PAX Australia 2014 Discussion

Manic2kManic2k Brotherhood of the Squirrel [AUS]Registered User regular
edited September 2013 in PAX Australia
What does everyone want to see ?

Also what time of year do you think they will switch too?

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  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Im guessing towards the end of the year, if the date for Prime has always been august, and they had to pick which of the two to change then my money is on Aus being moved to a later date. Better because it will be closer to our summer (not that it'll make any difference in MELBOURNE :P)

    what do i want to SEE? Just more of everything!

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  • Manic2kManic2k Brotherhood of the Squirrel [AUS]Registered User regular
    edited September 2013
    I want to get more community stuff planned, this will happen in time though.
    one of the coolest things I see at the other Pax's is all the sub cultures that have
    been developed over time with other pax's xD!

    I'm also excited to see who is booked in the way of vendors and panels :D
    Also a panel that is Aus exclusive would be cool sorta like how prime has
    their D&D Panel.

    Also, Scott Kurtz and Kris Straub :p

    Manic2k on
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  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    my friend ended up organising a board game night the day before pax started, unfortunately my plane tickets were already booked before it was scheduled so i missed out, but it went really well aparently, they hired out a hall and more than a hundred people attended. Hopefully this or similar events happen. Great way to meet and interact with the community

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  • Manic2kManic2k Brotherhood of the Squirrel [AUS]Registered User regular
    Totally agree, the best thing about a PAX starting in aus is that its going to promote growth as well as unite and strengthen our gaming community here in Aus :)

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  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    I have to say that far and away the best Panel was Acquisitions Inc. The only way I can think of to make it better would be to expand the party to 6. Mike, Jerry, Scott Kurtz, Patrick Rothfuss, Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day. Anyone who has seen Felicia create the backstory for Dr. Hanna will agree.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    moved to the pax Australia section

  • philomglolphilomglol Melbourne, AUSRegistered User regular
    What what about the date change?

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  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I don't think there's been any confirmation one way or another about potential dates for 2014.

  • DrassanDrassan Registered User regular
    A few days back had Oct 31-Nov 2 2014 listed but it has since been removed. Maybe someone slipped up or it was a mistake. Time will tell I guess.

  • Manic2kManic2k Brotherhood of the Squirrel [AUS]Registered User regular
    Drassan wrote: »
    A few days back had Oct 31-Nov 2 2014 listed but it has since been removed. Maybe someone slipped up or it was a mistake. Time will tell I guess.

    Well that's interesting, and it's just after my real bday too xD

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  • jennipurjennipur Transgender Gamer Girl AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I'm not sure, I'm hearing rumours of it being at MCEC (Jeff's Shed) opposite Crown Casino. I liked the showgrounds but it was too split up and the weather ehmergawd.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    jennipur wrote: »
    I'm not sure, I'm hearing rumours of it being at MCEC (Jeff's Shed) opposite Crown Casino. I liked the showgrounds but it was too split up and the weather ehmergawd.

    I'm sure they are looking at that and other options. But with the Sydney Convention center closed for remodeling for the next few years, space is probably harder to find hence their need to get creative.

  • jennipurjennipur Transgender Gamer Girl AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Well the good thing with MCEC is the theatre rooms that are preconfigured with stadium like seating, full projection and sound systems etc. SO it worthwhile.

  • MysteriousIconMysteriousIcon Registered User regular
    Drassan wrote: »
    A few days back had Oct 31-Nov 2 2014 listed but it has since been removed. Maybe someone slipped up or it was a mistake. Time will tell I guess.

    I'm really hoping that's a mistake, because that date is directly before my final exams :(

  • philomglolphilomglol Melbourne, AUSRegistered User regular

    October 31 Confirmed?

    Half life 3, confirmed?

    Love Pokemon? Coming to PAX Aus? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited October 2013
    zerzhul on
  • SurikoSuriko AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited October 2013
    Excellent! I was planning an Italy+Germany trip next year, and that puts a few months between it and PAX to recover.

    The venue sounds a lot better than the Showgrounds as well. Good news.

    Edit: Looks like it's easy walking distance from the CBD, too.

    Suriko on
  • thefloppy1thefloppy1 Registered User new member
    Interesting Date for it next year. Right at the start of the Melbourne Cup Carnival, the biggest event on in Melbourne at the time (with the big race being on Tuesday).
    Would suggest booking accom very early.

  • jjjewelsjjjewels TorontoRegistered User regular
    Being from Canada, I'm not all that familiar with Melbourne Cup. I assume it's a big deal??? Thinking I should book my room ASAP and work flights around it.

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    I already planning this now. I'm happy they told us about this and giving us a year in advance to know.

