Gabe Art Season 2, Ep. 12 - Chronotheft (8x)

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited July 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub
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  • CheshireCatCheshireCat Registered User new member
    love the art but the cut in the middle left me a little disappointed. I wonder why it got cut out.?

  • N.A.P.A.N.A.P.A. JonBrownathan Virginia Beach VirginiaRegistered User regular
    Artists got to have breaks right CheshireCat.

  • ninnelivesninnelives Registered User new member
    I think this art is great, its neat to see the artist draw, but with that being said, you can only watch someone draw the same characters again and again before it starts to lose its appeal. I guess if you are really into the strip or into the art you might get something out of this. But other then that, no caption no voice, all the videos is the artist doing the same thing every time, in every video. Um yay ?

  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Don't watch them then.

  • DarkironDarkiron Registered User regular
    what the fuck is on your arm

  • diharddihard Registered User new member
    I love these videos so very much. <3<3

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