Me! I think I picked up about four different colds at once. Pounding headache, sinuses packed tighter than the Queue on Friday morning at 0945, throat so constricted that it hurts to breathe, and hardcore tenitis. Still, worth it!
TheMisanthropeThat's Mr. Misanthrope to youRegistered Userregular
This year neither I nor my friend caught the pox! Yay! Last years was awful, though. I did take massive advantage of the antibacterial stands though. Not enough to be obsessive, but obviously enough to not catch the pox.
I did catch the lazies and sleepies. Still recouping socially.
PAX Prime 2012: [X] Pass Purchased [X] Extra Charge Battery Packs for Phone, etc
My husband got a cold and called out sick today. I've had a slight sore throat all week but it's being held off by the power of thai food and lots of beer.
I've managed to avoid it. One of the most important things is to shower at night: going out among a huge crowd for PAX all day and then bringing back a swarm of germs back to the hotel and letting them develop while sleeping is a surefire way to get sick.
I thought I avoided it this year, but yesterday night I started getting a mad runny nose. Today I had a stuffed up nose and slightly sore throat all morning/afternoon, but it's been getting better since about 2 hours ago. Possible that I caught it in the airport since it manifested so long after PAX was over, but sensationalism!
I was sure I was getting an early case on Saturday during the con, but apparently not. Go me. But then so far, I've only obtained The Pox 1 out of my 4 times.
I think I might've been the one getting people sick.
I was already contagious/sick on Thursday, meaning someone gave me it at work a few days before I arrived to PAX... I also stayed in the Sheraton, so if you were sick, you might've gotten it from me in the elevator .
Edit: If anything, I made sure to hide in the hotel and sleep for the first half of Saturday...
Lindabear on
PAX Prime 2013 [X]
PAX Prime 2014 [X]
PAX Prime 2015 [X]
I think I might've been the one getting people sick.
I was already contagious/sick on Thursday, meaning someone gave me it at work a few days before I arrived to PAX... I also stayed in the Sheraton, so if you were sick, you might've gotten it from me in the elevator .
Edit: If anything, I made sure to hide in the hotel and sleep for the first half of Saturday...
I was spared the pax pox. But my sinuses rebelled against me for all the allergens I came home to in the 90°F Carolina coastal heat.
Sore throat and clear runny nose. Joy.
I did catch the post pax depression though. All I wanna do is sleep and dream of being back at pax.
- Biting's excellent! It's like kissing. Only there's a winner.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
All I wanna do is sleep and dream of being back at pax.
Man, I can't STOP dreaming about PAX. I wake up continually panicked thinking that Kemper has changed the way we're routing the swag bag lines, but nobody's told me. I think it's partly because I'm so sick that my sore throat is an ongoing thing, and my brain is relating it to the sore throat from bellowing out directions to people for four days straight. I am such a silly goose sometimes!
I feel the start of something and a week is about the right incubation time, I think. I'm blaming @Lindabear too even though I didn't meet her. Hahahahaha. ;-) I suppose I could blame @JobiWanKenobi since we hung out Monday along with @LexiconGrrl.
I feel the start of something and a week is about the right incubation time, I think. I'm blaming @Lindabear too even though I didn't meet her. Hahahahaha. ;-) I suppose I could blame @JobiWanKenobi since we hung out Monday along with @LexiconGrrl.
You didn't meet me, but I did meet @LexiconGrrl to pick up my pint glass!
Lindabear on
PAX Prime 2013 [X]
PAX Prime 2014 [X]
PAX Prime 2015 [X]
Lexi came by on Friday and infected all the gamers and cookies, thanks lexi!
Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!
bacon_avengerDefender of Pork ProductsPacific NW, USARegistered Userregular
So far, so good. I thought I might have had something Saturday night, but I was fine after getting some sleep. I did pick up a carton of orange juice from the Pike Market at the other end of the block from the Homewood, just to be safe.
No pox, liberal use of hand sanitizer plus Halo antiseptic every 2-3 hours kept me clean. Lots of fruit for breakfast and healthy snacks throughout the day. I was on four packed flights and spent 3 straight 10-12 hour days at the convention center. My buddy went like maybe 6 hours total and was infected (also mildly sprained his ankle so he stayed at the hotel all day Sunday)
Simple steps people!
digitardI walked up hill BOTH waysAZRegistered Userregular
I picked up a minor cold so I can't really complain considering how much person / person contact you get from being an open floor booth. Sniffles are survivable.
