Halo 3 || There And Back Again ; Free on Live for Gold users right now!

FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
edited October 2013 in Games and Technology
Welcome to the
Halo 3 Is Free
Game On and Discussion Thread brought to you by
Actually, TBK is dead now, but that header still looks pretty cool

In memory of Zonkytonkman


Microsoft is now running some sort of promotion that is giving people free games as long as they have a Gold subscription. One of the games is Halo 3.

Which version?

The version of Halo 3 being made available is the original launch version, containing the Halo 3 Campaign and the Halo 3 Multiplayer. You will have to download the DLC separately. Once you download Halo 3 through this promotion, it is yours to keep, forever, until the 360 servers are shut down in 2015.

Doesn't Halo 3 load slower from the hard drive?

Deal with it.

If I have the Mythic disc that I got with ODST still, can I get the DLC by putting it in the drive while launching the Games on Demand Halo 3?

Nope. If you want to play on all the DLC without repurchasing it for vanilla Halo 3, you must "disc swap" and launch Mythic directly when playing multiplayer.

Okay, I just want to buy the DLC and never have to worry about swapping things. Where do I go?



Should I download the free DLC?

Yes, even in a non-ALLDLC playlist, the content can show up if everyone in the lobby has them.

FyreWulff on


  • FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited October 2013
    New to Halo 3 or need a refresher?


    Halo 3 has Capture the Flag, Assault, King of the Hill, Oddball, Territories, VIP, Infection, and Juggernaut, and Slayer.

    Capture the Flag
    Both teams have flags in their bases. Your objective is to take their flag and bring it back to your base. Meleeing someone with the flag is an instant kill. Flag carriers can only ride in vehicles, not drive them. There is also a One Flag variant where only one team has a flag. Each team gets two tries for a total of four rounds.

    CTF in reverse. Your base has a bomb. Pick up the bomb and take it to the other team's base, arm it, kaboom! The bomb carrier can only ride in vehicles, and the bomb glows. There is a 1 Bomb variant, where only one team has a bomb. Each team gets two tries to arm the bomb, for a total of four rounds. There is also a Neutral Bomb variant, where the bomb spawns in the middle of the map and either team can grab it. Meleeing with the bomb is an instant kill.

    King of the Hill
    Control the hill to earn points. That's it! A good strategy is to have one person stay in the hill and the rest of the team stays outside of the hill to take down incoming attackers. Remember: Hill is Priority One. Everything else is not important.

    One or more skulls will spawn on the map. You must pick up the skull (RB on the default scheme) and hold it to accrue points. Meleeing with the oddball is an instant kill. In Multiball gametypes, multiple team members can hold a ball at the same time to double or triple their points for each tick. A strategy if you're in trouble is to draw the enemy to one side of the map, then jump off with the ball, allowing your teammats to grab the respawned ball under minimal fire.

    Capture hills marked with flags throughout the map. Has two variants: one version swaps rounds and usually has 5 points to capture. Capturing all 5 ends the round. The other variant is Land Grab, where both teams can capture points. Capture more points than the enemy team to win.

    A terrible gametype you must always veto. One person on each team will have a star above their head. Kill them to earn points.

    Infection (FFA Only)
    A quasi-teamed gametype that only shows up in FFA playlists. If you are a human, defend yourself from the incoming zombies. If you are a zombie, kill humans to convert them to zombies. The round ends when everyone becomes a zombie. Note: suiciding off the edge of the map because you think you're clever will result in you becoming a zombie.

    Juggernaut (FFA Only)
    One person is powerful as all hell. Kill the Juggernaut to become the Juggernaut. You only get points for killing the Juggernaut, or killing as the Juggernaut. Suiciding will make you lose your Juggernaut-ness.

    Kill or be killed. Appears in both Team and Free For All Formats. Reign in blood.


    Last Resort On Disc
    A remake of Zanzibar from Halo 2. Good for asymmetrical gametypes. Recommend 5v5 and up sized teams. If you're playing territories on this map, wait to capture Point 1 last.