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  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited October 2013
    jjjewels wrote: »
    Being from Canada, I'm not all that familiar with Melbourne Cup. I assume it's a big deal??? Thinking I should book my room ASAP and work flights around it.
    I have heard it's a very big deal. I don't know from personal experience, but my Australian friends have said it will make flights and possibly hotels challenging.

    zerzhul on
  • thefloppy1thefloppy1 Registered User new member
    It is a huge deal. They call it the race that stops the nation, and they are not kidding. Everybody stops to watch it. Over the 7 days some half a million* people go to melbourne, for all the race days.

    It is really good that there is over a year in advance to orginise stuff. The Convention center is a far better place to have it as well, should be a blast.

    *Note figures are not exact, But the city is stupidly busy.

  • jjjewelsjjjewels TorontoRegistered User regular
    thefloppy1 wrote: »
    It is a huge deal. They call it the race that stops the nation, and they are not kidding. Everybody stops to watch it. Over the 7 days some half a million* people go to melbourne, for all the race days.

    It is really good that there is over a year in advance to orginise stuff. The Convention center is a far better place to have it as well, should be a blast.

    *Note figures are not exact, But the city is stupidly busy.

    Haha, thanks for this! We can't book our flight for another month or so but are going to book our hotel soon. Can't wait to do Pax in Australia! Then I can fairly judge which Pax is my fave :)

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    jjjewels wrote: »
    thefloppy1 wrote: »
    It is a huge deal. They call it the race that stops the nation, and they are not kidding. Everybody stops to watch it. Over the 7 days some half a million* people go to melbourne, for all the race days.

    It is really good that there is over a year in advance to orginise stuff. The Convention center is a far better place to have it as well, should be a blast.

    *Note figures are not exact, But the city is stupidly busy.

    Haha, thanks for this! We can't book our flight for another month or so but are going to book our hotel soon. Can't wait to do Pax in Australia! Then I can fairly judge which Pax is my fave :)
    We can only book 329 days in advance. I'm hoping to get plane tickets for under 1,000.

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • 00Fayt0000Fayt00 Registered User regular
    darkinfero wrote: »
    jjjewels wrote: »
    thefloppy1 wrote: »
    It is a huge deal. They call it the race that stops the nation, and they are not kidding. Everybody stops to watch it. Over the 7 days some half a million* people go to melbourne, for all the race days.

    It is really good that there is over a year in advance to orginise stuff. The Convention center is a far better place to have it as well, should be a blast.

    *Note figures are not exact, But the city is stupidly busy.

    Haha, thanks for this! We can't book our flight for another month or so but are going to book our hotel soon. Can't wait to do Pax in Australia! Then I can fairly judge which Pax is my fave :)
    We can only book 329 days in advance. I'm hoping to get plane tickets for under 1,000.

    Mine will be at least $2,000 coming from Kansas. :/

  • darkinferodarkinfero BOP-IT Malden, MARegistered User regular
    00Fayt00 wrote: »
    darkinfero wrote: »
    jjjewels wrote: »
    thefloppy1 wrote: »
    It is a huge deal. They call it the race that stops the nation, and they are not kidding. Everybody stops to watch it. Over the 7 days some half a million* people go to melbourne, for all the race days.

    It is really good that there is over a year in advance to orginise stuff. The Convention center is a far better place to have it as well, should be a blast.

    *Note figures are not exact, But the city is stupidly busy.

    Haha, thanks for this! We can't book our flight for another month or so but are going to book our hotel soon. Can't wait to do Pax in Australia! Then I can fairly judge which Pax is my fave :)
    We can only book 329 days in advance. I'm hoping to get plane tickets for under 1,000.

    Mine will be at least $2,000 coming from Kansas. :/

    Ya from Boston it's going to be over 2,000. I figure I might fly to Dallas or LA for the day to get a cheaper flight. I'm waiting for the flight deals to come out for PAX.
    At least I have my hotel for now.

    My Pin collection
    Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
  • Aussie BenAussie Ben AustraliaRegistered User regular
    It's also coinciding with GCAP (which is where it was announced). So, the Dev conference (GCAP) will go first, then PAX Aus immediately after, both taking place at the convention centre.

    I've been walking around there all day for GCAP, it's a great venue - much more suited to something like PAX, and most importantly, much larger!

    Next year's gonna be an exciting one! Looking forward to meeting you all.

  • NoonooNoonoo Sydney, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Geez ... a year from now.

    What were they thinking??!!?!??!
    Im going to die from the anticipation alone!!!

  • ninnanuamninnanuam Registered User regular
    First the pros:

    the venue seems like a real step up and more in line with actual conventions I've been to before im hoping it leads to more room in panels and more things to do.

    time of year seems great Melbourne is Melbourne and you never know but hopefully it won't be freezing.

    Pax during halloween! hells yea, we are all cosplayers now!(I expect a halloween party of one kind or another on Friday night).

    The pr sheet saying there will be a bigger focus on international games, hopefully this means a bigger presence of aaa titles Not such a big proportion of ftp and Indies.

    Melbourne cup making it unaffordable. This year cost me around 1200 aus for flights and hotel for 5 nights.

    A week in Japan for TGS would cost about 1600. That's already spitting distance, if spring carnival brings the cost up by more than a 100 or so it won't be worth it.

  • jjjewelsjjjewels TorontoRegistered User regular
    Noonoo wrote: »
    Geez ... a year from now.

    What were they thinking??!!?!??!
    Im going to die from the anticipation alone!!!

    RIGHT? I'm happy they are giving us the time to plan since it's Melbourne Cup and all. Really glad they moved to October giving us more time to save. No East or Prime for us... we're going to Australia!

  • ZeusheroZeushero PAX -E-ast Registered User regular
    Are we able to change/cancel our hotel reservations? My friends and I are thinking of going but its too early to tell if we will be able to afford the trip. :(

  • rithrith Perth, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Zeushero wrote: »
    Are we able to change/cancel our hotel reservations? My friends and I are thinking of going but its too early to tell if we will be able to afford the trip. :(

    It all depends on what the fare conditions are when you book your room. Sometimes they're flexable but usually there is a fee for cancellation. Best to check with the hotel and the particular room you're planning to book.

  • jjjewelsjjjewels TorontoRegistered User regular
    Zeushero wrote: »
    Are we able to change/cancel our hotel reservations? My friends and I are thinking of going but its too early to tell if we will be able to afford the trip. :(

    For the Oak hotels, you have 7 days before check-in to cancel before they charge your card. I called and asked.

  • FitzchivalryFitzchivalry PAXAUS Cookie Brigade Coordinator Orrstrahleeeeah mate!Registered User regular
    Heads up - there is a Hilton South Wharf that is actually onsite at MCEC;
    - You can book early bird rooms there @ $204 per night. Lil bit chheaper than the Oaks and its IN THE ACTUAL COMPLEX, but be warned will book out fast. Also rooms are non-changeable/refundable since your getting the cheaper early bird rate. You can pay the normal $240~ if you want flexibility.

  • Squire_PugSquire_Pug Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I did Worldcon here in 2010, and a School Festival Concert thingy 2 years ago, much smaller crowd (couple of thousand?), but venue was amazing. Think 3 stories of meeting rooms (30+rooms), holding between 40 and 300, and main theatre holding 5,500 if fully configured. Still going to need to queue for panels, but my guess is that there will be a LOT more panels come 2014. If the break out into the Airplane Wing style shed they have about 30,000 square metres of unpillared open space to be configured as you like. I'm guessing exact venue usage may depend on pre-ticket sales but we could do a LOT of people in this venue. See (

  • DegraineDegraine Pinsomniac Victoria, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I bought a three day pass for PAX AUS this year and I was thinking about Enforcing next year, but I see applications for Enforcers are not open yet. I'm...conflicted. If I'm gonna go, I want to buy a three day pass again, but I'd like to Enforce, too. Agh, wat do

  • KamelonKamelon Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Degraine wrote: »
    I bought a three day pass for PAX AUS this year and I was thinking about Enforcing next year, but I see applications for Enforcers are not open yet. I'm...conflicted. If I'm gonna go, I want to buy a three day pass again, but I'd like to Enforce, too. Agh, wat do

    And wow, the 3 day passes are already 50% sold out!

    It's good and bad the passes are on sale so early. I'm sure there a lots of people unsure of their plans for almost a year away. We only finalised ours last week, while I'm glad we were able to so I could secure our passes. Good luck deciding!

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  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Degraine wrote: »
    I bought a three day pass for PAX AUS this year and I was thinking about Enforcing next year, but I see applications for Enforcers are not open yet. I'm...conflicted. If I'm gonna go, I want to buy a three day pass again, but I'd like to Enforce, too. Agh, wat do

    Buy your pass, and if you become an Enforcer, sell it.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • rithrith Perth, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    whypick1 wrote: »
    Degraine wrote: »
    I bought a three day pass for PAX AUS this year and I was thinking about Enforcing next year, but I see applications for Enforcers are not open yet. I'm...conflicted. If I'm gonna go, I want to buy a three day pass again, but I'd like to Enforce, too. Agh, wat do

    Buy your pass, and if you become an Enforcer, sell it.

    Totally this. Except you can get your pass refunded if you don't want sell it yourself. They then get put back into the system and a bunch more passes go on sale later next year.

  • DegraineDegraine Pinsomniac Victoria, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Yeah, I ended up buying a three day pass and after hearing how quickly they went I'm glad I did.

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