Dave K
Media / Social Monkey
Now available for iOS - Coming Soon for Android / Ouya
I was afraid of the slightly scratchy throat I was getting ahead of PAX, but through sheer force of will and several gallons of scalding tea, both the week before and on the plane ride, I was able to fight off the plague.
I call it the plague as a more accurate term... there are no dermal "pox" to speak of.
Nothing yet, but I'm waiting another couple of days before officially declaring it a success.
I have only gotten sick from PAX once, but when I came back from SDCC this year, I was out of commission for like 5 days. Whatever I had was a real kick in the ass.
I came down with something the Tuesday before, but was feeling much better by Friday. I'm actually thankful I got sick before and not during...
CuvisTheConquerorThey always say "yee haw" but they never ask "haw yee?" Registered Userregular
I got a really terrible sore throat and post-nasal drip on the train ride back, but it went away really quickly, so I think it was an allergy attack more than anything.
My boyfriend was already suffering from allergies and maybe a little genuinely sick pre-PAX, so I do think I caught a little bit of a sore throat from him, but it didn't develop at all during PAX. Plus we had issues with sleeping in front of an open window (we were sharing a friend's apartment with 8 other people without A/C) so that was probably the more likely cause.
I did call in to work the day after but that had more to do with the fact that I'd stayed up til 1 drinking and partying with the Protomen at El Corazon than getting sick from PAX. Though I would've been just as useless at work either way.
I've never gotten noticeably sick after a PAX, but I still always bring a bag of those Vitamin C Halls with me to share with friends. Partly because I can't tolerate the honey flavored ones, but also because of the immunity boost. Fruit's not always feasible at an event like this, but there's still ways to get that boost in.
I did catch the lazies and sleepies. Still recouping socially.
Yes, the only REAL way to beat the pox.
TWDT Slytherin Death Eater - 2012
TWDT Slytherin Death Eater - 2013
TWDT Slytherin Death Eater - 2014
I was already contagious/sick on Thursday, meaning someone gave me it at work a few days before I arrived to PAX... I also stayed in the Sheraton, so if you were sick, you might've gotten it from me in the elevator
Edit: If anything, I made sure to hide in the hotel and sleep for the first half of Saturday...
PAX Prime 2014 [X]
PAX Prime 2015 [X]
You should wear a face mask if you feel sick. The Walgreens 5 blocks from PAX has them. It's totally awesome how everyone does it in Japan and no one cares. This is an advertising opportunity Cards Against Humanity should really look into swag bagging.
doh - hope @JobiWanKenobi didn't get it from the 2 minute meeting we had on the Monday
Sore throat and clear runny nose. Joy.
I did catch the post pax depression though. All I wanna do is sleep and dream of being back at pax.
Pax Attendee/Enforcer:
Prime - '11 Attendee, '12 Enforcer, '13 Enforcer
East - '12 Attendee, '15 Enforcer
Man, I can't STOP dreaming about PAX. I wake up continually panicked thinking that Kemper has changed the way we're routing the swag bag lines, but nobody's told me. I think it's partly because I'm so sick that my sore throat is an ongoing thing, and my brain is relating it to the sore throat from bellowing out directions to people for four days straight. I am such a silly goose sometimes!
Anytime someone wears those, I think there's a SARS breakout and I run away like a little girl like I did when I was a kid.
You didn't meet me, but I did meet @LexiconGrrl to pick up my pint glass!
PAX Prime 2014 [X]
PAX Prime 2015 [X]
We'll call it the LB Virus.
Yeah, and now you're all zombies but I just keep getting STRONGER and FASTER.
Simple steps people!
Media / Social Monkey
Now available for iOS - Coming Soon for Android / Ouya
I call it the plague as a more accurate term... there are no dermal "pox" to speak of.
I've never caught a cold from going...
Although I've been told my immune system is a little better than most people's.
I have only gotten sick from PAX once, but when I came back from SDCC this year, I was out of commission for like 5 days. Whatever I had was a real kick in the ass.
I did call in to work the day after but that had more to do with the fact that I'd stayed up til 1 drinking and partying with the Protomen at El Corazon than getting sick from PAX. Though I would've been just as useless at work either way.
I've never gotten noticeably sick after a PAX, but I still always bring a bag of those Vitamin C Halls with me to share with friends. Partly because I can't tolerate the honey flavored ones, but also because of the immunity boost. Fruit's not always feasible at an event like this, but there's still ways to get that boost in.