Where do I redeem the work I put into QR codes? I feel like everyone got the shaft on this..! It is not PAX's fault
Where and to whom do I put in a complaint with? Myself and many others wasted time/effort on this fiasco!!!!!
I feel sorry for the enforcers... :-(
Overall, my group was feeling a bit, underwhelmed over how the final thing went down. All the work for QR code hunting, or finding them on the web to wait in line for an hour for an auction ticket. When we finally got in it was almost unnecessary, they have record who has the most points so just give those people the xboxes, that's who wins anyway. Would have been more interesting if you lost your points as you bid to bring down the "prices."
I can see on a number of levels why PAX as an event would take a chance on this event from a large sponsor, and it was pretty unobtrusive (compared to Firefall in Prime 2011 with bathroom ads, my most recent prior PAX) but logistically there were definitely things that needed ironed out to make this particular promo more lucrative for the attendee.
I will say it again, the enforcers did a great job of keeping the masses at bay & it was too bad they had to deal with the brunt of upset attendees. Hats off!
That said, I did like the food, and the free soda. So that was pretty cool.
But they did have one cool piece of swag. I would have gotten a skate deck if I didn't think it would be a complete hassle to transport home.
Anyone else bug-eyed at the Nacho Doritos with the tubs of nacho cheese? Cold nacho cheese, I assume?
Two, I just didn't like that the PAX XP and the Mountain Dew/Doritos/ThatThingThatIsn'tThePS4 promotion tended to step on each others' proverbial toes. Surely the cleverness that is the combined intellect of the PA Batcave could come up with something that would be separate and distinct...