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[PATV] Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - Extra Credits Season 7, Ep. 8: Games You REALLY Might Not Have

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited October 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - Extra Credits Season 7, Ep. 8: Games You REALLY Might Not Have Tried

This week, we pull out some creepy games you REALLY may never have heard of.
Come discuss this topic in the forums!

Follow the download/purchase links to play these games: Memories of a Broken Dimension, Castle Doctrine, I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, No One Has To Die, Starseed Pilgrim, OFF, Pathologic, Song of Saya (Saya no Uta), Outlast

Read the full story here

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  • d.TFFoSd.TFFoS Registered User regular
    >video is private

  • smitster03smitster03 Registered User new member
    Starseed Pilgrim is one of the best games of the year, and I thank you for including it, but I think the whole "can't say anything about the game" shtick everyone seems to do is a little misleading. You could describe everything in the game and the players would still get an incredibly deep puzzling system to master.
    For instance, telling people what the different block types are or explaining what the goal is or how things change, does not reduce the mastery in how you use the blocks, how you get to the goals and how you utilise the changes the game presents.
    However I do think that you should avoid saying as much as you can, as the discovery is a part of the magic of the game. But it is important for people who are frustrated with the game, or want to know more about it etc, that they know that knowing more about it does not remove the wonderful mechanics that the game presents.

  • BashzogBashzog Registered User new member
    Outlast was definitely about twice as long as it needed to be, but I'd say it is worth the price of admission. The first time the big dude grabs you shook me bad enough that I had to take a twenty minute break. It's currently the baby of youtube let's plays, so anyone on the fence should look up a video or two - you'll get the sense of whether it's for you or not right quick.

    Other than that, the only one I've played is I Have No Mouth, which is exactly as described. It is also as of recently added to both Steam and GoG, and I believe it is on sale on both for under five bucks. Hard to beat that price, for a singular experience.

  • BashzogBashzog Registered User new member
    Pathologic is on sale on GoG too, actually. Just bought, dunno how good it really is.

  • greycolorsgreycolors Registered User new member
    No Yume Nikki? That game seems pretty appropriate for this list. Its a strange game, not much gameplay but a great sense of atmosphere and bizarreness. I like it because very little in the game is outright threatening and nothing is gory, everything is just a bit odd and off putting.

  • darkhogdarkhog Registered User regular
    I've heard of castle doctrine, didn't have money to buy it even though I wanted to and then I forgot about it. Thank you for reminding me about it.

  • Diggers1917Diggers1917 Registered User new member
    Thanks for giving Pathologic a shout out; it has it's problems (namely the translation, as you pointed out) but I think it really needs more people to experience it :)

  • zegotazegota Registered User regular
    A little disappointed you guys didn't mention the controversy surrounding The Castle Doctrine, with many game critics calling it sexist, racist and paranoid in a way that doesn't actually criticize that paranoia.

  • LitleWaffleLitleWaffle Registered User regular
    Have personally played "No One Has To Die". It's a wonderful experience and I highly recommend it.

    I would love to say things about it where Extra Credits did not, but it would really spoil it for you. You have to go in without knowing enough to get the full experience of it.

  • WarpZoneWarpZone Registered User regular
    I really was not impressed with Outlast, and I keep trying to put into words why, and nobody seems to agree with me so I guess the problem must be with me, but here it is again for the part of my brain that can't stop trying to shout into the howling void: It feels like an action game.

    From the first teaser trailers, through the demo, to the end of a too-long singleplayer campaign. Hell, even the name of the company. They literally named their company "Red Barrels." That's like naming your company "gratuitous explosions in a first person shooter." The music is too intense, the action is way too fast, it NEVER takes a break to let you feel something. It's just STRESS, STRESS, STRESS all the way through, from start to finish.

    This is not an overall improvement over The Dark Descent! This is just a superficial graphical improvement over The Dark Descent, while the mood and pacing are dragged backward 20 years! Why can nobody see this but me?

