X-Wing Miniatures Game![1094946_612420315458423_953288568_n_zps0b0c22e4.jpg](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v166/mightythor84/1094946_612420315458423_953288568_n_zps0b0c22e4.jpg)
Official description from Fantasy Flight Games:
Control the most advanced starfighters and outstanding pilots in the galaxy! In X-Wing Miniatures Game, you take the role of squad leader and command a group of merciless Imperial or daring Rebel pilots in furious ship-to-ship space combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates exciting Star Wars space battles from small engagements of only a couple of crafts, to large conflicts where multiple squadrons clash. Select and equip your ships, pick your crew, plan your attack, and complete your mission.
The game is really fun, quick to learn, but has a lot of nuance and strategy once you get into it. It's also (relatively) cheaper than most miniature games.
Gameplay happens in four phases:
1. Planning Phase![SWX01-move-dials.png](http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/x-wing/X-Wing%20Relaunch/SWX01-move-dials.png)
Each ship has a corresponding maneuver dial. For each of your ships, you secretly decide upon a maneuver and set it face down so your opponent doesn't see it. Each ship has different types of maneuvers. TIE Fighters tend to be faster and more agile, while Rebel ships are usually slower and have trouble making tight turns.
2. Activation Phase![ships.png](http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/x-wing/X-Wing%20Relaunch/ships.png)
In order from the lowest skilled pilot to the highest, you and your opponent take turns revealing your maneuvers, moving your ships, and deciding upon actions to take. To move your ship, you take the corresponding movement template to the one on your dial, place it against notches at the front of your ship, then move your ship to the other end of the template. Actions include things such as Focus, Target Lock, and Evade, which all allow your ships to attack or defend better.
3. Combat Phase![X-wing-31.jpg](http://www.nohighscores.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/X-wing-31.jpg)
In order from the highest skilled pilot to the lowest, you and your opponent take turns resolving attacks you can make against targets in range of your ships. There is an included range ruler that allows you to see if you're within range, and if you get bonuses to attack or defend based upon whether your target/attacker is at close or long range. This is also where you get to roll attack/defense dice to determine how much damage you do to your opponent.
4. End Phase
This is the clean-up phase where most unused action tokens will be removed from the board, and the next turn begins.
The Ships
Each ship is beautifully pre-painted. Each also comes with multiple pilots that can fly it, and multiple upgrade cards that can be attached to it to allow you to use different abilities and equipment.
Rebel Ships
tend to field fewer ships, but they're tougher and are usually able to hit harder.
X-Wing (Wave 1, standard for Rebel ships)
Y-Wing (Wave 1, slow but can equip a turret, giving it a 360 degree firing arc)
A-Wing (Wave 2, fast and agile, but not as tough as other Rebel ships)
Millenium Falcon/YT-1300 (Wave 2, 360 degree firing arc without having to get an upgrade, has a lot of shield and hull points)
HWK-290/Moldy Crow (Wave 3, support ship, able to mount a turret)
B-Wing (Wave 3, tough like a Y-Wing, meant to carry a lot of warheads)
Imperial Ships Available
tend to field more ships, but they're more fragile and don't hit as hard.
TIE Fighter (Wave 1, standard Imperial ship, fragile but cheap and effective in swarms)
TIE Advanced/Vader's TIE (Wave 1, tougher and Vader is an awesome pilot)
TIE Interceptor (Wave 2, zippier and hits harder than a standard TIE)
Slave I/Firespray-31 (Wave 2, a lot of hull and shields, able to fire in a back arc)
Imperial Shuttle (Wave 3, support ship)
TIE Bomber (Wave 3, tough for a TIE, meant to carry warheads)
Upcoming Releases![article_photo.png](http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/x-wing/news/large-ships/article_photo.png)
FFG recently announced the Q4 release of larger ships into the game, which seem to be designed to be played in scenarios or campaigns. There will also be options to use them in competitive play, but probably at higher point level games than what is the norm now (100 point games).
FFG has also noted that this is NOT Wave 4. We'll probably find out the next wave of Starfighter releases later this year. Rampant speculation includes the following:
TIE Defender
Re-releases of earlier Wave ships with new paint schemes and pilots
How do I get started?![box-SWX01-right.png](http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/x-wing/Expansion%20Announcements/Core%20Set%20update/box-SWX01-right.png)
Begin by buying the Core Set ($40 retail, cheaper online), which includes everything you need to get started. It has 2 TIE Fighters and one X-Wing, along with a selection of pilot and upgrade cards that will give you a variety of options when building your squadron. It also comes with one set of movement/range templates and one set of dice. You also get some other cool bits, like asteroid tokens and mission-specific tokens that allow you to play a number of scenarios besides just dogfighting to the death.
