Searching for an old, small game...

EaglestrikeEaglestrike Registered User new member
Really a reach in the dark, but looking for an old game I had found over a decade ago. It was called simply "Hero" and it was a senior programming project by someone at WVU. Story was simply "Go down dark dungeon looking for <important character>". You got to start your play by choosing different traits for your hero, setting up your stats (of which was melee/ranged/armor/light/earth/fire/water...some other magic ones) and then went into the dungeon. Dungeon make up was random each playthrough, you may or may not be able to see the whole screen upon zoning in (based on traits and if you cast a magic spell). Leveling up gave a number of points to go where you chose, certain gear would automatically granted you a bonus in certain skills each level up, and you could find "ultimate" gear from NPC's you ran into that gave excellent gear. Combat was turn-based and graphics were very simple 2D top-down.

I played the hell out of this game back when I first found it, but eventually moved on and have never been able to find it since. I was wondering if anyone else had found this game somewhere and could point me towards it once again. Or maybe if anyone knows a game similar that might be able to placate my desire to play such a game.

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