An I Needed a Name To Post and Langly Production
We hope this telegram finds you well. You do not know us, but we know you, and we know the things that you do in your private moments. You keep alive a tradition that began before counties and kings, and we are grateful for it.
Since our forefather Cain first bore the mark upon his skin, we have carried on. The job of murderer is oft regarded with horror and disbelief by the chattel, but we are acutely aware of our necessity. The americans may glamourize and celebrity our role, but such fanfare does not suit us.
We sit in the background, watching the police tape go up, another umbrella in the crowd. We guise ourselves in the masque of society so that none among the sheep start a hysteria. We circle among them, the wolfhound, and wait.
There is a grand tradition among our kind. On this year it falls to the two of us to host, and on you to come. Attendance is not mandatory, but you will ever wonder what you could have become should you have gone. The victorious in this tradition will be elevated, and the defeated?
There are many cellars on the Edenbarrow estate.
In order to know your association with our kind, it is necessary to supply us with a
skull. It does not matter from what - or who - it is from. If you are selected, we shall inform you of the necessary details. If selected, you will require nothing other than a mask, one which protects your identity as well as revealing your true nature.
We hope to see you in August.
Lady-Count Post, Esq.
Lord-Countess Langley, Esq.
Phalla is Penny Arcade's version of the party game Mafia. This is a mini phalla, constructed for 30 players. If you are new to the game, you may want to read a more detailed description and ruleset
here. In general, the basic rules are as such:
- You may not screenshot any conversation in an attempt to confirm anything.
- You may not add anyone to an already established pm chain.
- You may make one "ghost post" when you die, which may not contain any game information, and then you may not speak on game events any longer.
- If you create any proboards, you must invite the hosts.
You must include the hosts in any pms you have with other players.
- You may not edit vote posts.
- You must vote for a player each day until directed otherwise. Going two days without making at least two posts and a vote post will result in your removal from the game.
Each day, vote for someone you believe to be a member of the mafia in
Red. Vote close will be at 10:00 PM EST (7 PM PST). All actions must be in by 9:59. Actions with a time stamp of 10:00 or later will be considered invalid.
Game Specific Rules
This is an experimental phalla, based on the standard mafia vs. village game mode. It can be considered a successor to our previous
award-winning Serial Killer Phalla (It won awards.). In this game,
every village role is a serial killer. Not in a narrative fluff sense, but in the real, actual phalla role known as the serial killer. Each villager starts with dual win conditions: They may either win with the village, or they may attempt to be the last man standing in the game. The mafia are haunts and ghouls called to the meeting of murderers, bearing the ethereal wrath of the departed.
Traits and Obsessions
Each player (including the mafia) will have a number of Traits, and one Obsession. As this is a Masque, you will enter the event with a decorated mask that will reflect your traits. Rather than being able to just kill anyone right off the bat, players will only be able to actually kill another player who has a trait which matches the attacker's Obsession. For example:
INANTP has the BEAUTIFUL EYES and MAGNIFICENT traits. His Obsession is killing INCOMPETENTS. Langly has the HORRID BREATH and INCOMPETENT traits. He is Obesessed with killing LARGE NOSED people. So when INANTP targets Langly, Langly will be killed. If Langly targeted INANTP, however, his attack would miss.
This system will mean that your traits will be
very important to your safety. Reveal them at your peril.
Further TRAIT and OBSESSION mechanics will be expounded upon later.
Village Victory / Serial Killer Victory
If/When the mafia is eliminated from the game,
everyone left will lose their obsession and have it replaced with a true kill. The narrations will also stop flavoring the kills to give any hints about where the kill came from. Voting will continue as normal, however players will not be inactivus punished for not voting at this point.
Each day after the mafia is eliminated, each player must either
- send in an order saying that they wish to win with the village
- send in a kill order
If a player sends in an order to win with the village
they may not take any other action. Play will continue until either all of the surviving villagers confirm their desire to lay down their arms, or until one player remains.
The mafia can win as normal.