    Guardian On Disc
    A spiritual successor to Lockout from Halo 2. Big open platform in the center with interesting holdable spots at the compass directions around it. Good for 4v4 and smaller gametypes.

    Epitaph On Disc
    A small elongated map. Has a special version in matchmaking called Epilogue that has shield doors removed. Good for 4v4 and smaller. Appears in FFA a lot.

    Sandtrap On Disc
    A gianthuge map set in the desert. Pretty much only for 8v8 gametypes. Has two big Elephants you can drive, with awesome horns (press your Fire button while driving). Has a special version in matchmaking called SAND TARP that has the elephants removed and the bases switched for asymmetric gametypes.

    Snowbound On Disc
    A smallish snowy map with a tunnel system underneath, between the bases. Has turrets that will kill you if you try to leave the map. Has a special version in matchmaking called Boundless that has certain shield doors removed.

    The Pit On Disc
    A biggish symmetrical map with 3 hallways, a sword room, and sniper towers. Good for 4v4 and up. Really good for King. Has a special version in matchmaking named Pitstop that has access to the upstairs of the bases blocked off.

    Construct On Disc
    A vertical big map based off the Ark level from campaign. People camp at the gold and purple lifts all the time. Flamethrower, missile launcher, and a Spartan Laser are on the bottom.

    Narrows On Disc
    A Forerunner symmetrical map with a giant hill in the middle. Based off the Attack of the Control Room bridges from Halo 1. Good for 4v4 up to 6v6. Has a mancannon on the side that will take you from one end of the map to the other.

    Valhalla On Disc
    A big symmetrical (mostly) map set on the grass plains of the Ark. If you're coming from Halo 4, this is the original version of Ragnarok. Take the middle hill to win the game in Slayer, because you can rain bullets everywhere. Can be played 4v4 but really gets going in 8v8.

    High Ground On Disc
    An asymmetric map in the spirit of Last Resort, but much smaller. One team starts on the beach, one team starts in a base at the top of the hill. You can sneak in through a broken pipe. In Slayer, you should generally attempt to take the base wall and gate.

    Isolation On Disc
    Always veto this map. Always.

    Standoff Heroic Map Pack
    A big death bowl of death set on top of a cliff. Every game pretty much starts with one team all throwing their grenades at the other team's hog. It's hilarious. And then your 360 hard locks.

    Rat's Nest Heroic Map Pack
    An 8v8/4v4 map set in the Crow's Nest location from campaign. Has an outer ring that vehicles like to live in, and an inner hallway system that infantry tend to stick to. Really good for CTF.

    Foundry Heroic Map Pack
    Foundy is a special map in that 99% of it is made out of Forge objects. You can completely delete the map and make a new one in Forge out of this one! This is the map where Grifball started. It was generally made obsolete by Sandbox for forging, but it still has it's strengths.

    Avalanche Legendary Map Pack
    A remake of Sidewinder from Halo 1 with some tweaks here and there. The inner hallways have been deleted, leaving only the upper crosspoint between both sides of the map. There is now a mancannon that will take you to the outer bend of the map. There are also giant mancannons that will fire you into the bases on each side. You'll see it in some 4v4 games but it's best in 8v8.

    Blackout Legendary Map Pack
    A remake of Lockout from Halo 2 with some tweaks, and now set at night. Take the top towers to win.

    Ghost Town Legendary Map Pack
    A map set inside of a destroyed township somewhere in Africa. Asymmetrical. Limited sight lines.

    Cold Storage
    A remake of Chill Out from Halo 1. Very small, 4v4 can work but it's best in 2v2. Has a creepy eye that follows you around. This map is downloadable by itself.

    Assembly Mythic 1 Map Pack
    A purple dish-shaped map with a center killroom. This is where Scarabs are made. Kind of Desolation-y.

    Sandbox Mythic 1 Map Pack
    A dark map set in a sand pit that's the best map to forge in for Halo 3. The standard map on it is like Beaver Creek made for vehicles. The entire map can be deleted and replaced with one of your own creation. You can also take a teleporter into the sky and forge maps there, or go underground and forge maps in the crypt.

