I'll say it: I think Rob Bricken is being lazy with this list. I agree these are many and terrible, but in the history of comics I don't think these are the least subtle retcons, jsut a handful of those that people are most bitching about now. If this list had been done a couple years ago I'm sure it would include Avengers Dis-Assembled and Marvel: The End Kung fu 70s Wonder Woman springs to mind. Clone Saga comes close, but they chickened out of "Peter is the Clone." Death of Superman was always a planned media event, not a retcon. One that really deserves to be on there, if only to show that a retcon (or maybe "abandonment") doesn't have to be bad is Alan Moore's run on Supreme.
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Sex & the Cthulhu Mythos
Best thing to do, especially if you think this kind of thing is lazy, is to not give it any attention at all.
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In other news around the world, water: still wet.
Sex & the Cthulhu Mythos