I searched, but I couldn't see if this has been suggested before, but heres the idea.
As we are all aware, when you connect to a random server online, you very often end up in asshats anonymous. After a while playing the game, you start to get a feel for what servers are good, and which ones are not.
How about a forum where people could post which servers they find enjoyable, for two reasons: one, to help people find good servers, without have to play for ages on the bad ones, and two, to increase the chance of finding some PA fans to play with.
The threads could be tagged, for example:
[Counter-Strike] - (reallygoodserverhere), and someone looking for a good CS server could see at a glance which server they were talking about, and read inside to see what people think of it, and possible arrange a game or two.
Just an idea, I'd like to see what other peoples opinions are on it.
It would - I'm going to have just this dilemma in a few months time. However, openly advertising the good servers could just end up advertising them to a bunch of bad gamers. It's probably better to ask around people you like on the forums and see if they recommend/invite you to certain servers.
When new games come out, there are often PA servers set up as well (such as Battlefield Vietnam) so you can look out for those and join in with them. I guess it's just a case of if you have a game you want to play online, start a thread - game on or otherwise - asking where everybody else is playing it.
I would like it, but that same reason, that lurkers, both good and bad could find it is troubling, as the likelyhood of bad players would be greater then good.
Aww, beaten to it. Yeah, this already failed once.
Or to put it another way, way back forums with low traffic were cut, and somehow linksville made it while Game On didn't. That should tell you something.
The description for Linksville should read Welcome to Linksville, population Keith. Drive as carelessly as you want, Keith thinks he's the law but he aint.
Since when?
Provided you worked your way to a dumb one.
It's OK to cry.
chair to Creation and then suplex the Void.
Have I been labeled papa Ramius?
My sweet, untouched Miranda
And while the seagulls are crying
We fall but our souls are flying
So, someone tell me why we don't just want to do that.
Because not all communities are comfortable with each other.
Same reason we have chat threads, even though there is REGALDRY.
Now that The Heartless Bastards (tm) have moved SE++ off the main board, G+T is the only logical place for a game on thread over this side. In the old days they were only ever in SE++ or G+T anyway.
I imagine we'll still get game on threads in the SE++ underground railroad, but this seperation is once going to make us even more of a self contained independant comumity than ever before.
First step to kicking us off onto our own server me thinks
You sound so wounded.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. I wish we could try it again, as it's not that hard of a thing to do, but I guess it won't happen.
Another thing that I've noticed during this split...what should happen with Movie threads? Can G&T be edited to G&T&M or something like that? Or a seperate Movies/Entertainment forum?
No. If you desire chat about general entertainment without worrying about it slipping off topic, use EE. If you want to just gab about general entertainment, use the Chat forum.
Turning G&T into SE with extra rules isn't gonna fix anything.
What's wrong with movies in EE? IIRC that's where they've always gone when people want them to stay rigidly on topic. If it's a half decent movie they tend to say loosely on topic in SE anyway