Hi, guys!
an enforcer on sunday told me that all of the panels were being recorded and would be available online later.
anyone got any updates on when we can expect that?
I know the 2 panels I hosted were recorded, but that was only because I arranged for people to do it for me.
The Zone screening & Q&A with Richard 'Bev' Parnell will be online, we're just waiting for clearance from Beyond Media to see if they will allow us to upload the episodes of The Zone we screened along with the Q&A. If not the Q&A will go up by itself.
The Super Retro Game Trivia Challenge was recorded in all its glory & we hope to have that up soonish... real life takes time away from editing of course
I suppose that's possible, but I had heard that PA was not recording the panels. I know that some panelists (like the above poster) arranged to have their panels recorded themselves.
I could be wrong, but I think that enforcer was mistaken.
I have audio recordings of make your own board game, beyond the tabletop and writing for tabletop
they're not the best quality, but better than a kick in the teeth
The Rooster Teeth panel is now up on YouTube care of GameSpot too. I haven't watched all of the panels I've come across, but I've got something out of all the ones I've made the time for so far.
Here's the Super Retro Game Trivia Challenge. We'll be redoing the edit & mix it up with the Keynote presentation that was used, but for now it's here:
The Zone screening & Q&A with Richard 'Bev' Parnell will be online, we're just waiting for clearance from Beyond Media to see if they will allow us to upload the episodes of The Zone we screened along with the Q&A. If not the Q&A will go up by itself.
The Super Retro Game Trivia Challenge was recorded in all its glory & we hope to have that up soonish... real life takes time away from editing of course
I could be wrong, but I think that enforcer was mistaken.
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
Pitch Your Idea
Bioware Journeys Down Under
Mainstream Media Portrayals of Gamers
Microsoft Presents: Xbox One
Inside Borderlands with Gearbox
Penny Arcade: Q&A (Friday)
Storytime with Ron Gilbert (keynote)
I was particularly stoked about the last two, seeing as how I missed them on the day and was hanging out to see them.
sweet! i loved the pitch your game idea panel...i just happen to be sitting next to the guy that pitched the nic cage game
Previous PAXs: PAX Prime 2011, PAX AUS 2013
they're not the best quality, but better than a kick in the teeth
Q&A #2