This Phalla has been balanced to give everyone a fair shot at winning, but with experimental mechanics, there is always the chance that something could go horribly wrong. The main goal here is to have a crazy, hilarious phalla that everyone will hopefully have a fun time with.
If you would like to sign up, you must make a post in
lime green listing your skull of preference. Regular !Sign up posts will be deemed un-professional and not accepted.
(this is just a fun sign up thing, everyone is welcome to sign up)
Great Britain does not recognize celebrity serial killers. No slots have been reserved.
Anticipated Clarifications- What is the order of actions?
The vote comes first, then all actions are resolved simultaneously
- Thralls/millers?
Clarification Denied
- Conversions?
There are no conversions
- Ties?
A tied vote will kill both targets
- Are the reserved people promised special roles etc?
This clarification is only here because the previous clarifications were copy/pasted.
1. Assuran - Offspring. Collectively. Curiously, only one skull.
2. premium - A small skull. Beard impossibly attached.
3. Ketbra - A boat. The creak of wood. Smoldering.
4. enlightenedbum - An unnervingly large carapace.
5. SLyM - Reptillian skull, slightly tarnished by sulfur.
6. Invictus - Bedazzled Skull.
7. Mikey CTS - A Translucent, fragile thing, that catches the light with its teeth.
8. Grunt's Ghost - A thoroughly surprised skull.
9. The Anonymous - A baker's dozen.
10. Kime - A screaming skull.
11. The Ender - A Kidney, the Skull of the Intestines.
12. Phyphor - A Throne of Skulls
13. Zombie Hero - The Shattered pieces that certainly once served as a skull.
14. Obifett - An anonymous skull of Some Renown.
15. Capfalcon - The Skull of a Beast's Mother
16. Void Slayer - An Unrepentant Skull
17. Matev - A Safari of Skulls
18. Buddha73 - A Skull with a Stowaway
19. Tzeentchling - An ancient relic of an honored murder
20. Jpants - An Onyx skull, Wreathed in Shadow.
21. Vertroue - The Skull of a cultural construct.
22. Kaplar - The Skull of a Giant Beast of Despair.
23. Nion - Old, older than the world as we know it, but not older than our craft.
24. Lucedes - The Skull of a troublesome hedonist.
25. Alegis - An example of our evolutionary triumph.
26. Blahmcblah - A Shakespearean Skull.
27. CesareB - A Snack Sized Skull.
28. Jdarksun - A Watchful Skull.
29. MRTlicious - A Vengeful Skull
30. Gizzy - A large, heavy thing, covered in faults and pink spikes
1. Smasher
2. Mill
3. Auralynx
4. Cythraul
5. Bedlam
Day 0 - A Seance
Day 1 - Social Butterflies
Day 2 - There is Only Climax
Woof 3 - Bark Bark Grind Butt On Floor
Day 4 - Accidental Murder Best Murder
Day 5 - Eyeballs are Eyeballs
Day 6 - I Have No Regrets
Day 7 - Final Waltz
If we don't make it alive, it's a hellavu good day to die.
And here's my skull, I took the liberty of cleaning it myself.
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
Mine is a jeweled skull, of course.
Countless human skulls neatly arranged in a row, each wholly dyed in the filthy blood of its prior holder.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
I brought a kidney instead of a skull
I'm sure you won't find this to be a problem.
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
From Hell
Mr Lusk Sor I send you half the Kidne I took from one women prasarved it for you
tother piece I fried and ate it was very nise.
I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer.
Catch me when you Can Mishter Lusk
I'm liking the sign up listings
Twitch Stream
Good Evening.
Are those the skulls of all the pokemon that were slain in the last phalla?
Only the cellars are ready, currently.
I submit the skull of John the Baptist.
John the Baptist was beheaded as a martyr
They're not not.... ^^
I know that. :P
But with the two awesomes on it I thought there might be some phalla connection I wasn't aware of.
Not that I'm aware of, but it implied to me that the tzeentchling is some kind of ageless being responsible for the death of St. John the Baptist. And, you know, that seemed neat for the horror theme.
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