Anyone out there going to play in this? I haven't signed up for the convention yet, and I'm not sure what tournies are closed, and which are open (they should make a thread about this if there isn't one already).
Anyway, I wanna play in Warhammer, Halo XBOX, Halo PC, Warcraft, and maybe Heroclix.
But back to the topic at hand. Is anyone out there planning on playing in the 40k tourny? Me and my bro should bring some interesting competition to the table, so I was wondering.
Does anyone have any Striking scorpions that I could borrow just for this tourney? I plan on bringing 1000 points, but I need some scorps for my patrol unit in the tournament. I just changed my list to include scropions and I don't have time to buy and paint them before the expo. I know you dont have to paint them, but I would not play with unpainted models, its against my religion
I hope there is elaboration about how to sign up at PAX.
I missed the whole sign up for events while pre-registering bit.
On the plus side, I've been getting in some good 400 point games with friends and I'll swing by the Seattle Battle Bunker tonight to see if anything is happening.
Now I just need to decide on which forces to bring. I live about 2 miles from Meydenbauer Center, but I don't want to have to run back & forth all weekend.
There was going to be a mega-battle? Elaborate....
Yup, look here. I was organizing it (still willing to help do that), but I won't be able to play in it anymore (previous plans conflicting with it). Feel free to join the others if you wish.
Da boyz'll krump yoo gud! 8)
And the boyz don hav no chanc aginst da eldar
I missed the whole sign up for events while pre-registering bit.
On the plus side, I've been getting in some good 400 point games with friends and I'll swing by the Seattle Battle Bunker tonight to see if anything is happening.
Now I just need to decide on which forces to bring. I live about 2 miles from Meydenbauer Center, but I don't want to have to run back & forth all weekend.
We'll see about that... :twisted: