Batman kills about a million people
the new origin is stupid
Jack Nicholson sucks as Joker
the special effects suck ass balls
the batsuit was stupid, watch Batman try and look around for villains
the batmobile has machine guns
he tells vicky vale his secret identity like five minutes after he meets her
Jack Nicholson sucks as Joker
commisioner gordon sucks
vicky vale has a stupid little face
Jack Nicholson sucks as Joker
you are late to the party
it fucking wasn't
it chokes balls and licks dingles
I bet you watch it with your pants off then.
But yeah, it doesn't really hold up well
The best non comics Batman was the animated one.
I mean, Beetlejuice, Ed Wood, Nightmare, Big Fish
that's about it
and he didn't even direct nightmare
Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Mars Attacks, Edward Scissorhands.
Most of the movie is fucking retahded though.
I didn't care for Mars Attacks, but I do like the other two
I laughed in parts
also oompasongs
I wonder how Heath Ledger will turn out, honestly.
Man, does it suck.
Tim Burtin's Batman did kinda suck.
Shame he's playing Jack Nicholson, and not the Joker.
they turned Willy Wonka from a quirky father figure into a creepy man child
it didn't jibe with me at all
they didn't, though
it was an adaptation of the book, not a remake of the movie
in the book he's not a father figure at all, charlie already has a father, plus Grandpa Joe
No you are wrong because everyone blows a load over the animated series and the Tim Burton's Batman had the same one so you are wrong and stupid.
This thing right here.
He was JAck Nicholson with more laughing added.
The only person who can ever play the Joker is Mark Hamil.
Type of people who wouldn't understand half the movie and then afterwards talk about how bad it was even though it was fucking awesome shut up shut up shut up.
a lot
songs ruled
The laugh is done so well it's insane.
know which batmobile I blow a load over?
read Dark Knight Returns
then come back to the table