If you have a buddy who also wants to play, it's usually a good idea to get two sets. Now you have 4 TIE Fighters and 2 X-Wings, which opens up your options. Each player also now has their own set of templates and dice, which helps games move faster.
From there, you can buy individual ship expansions.
The smaller ships are about $15 each (cheaper online). Each expansion ship comes with all the tokens, cards, and pieces you need to put it into the game. In addition, the X-Wing and TIE Fighter expansions come with different pilots and upgrades than the ones included in the core set, which makes them worth picking up as each has some really good options. It should be noted that the Wave 1 ships are a bit tough to find now, but are being reprinted and should be easy to find again soon. If you want them now, you can sometimes luck out by checking Barnes and Noble. Wave 2 ships are generally easy to find, but Interceptors sometimes sell out for a while because they're pretty badass. Wave 3 ships should be easy to find within a few weeks when they release, but you might want to get your B-Wings and TIE Bombers while you can, since they'll probably sell out initially.
The bigger ships (Falcon, Slave I, Shuttle) will run you $30 (cheaper online). They're pretty awesome to see on the board because they are significantly larger.
Most games are usually played at 100 points. Rebels usually have 3-4 ships on the board, while Imperials tend to have more. If you want to play a swarm, Imperials can field as many as 8 TIE Fighters OR 5 Interceptors at one time.
The official FFG page for the game. Go to the "Support" section to check out a PDF of the rulebook and see FAQs/errata:
Voidstate's Squad Builder (allows you to create squadron lists and see what the abilities are for the various pilots and upgrades):
The Wave 1 ships are being reprinted and should be available again within the next couple of weeks. Try major book stores like B&N. They'll usually have a few ship expansions in their board game section.
Get some Wave 3 ships while you're at it!
Also, the starter set is currently 25 bucks on amazon and is prime eligible. Good deal! You buy now!
I'm hoping they'll release a Star Destroyer at some point for those that take on the role of the Empire.
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
I have just the base game and like I said it has become the Tuesday night game of choice but I need to get a better table and the B wing is far too tempting
- 2 core sets
- 1 Tie fighter expansion
- 1 X-Wing Expansion
- 2 A-Wing Expansion
- 2 Tie-Interception
- 1 Slave expansion
- 1 Millenium Falcon expansion
Still need to find the Y-Wing and Tie Advanced. I'm thinking one of each or 2 y-Wing and 1 Tie-Advanced. Waiting for them to become available again.
I have on pre-order
- 2 Tie-Bomber
- 2 B-Wing
- 1 Lamda Shuttle
- 1 Hwk290
Should be enough to try some combo and have fun. Mostly playing for fun, not into competition or tournament, I don't have time for that.
I still need to decide on buying a playing mat. I know FFG are coming up with "tiles" but I don't like them. Easily disassemble and I can see the corners being damaged over time like the tiles in my Zombicide game. I'll propably get something online.
Am I the only one who created a play list with Space combat musical score from the Starwars movies and get those to play in the background when playing? I just love doing this, adds lots to the atmosphere.
PSN: Guibs25 | XboxLive: Guibs | Steam: Guibsx | Twitch: Guibsx
The play mats made by GF9 are nice, but they're expensive at $40 retail. My FLGS lets us use them on game nights, which is awesome. A few of my players have some cloth with a starfield background. I think they got it at Walmart on the cheap.
I've been hoping to run this list against a player at my store who likes to fly a TIE swarm, but I haven't been able to because I've ended up teaching the game to new or interested players.
1 • Chewbacca - YT-1300 (42)
- Gunner (5)
• Total : 47
2 • Kyle Katarn - HWK-290 (21)
- Blaster Turret (4)
- Recon Specialist (3)
• Total : 28
3 • Gold Squadron Pilot - Y-wing (18)
- R5-D8 (3)
- Blaster Turret (4)
• Total : 25
The goals are to have all ships be able to fire 360, and to be survivable (at least Chewie and the Y). The only problem is that my pilots are skill 6, 6, and 2, so we might get shot up depending on the other player's list.
Also, voidstate seems to be down. This site isn't as good, but it's a decent substitute for now for list building:
You do have to input how many ships of each type you have before you can start selecting pilots.
When we do get back into things in this game I hope we can get ahold of some a wings and interceptors because interceptors are my favorite ships
Interceptors, A-Wing, X-wing and T-Figheter are available pretty much everywhere around here from what I can see. Y-Wing and Tie-Advanced are the one that are soldout everywhere and will probably get back available at the same time as wave 3 starts showing up in stores.