    Orbital Mythic 1 Map Pack
    A horseshoe map layered on top of a horseshoe map. It's a bit confusing to wrap your head around at first.

    Heretic Mythic 2 Map Pack
    A remake of Midship from Halo 2. Very small purple map. Works for 4v4 and 2v2. Unlike other maps, this one is hardcoded to start you with plasma grenades. to emulate the original Halo 2 settings.

    Longshore Mythic 2 Map Pack
    It's a long story, but this is half remake and half spiritual successor to Halo 1's Hang Em High, or as you might have known it, Halo 2's Tombstone, or Halo Reach's High Noon. Has an extendable bridge that you can extend over the defense base to make it easier to take their flag.

    Citadel Mythic 2 Map Pack
    A symmetrical map set in The Covenant interior locations from campaign (kinda). Has two levels to it, and can be navigated in a circular path. This is probably the most forgotten map from Halo 3. Technically solid map that's not very flashy.

    The Bucket List

    If your time in Halo 3 is short, you need to at least try some of these gametypes. These are a mix of both my opinions and general consensus from the rest of the internet. Try these at least once, to get a good idea of what Halo 3 has to offer.

    1 Flag CTF / 1 Bomb
    4v4: High Ground, Ghost Town
    8v8: Last Resort, Longshore

    2 Flag CTF
    4v4: Snowbound, Orbital, The Pit, Isolation, Assembly, Citadel
    8v8: Valhalla, Sandtrap, Avalanche, Rat's Nest, Sandbox, Standoff

    8v8: Last Resort, Sandtrap

    King of the Hill
    4v4: Ghost Town, Snowbound, Construct, The Pit, Assembly
    8v8: Avalanche, Citadel

    4v4: Heretic, Cold Storage
    8 player FFA: Guardian, Blackout

    Vanilla maps: Cold Storage, Longshore, High Ground
    Community maps: Mansion (Foundry), Minotaur (Foundry), House in the sky (Sandbox)

    Snipers on Valhalla, Sandtrap, Standoff
    Team BRs on The Pit, Sandbox, Last Resort, Heretic
    Team Duals on Snowbound, Guardian, Heretic

    FyreWulff on
  • FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited October 2013

    Halo 3 picks up almost exactly where Halo 2 left off in 2004. The UNSC has recovered Chief somewhere in Africa, and he must finish his fight against Truth.

    If you're coming from Halo 4, Halo 3 will help you explain why 4 started where it did and what's going on with Cortana.

    Playing Campaign

    Halo 3 has a good-sized FPS campaign, about 8 or 9 hours depending on the difficulty. Heroic is recommended as the difficulty to play on for your first play. There are skulls to collect in the campaign that will get you shiny achievments, and also unlock the skulls for use in Scoring mode. If you're coming from ODST, Reach, or 4, these skulls are already unlocked in those games. In 3, you must collect them before you can use them.


    Halo 3 allows up to four players to play together over Xbox Live or LAN, or two on the same console. Splitscreened campaigners can play with others over Live as well (2 / 1 / 1 or 2 / 2 per box, for example). When playing co-op, the players are randomly assigned to being the Arbiter, and two other elites that have back-canon but make no appearance in any cutscenes, named Thor and Uzi. They have the same movement traits and size as the Chief, but they spawn with Carbines instead of Battle Rifles.

    To play co-op, start a campaign lobby, and invite up to 3 people. You cannot join campaign games in progress, and if anyone quits or lags out, the session will end. This mode also uses lockstep networking, meaning anyone not the host will have button delays depending on how much latency there is. It's suggested to play co-op with people in the same region/country as you. Trans-ocean play is possible, but results may vary.

    When playing co-op, higher difficulties are recommended. I would not play 2-man on anything lower than Heroic, and 4-player absolutely requires Legendary to be a challenge. Turn on skulls like Tilt and Mythic to make co-op even more interesting.

    The host can only select levels they've unlocked for co-op. People joining the lobby do not need to have unlocked levels to play them.

