Guest Art - Maki Naro
The Workbug
AnonymousI was an intern at an Emergency Room when this happened; someone had collapsed and his friends/coworkers had brought him in. He came in with a bad infection, and the attending doctor recommended that he take it easy and tried to get him to stay at the hospital. It turned out that the patient was a QA tester for a video game company, though he didn’t write which one, only that he worked in QA. His coworkers had left almost immediately after bringing him in, and he refused to be hospitalized because he was sure he’d be fired if he was. We were forced to allow him to leave AMA.
He was back the next week, except this time he had to be hospitalized because his respiratory bug had progressed into full-on pneumonia. He was rather distraught, and the attending told him that he was confident the company wouldn’t be so heartless that they’d fire someone for taking sick leave.
The patient got a call three days later telling him he was fired.
Do you know something we don't?
It reminds me of those still shots from Ren and Stimpy when everything all of the sudden gets too real.
Which, if anybody was wondering, is the best.
i suppose if it happened somewhere outside the US, that place really needs better healthcare, too.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
The story has nothing to do with the system of payment for healthcare -- the patient's employer was working him so hard that in order to keep his job, he didn't have the time to get treated. If this happened in a country with universal healthcare, then after he was fired he would be able to get his infection treated, but might become homeless due to lack of rent money.
i would say that calls for a need to severely punish employers who penalize their workers for trying to not die. that would be part of healthcare reform.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
I'm pretty sure that it's already illegal to fire someone for being in the hospital. That person should have sued the game company.
I think you mean Labour Law reform.
"Then use what strength they have left. There are always more workers."
Yes, I did that just now. But it's an actual mentality that exists in 2013. QA is a temporary position a lot of times, so the employee may not have been working there a full year, so he wouldn't have been protected.