How much did you walk this weekend?
How about Streetpasses?
Complete lots of puzzles and paths on Find Mii and make progress on all those other new Mii Plaza games?
Regale us!
3DS: 4871-3908-4971
The Cookie Brigade!PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer!
Main Design! And the
Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
I streetpassed approx. 200 people per day on average. On Saturday, while waiting for the Inafune panel, I kept streetpassing for an hour, every time I'd do the puzzle grab, new people would streetpass me. It was insane.
Finished all the puzzles by Saturday night in line for the GB panel, didn't even try Find Mii since a bunch of level 1-3's would have been very ineffective. Don't have any of the new games.
I spent most of the time in line playing the DS port of Front Mission, which was a great way to pass time this year.
I ended up mostly hitting the puzzles + Warrior Way, with some of the flower game (sitting at 50 breeds or so, despite Mendel's attempt to talk me to death), Find Mii (finished Find Mii 2 + started a second game), and Monster Mansion interspersed depending on where I was. Still didn't complete all of my puzzles, but got more than half done. (I've only had my 3DS for a couple of months.)
I went from somewhere around 225 StreetPass tags to 695... which maybe seems low compared to the above?
Fri - 13,479
Sat - 7,960 (I blame the GW2 party when I had my bag stored with my 3DS.)
Sun - 16,169
Mon - 5,235
I also cleared all the puzzles and was really surprised when it happened.
I also finally completed all paths in Find Mii 1 & 2, including the Secret quests. Now I can return to Find Mii 1 and easily collect hats.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
Final run at Find Mii 2, the harder setting, second time through.
Have about 30 pieces left across 4 puzzle panels. Puzzle freeloaders are the worst
Got all but 9 states, the Canadian territories and Maritime provinces. Picked up England, Poland, an Australian province, and 2 Japanese prefectures.
Thurs- 6,307 not bad since I was driving for 5 hours to get to Seattle
Fri- 17,390 chasing Pinny Arcade trades
Sat- 13,686 slowed down, went to a panel and demo'd board games
Sun- 9,804 panels, cut out early and had dinner with friends in West Seattle. Spent 3 hours in lines.
Mon- 4,112 amazing since I spent 2 hours on a bean bag, hoarding street passes
I bought the 3DS XL for PAX Prime and the most amazing thing is Abby doodled on it for me.
I'm sooo sad I wasn't able to get S. Dakota, because that's the only thing marring my perfect Western US. I still have a few in the South and North to pick up, too.
I'm actually surprised I didn't get more locations. It seemed like 75% of my passes came from WA, OR, and CA.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
Friday: 2,255 steps
Saturday: 6,891
Sunday (didn't go to PAX)
Monday: 5,351
138 total Streetpass (not sure how many before this but probably not that many - this is my daughter's 3DS) including 16 regions in the U.S., 1 region in Australia, 3 regions in Canada.
Thursday: 1,101 (got in crazy early, but really didn't leave the hotel after landing and picking up some snacks)
Friday: 9,415
Saturday: 9,307
Sunday: 9,464
Monday: 5,319
Actually pretty consistent this year. Usually I have one day that is like 2-3k steps more than the others.
As for steps, I didn't get very many because my backpack didn't let it cont correctly. I got about 2000 a day. I should be set on AC fortune cookies for a while XD.
1500+ total tags and no one from Arkansas or South Dakota yet!
As for streetpasses, I'm at 11320. Got about 1000 at PAX. Finished off Warrior's Way on Friday and Saturday (Needed to peacefully greet 100 monarchs), and spent the rest of PAX merely playing Flower Town, as I have no tickets left to obtain in Mii Force, and Monster Manor really requires people you've streetpassed multiple times or can guarantee have the game in order to get puzzle boxes, which is the only ticket I have left.
Kind of hoping I didn't mess with too many people's days with my 9,999,999 size army.
And as a result of PAX, I am up to 79/80 breeds. Woo, you all rock!
Saturday - 13,178
Sunday - 14,164
Monday - 7,966
Sadly I didn't pay much attention to Streetpasses, so only got about 500 hits, I only did Warrior Way since doing all the rest took so much time! lol
It keeps stats in the activity log, you can still check.
The problem is I now have major streetpass withdrawal symptoms. I keep checking to see if the green light is on but it stays firmly dark - no more tags while I'm getting puzzle swap pieces from the previous 10. My wife has also stated that there may be a 3ds related accident if she sees me take it out in public outside of PAX.
Friday - 6,774
Sun - 6,212
Mon - 8,217
I'm lucky enough to live near a tourist hub, but even still I get an average of 3 per day. It has got me walking around more, with it in my pocket or bag
Friday: 15,180
Saturday: 11,262
Sunday: 10,013
Monday: 12,602
Total passes: not sure where to check it but I know I got a lot
sat: 19,114
sun: 10269
mon: 7,578
collected all the puzzle pieces by Saturday night, and that's all I really care about lol so I didn't get as many streetpass tags this year.
My Body Is always Reggie
Didn't have my 3DS with me all the time like previous years, but here's my steps:
Thursday: 10,570
Friday: 16,030
Saturday: 3,981 (forgot to recharge overnight)
Sunday: 13,290
Monday: 5,288
I can imagine South Dakota will be a difficult state to obtain.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.