    There is no matchmaking for campaign co-op in Halo 3. You must invite people from your friends list.

    A Word on Vidmaster: Annual

    In it's final update, Halo 3 added Vidmaster achievements. These are achievements to do something special that were intended to be used to unlock the Recon armor. You no longer need to unlock Recon; it's gifted to everyone now since the Halo 3 stats are no longer available. Annual is still a fun achievement to unlock, but I would NOT try to unlock until after you've beaten the game at least once and are familiar with the controls/gameplay. Trying to do it in your first play through will make you hate the game.

    File Shares
    Everyone in Halo 3 now has 24 file share slots, although it might take a bit to 'register' and actually give you the extra slots. You can download from file shares by selecting names in the lobby or your friend's list. You can no longer send files from the web to your Xbox. You can also view file shares during the voting screen in matchmaking. You can upload Gametypes, Map Variants, Screenshots, and Films to your file share.

    Saved Films
    If you're coming from ODST, Reach, or 4, you're familiar with this function. If you're not, every time you play a game in multiplayer or play a level in Campaign, a saved film is created. To view films, either download one or go to Theater -> Recent Films to view and save films you'd like to keep. You can also make clips of multiplayer films. Campaign films cannot be clipped. During any film you can take a screenshot.

    FyreWulff on
  • GreasyKidsStuffGreasyKidsStuff MOMMM! ROAST BEEF WANTS TO KISS GIRLS ON THE TITTIES!Registered User regular
    The Bees are no more? What happened there? Did Halo 4 do it? That's a shame...

    I'll bookmark this thread though, in case some Halo 3 games end up happening.

  • Al BaronAl Baron Registered User regular
    FyreWulff wrote: »
    Once you download Halo 3 through this promotion, it is yours to keep, forever, until the 360 servers are shut down in 2015.
    Wait, really? I thought the free Gold games were just for the period that they were offered.

  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    And for god's sake veto if you don't get BRs.

  • FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Al Baron wrote: »
    FyreWulff wrote: »
    Once you download Halo 3 through this promotion, it is yours to keep, forever, until the 360 servers are shut down in 2015.
    Wait, really? I thought the free Gold games were just for the period that they were offered.

    Nope. Live has always supported separate prices for Gold and Silver users, they usually just set the price to being the same for both sides. They're just setting the price to Free for Gold users now, so you're actually purchasing the game. 360 Live has no actual infrastructure support for renting games.

  • FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited October 2013
    FyreWulff on
  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    Time to bug all of my friends about it again.

  • maximumzeromaximumzero I...wait, what? New Orleans, LARegistered User regular
    I'm just gonna pop in my Mythic disc from ODST instead of downloading it.

    Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
  • shoeboxjeddyshoeboxjeddy Registered User regular
    FyreWulff wrote: »
    Once you download Halo 3 through this promotion, it is yours to keep, forever, until the 360 servers are shut down in 2015.

    It's funny because they kept the oXbox servers up for five years+ after they had produced any games for the system and you're suggesting they'll shut down the servers on a year that will definitely have 360 games released. Hilarious even!

  • ArchsorcererArchsorcerer Registered User regular

    XBL - ArchSilversmith

    "We have years of struggle ahead, mostly within ourselves." - Made in USA
  • FyreWulffFyreWulff YouRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited October 2013
    FyreWulff wrote: »
    Once you download Halo 3 through this promotion, it is yours to keep, forever, until the 360 servers are shut down in 2015.

    It's funny because they kept the oXbox servers up for five years+ after they had produced any games for the system and you're suggesting they'll shut down the servers on a year that will definitely have 360 games released. Hilarious even!

    I'm just gonna pop in my Mythic disc from ODST instead of downloading it.

    Still a good idea to start the download and cancel it so you at least have the GonD version available if you change your mind later.

    FyreWulff on
  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    FyreWulff wrote: »

    Too bad the old B.net fileshare went down, we had lots of great shots from the game.

    I mean, I could probably upload a bunch, but then I won't remember who took what, etc.

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