MAN YOU GUYS! Getting to see megaran at PAX??!?! This is the best news! Good chiptunes too! I know some of you are sad to see some of these old stand-bys not make it back, but they leave room for fresh acts that other people can get excited about too!
Last Prime was my first exposure to Supercommuter. I'm glad they're coming again. I hope I like the rest of the new acts as much because I'm not familiar with any of them.
I'm honestly extremely sad that JoCo and P&S won't be there, mainly because I'm bringing a friend of mine to his first PAX this year and really wanted him to see them, buuuut... I do like seeing all of that chiptune showing up, I'm really into chiptune so it should be pretty sweet.
Still sad I won't get to eat some brains though.
Same, I skipped them last year as the lines the year before had been a bit much and I wasn't that hyped to see them again, but I'll have a first-timer in tow and felt it was definitely a part of the "classic PAX experience."
Oh well, at least our love, The Protomen will be there! I somehow skipped their name when first reading and was really sad thinking they'd ditched us this year.
This is why if you like something at pax you have to be vocal about it. The people that don't like it are being vocal. And a gamer that doesn't like something is the most vocal there can be .
I love P&S, and I enjoy Coultons music. He's had a bit of a attitude while in band land of "why the hell am I here", but I've still enjoyed his concerts. I'm sad to see them not being at Prime and I hope they'll be back at East next year. Maybe this will give me a chance to check out some more artists.
To whom should we be vocal about this, other than posting in the forum? I really want to see JoCo at East.
This is why if you like something at pax you have to be vocal about it. The people that don't like it are being vocal. And a gamer that doesn't like something is the most vocal there can be .
I love P&S, and I enjoy Coultons music. He's had a bit of a attitude while in band land of "why the hell am I here", but I've still enjoyed his concerts. I'm sad to see them not being at Prime and I hope they'll be back at East next year. Maybe this will give me a chance to check out some more artists.
To whom should we be vocal about this, other than posting in the forum? I really want to see JoCo at East.
Respond to the survey that pax sends out after each pax.
This is why if you like something at pax you have to be vocal about it. The people that don't like it are being vocal. And a gamer that doesn't like something is the most vocal there can be .
I love P&S, and I enjoy Coultons music. He's had a bit of a attitude while in band land of "why the hell am I here", but I've still enjoyed his concerts. I'm sad to see them not being at Prime and I hope they'll be back at East next year. Maybe this will give me a chance to check out some more artists.
To whom should we be vocal about this, other than posting in the forum? I really want to see JoCo at East.
Respond to the survey that pax sends out after each pax.
I've never gotten the survey. I wonder if it's because I've always gotten tickets as a birthday present. Should I talk to the gift giver? Do you know if it's too late to fill one out for East 2013? I can't believe my voice has been unheard these past two years!
They send out the link to the purchaser of badges. I would assume the East one is closed but I don't know for certain. You could always email pax_questions@paxsite.com and ask for a link.
I'm really excited about this lineup, having never attended a PAX before. Jonathan Coulton would've been cool, but I was most hoping The Protomen and MC Frontalot would perform- and they are! Hooray! Looking up the other artists, though, it seems like everyone's fairly solid. Mega Ran I feel ashamed, in retrospect, to have never heard of. Gonna be an awesome set of concerts.
So how are they doing entry into concerts this year? Grabbing a pass at the beginning of the day somewhere or first come first serve before the concert?
So how are they doing entry into concerts this year? Grabbing a pass at the beginning of the day somewhere or first come first serve before the concert?
Same as every year, FCFS, I assume. I sincerely doubt they'll bring back any other system. FCFS has worked fairly well.
Usually the musical guest list is based off of who is invited. It is certainly possible that JoCo and P&S turned down the invite this year, and it's equally likely that they were not invited (I'm saying equally likely cause we have zero information). Personally I'm going to guess the second, due to the constant outcry by PAX attendees to change up the musical guests year to year, but that is *pure* speculation. It very well could be that they were tired of playing the same show twice a year every year.
I'm actually kind of happy that none of these are must sees for me (well, maybe protomen but I've seen them live like 6 times), for the first time at any PAX I will actually do something other than concert at night.
Jonathan Coulton and Paul & Storm were the two acts I have always went to see every year, since the first PAX Prime in Seattle. I am extremely disappointed neither one will be performing this year. This does free up time I would have spent waiting in line and enjoying their performances, but I would rather use that time to see them than to have it doing other activities at PAX.
I would like to know the reason why they will not be at PAX. If they had other obligations, that is completely understandable. If PAX simply didn't invite them this year, that's a pretty big black mark for me on the convention.
I love P&S, and I enjoy Coultons music. He's had a bit of a attitude while in band land of "why the hell am I here", but I've still enjoyed his concerts. I'm sad to see them not being at Prime and I hope they'll be back at East next year. Maybe this will give me a chance to check out some more artists.
I'm absolutely stoked to see The Doubleclicks are performing.
Trade me pins, yo: https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Lazorz
Those surveys are no joke.
I love that they are trying out new acts. I really enjoy the "staple" bands that have been at PAX for ages, but having them every single time keeps out new acts that could really use the exposure. PAX is not a game con around a JoCo + P&S concert. JoCo and P&S just happen to have played PAX a bunch of times.
I've gone to every concert at every PAX East, the fact that the acts aren't there will actually force me to do something else instead for once, so I'm truly happy in a weird way.
I'm really going to be sad if East ends up with the same old same old JoCo and P&S next year after seeing this lineup.
3DS Friend Code: 3823 8527 9997
Wii U NNID Chorazin
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
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Good point. I've seen JoCo and P&S. Time for new things!
Concerts are included with PAX admission.
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
Concerts are included with the PAX badge. And they're definitely worth checking out; I hadn't heard of anybody in 2011 (except for JoCo), and I had a great time regardless. It's fun music with a nerdy and/or gamer bent. You'll love it.
Still sad I won't get to eat some brains though.
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
Regardless, change is good, and the Protomen still being there makes me very happy, because I know they won't be there forever.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
I will say that I'm super pumped about the lineup! If you've never had a chance to check out Bit Brigade, you're in for a treat. One of the member of their band does speed runs of old NES games on the overhead screen while the rest of the band does UNREAL covers of the music to correspond with what's happening on screen. It's a super fun show to watch!
Super excited to see Mega Ran get a full set too! I can't wait for Prime now!
I love P&S and JoCo as much as the next person, but I welcome the change with open arms. I am much more bummed at the fact that The VGO are absent from the list. But at the same time I'm thrilled to death that Bit Brigade is getting a chance to enter the spotlight at PAX. KillerMcDead speaks the truth, they put on one of the most entertaining acts I've ever seen, it really is a performance that's not to be missed.
I gotta say I'm also really happy to see Super Guitar Bros., The Doubleclicks, and MegaRan on the lineup too, they all definitely deserve the spotlight as well. And I'll always love to see The Protomen and Supercommuter, so no complaining there.
Though it's still far from my ideal lineup, I'm much more excited about this PAX now than I ever thought I would be.
Oh my Dayum
Oh my goodness
They goin' Ham
Oh well, at least our love, The Protomen will be there! I somehow skipped their name when first reading and was really sad thinking they'd ditched us this year.
To whom should we be vocal about this, other than posting in the forum? I really want to see JoCo at East.
I've never gotten the survey. I wonder if it's because I've always gotten tickets as a birthday present. Should I talk to the gift giver? Do you know if it's too late to fill one out for East 2013? I can't believe my voice has been unheard these past two years!