PSN: Guibs25 | XboxLive: Guibs | Steam: Guibsx | Twitch: Guibsx
I had the game for about a year with no one to play against except for my (poor/cheap, take your pick) friends who wouldn't buy their own stuff. About a month ago, I decided I was going to make my own damn gaming group for it. I went to my FLGS owner, briefly talked about the idea of doing an X-Wing game night, and he agreed. We decided Mondays from 6:00-9:00pm would be X-Wing Game Night. He put up some posters, advertised on his store's Facebook page. I crosspromoted with gaming groups I found on Meetup and Facebook. First night, only one other player showed up to game, but other people already in the store (mostly Magic players) saw it and were curious. I've since demoed the game for about a dozen people and about a half dozen regularly show up each Monday to play, with one or two new guys wanting a demo.
If you have a gaming store nearby, people will want to check it out once they see you playing it. It looks awesome on the table and it's fun to play.
I don’t know that this is a game that I would put any of my own money into, but I do like that the core mechanics are really simple and easy to grasp – you can teach the game in minutes, and minutes after that you’re having fun.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
I'd like to promote X-Wing at the store some, but promoting Warmahordes is what currently has my attention. The manager loves X-Wing so he pushes it where he can.
You basically are in my situation, but in reverse. Once I have this X-Wing group going where it doesn't need me there to cheerlead and run demo games, I'm hoping to start building a Warmachine group at the store as well. There's a good community where I live, but the main store people play WM at is a bit too far for me to make it there consistently. The store I'm building my X-Wing crew at is only 5 minutes away, but it's mostly Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh players at the moment. I'm hoping to use X-Wing as a gateway drug to Warmachine, so I can have two great gaming groups down the street from me.
Whats your guys favorite ship/pilot? I'm still 2 waves behind so I really don't have that much to go on. Thus far I definitely have to go with Wedge. His ability is just too good to pass up. Once I get Kyle that will probably change though.
It's great to pair up with a Y-Wing with a turret so it can use the focus to activate it.
I do find that I struggle as rebels but do really well as the empire. I get so frustrated at constantly being out-turned.
Just personal experience, so I'm sure someone better than me has different ideas- but rebels are tough to win with as you're just learning the game. Three named rebel fighters fully outfitted sounds like a good idea, but they don't really have the staying power to make that work...usually. I don't actually own the Falcon so I can't check right now, but I don't think it's possible to fit all four of your ships on the same list without some nasty sacrifices either- The generic falcon is pretty bad, and the Y-wing should never really be fielded without a turret on board.
One of the most popular rebel lists is the Han falcon with upgrades plus two generic wingmen. It's pretty forgiving of both maneuvering mistakes and bad dice rolls, so that might be a good place to work from.
*whistles innocently*
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I'll back this up and add that using Biggs can help keep your powerhouse ships alive, since he'll soak up hits for them.
I might also suggest using Chewie + gunner rather than Han. For one point more, you basically get Han's ability, plus you ignore critical hit cards. The only downside is that your pilot skill is much lower.
I'd suggest a Y-Wing with a turret too. Maybe put your YT and your Y-Wing out front to soak up hits and be able to nail any flanking TIEs, then use your X-Wings or A-Wings a little bit behind to mop them up.
I love my (2) HWKs!
Dresden Files RPG- Dumb Luck
Playing Phillip Hess in Motor City Blues
GM of Dresden Files Low Life
GM of Star Wars Sagas Into the Unknown
GM of Star Wars Sagas Lost Hope- Concluded
GM of Star Wars Sagas the Dark Times- Concluded.
GM of Star Wars Sagas Jabba's Palace- Concluded due to injury.
Bart Allen/ The Flash in M&M Metropolis- Concluded.
Koyi Disturbances in the Force- Concluded.
Jessup Owlbeard Forge of the Dawn Titan- Withdrawn due to injury.
Sal Mander In the Shadow of Zeus- Concluded.
Zevoto in Out in the Black- Withdrawn due to injury.
GM of Wyvern Watch
Berru Secune in Rise of the Jedi
I will get the Lambda class Shuttle
But the reason why I will get the ships I want is these are probally the battles that will happen not the epic fan fiction ones
I do find it rather sad the X wing TIE fighter and Y wing are selling for 30+ as with the A wing and Interceptor are selling for about 13
I am going to get
1 x wing
1 y wing
1 A wing I already have one
1 B wing
1 interceptor I also have one
2 Tie fighters
and 1 Lambda Class Shuttle
The reason the Y-wing and Tie-advanced are selling so high is because of the current suply shortage. FFG said that it's a matter of days/weeks before supplies arrives from China and those gets available more easily and you should be able to get them at the usual 15$ or so. That's is what I am waiting for.
Missed on those y-wing and -tie-advanced since I got in late to the party. I got around wave 2 (tie interceptor/a-wing) so I didn't have issues to get those. Later on, x-wing and tie-fighter got back in stock and I was able to buy some more. Same will happen with the Y-wing and Tie-advanced. If you are interested in wave 3 at all, consider buying what you want as it gets available, I predict another shortage after they are release.
PSN: Guibs25 | XboxLive: Guibs | Steam: Guibsx | Twitch: Guibsx