    I would hate on Outlast more if A Machine For Pigs wasn't somehow even WORSE as a spiritual successor to The Dark Descent. TheChineeseRoom should not be allowed anywhere near a "real game" franchise ever again. If TheChineeseRoom made Super Mario 4, it would consist entirely of running to the right and reading poetry about Princess Peach. You would be able to jump, but all the blocks and enemies would be carefully arranged so that your jumping would never have any effect on them. There would be no bottomless pits and no powerups. Hitting an enemy would result in you instantly respawning on the same screen. TheChineeseRoom would explain that these changes were necessary to prevent idiot players from not having the Super Mario experience that TheChineeseRoom wanted them to have, for example by reading some of the Princess Peach Poetry more than once, or getting "pulled out of" the Mario experience by seeing a black screen telling you how many lives you have left.

    WOW, that post got away from me. I respect TheChineeseRoom as artists. But I think I hate and despise them as Game Developers. I want to stop them before they ruin some other IP-- before they make a Portal sequel with no puzzles or a Doom sequel with no shooting. Am I really the only one who feels this way?

  • desolation0desolation0 Registered User regular
    The Big Brother games and other stuff bundle available here has Steam keys for I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream in the pay what you want tier. You can get it far cheaper than the $2.49 in the Steam Halloween sale, any time before November 17.

  • omegawyrmomegawyrm Registered User new member
    I'm amazed they chose to include Saya no Uta on this one, especially because that mention of Lovecraft in games from a couple weeks back had me wondering if they had played it. If I'm not mistaken, I think this is the first time they've really come down on a side of the debate about whether visual novels count as games (not that they avoided it, I just don't remember it coming up). Interesting that they would choose what is probably one of the most extreme examples for their first recommendation from the genre.

  • WarpZoneWarpZone Registered User regular
    @zegota: Since he characterizes The Castle Doctrine as "(serving) to warn us against" the mindset called out in the blog post you linked to, it's possible they either weren't aware of the controversy, or else believe the game to be a more critical piece than that blogger did.

    If the creator of the game honestly believes that anyone who enters his home without permission deserves to be shot, why did he create a game in which you are forced to enter other peoples' homes and murder their wives? How many wives did he personally murder in real life to protect his own wife? How would that even work?

    Any attempt to apply a literal reading of the game mechanics to real-life home defense scenarios falls apart very quickly. Having said that... yeah, from the guy's own comments, he sounds like a paranoid dick. It's like, just buy your wife a taser, man. Lock the doors. If you managed to get a rabid dog inside your house with your pregnant wife in the first place, I am going to go out on a limb and say you didn't think things through ahead of time. Somewhere between "Home Alone death traps" and "a neighbor's dog attacked your wife inside your own home," there's a reasonable level of preparedness. You don't have to choose between "keep all the doors and windows open while you're out of the house" and "shoot everyone who looks at you funny." There's a sane place somewhere between those two extremes. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe ask people from other states? I don't know.

  • themadprogrammerthemadprogrammer Registered User new member
    IMHO, and it's just my opinion, this is a little ironic as this comes after the episode of spectacle creep. In my mind, horror genre is something in the area of over-the-top.

  • themadprogrammerthemadprogrammer Registered User new member
    BTW, nice touch with this episode's thumbnail compared with Spectacle Creep's

  • there'saforum?there'saforum? Registered User regular
    Out of all these I only played Song of Saya, and I think James is overhyping it a bit. It's grotesque, sure, but not in a... substantial way, no so that it would leave a lasting impression on you. It's a little boring, too, even for an interactive sociopath's guidebook. YMMV, of course.

  • omegawyrmomegawyrm Registered User new member
    Really? Wow, you must be pretty jaded or something. I read it 4 or 5 years ago when it was still a fan translation and can honestly say that I have never been shocked or horrified by a narrative since. Nothing else has really provoked a visceral response in me in the same way that Song of Saya did. Though more important than its pure extremeness is really the fact that it actually uses the stories horrific elements to contribute to its thematic arc. Both Extra Credits and myself immediately jumped to Saya's visceral elements when describing it, but I think what really sets it apart from other horror stories is that it actually presents cohesive themes and has interesting character growth. Maybe I don't have enough experience with the genre, but from what I've seen, most horror stories are usually too laser focused on the visceral experience of scaring the audience to actually get around to this important second step of actually being good stories.

  • jaideng123jaideng123 Registered User new member
    If you want something in the style of old school adventure games i would highly recommend 5 days a stranger it has a super interesting story and if you want more, it's a part of a 4 game series

  • remeranAuthorremeranAuthor Registered User regular
    @omegawyrm Just because something's super duper spooky and captivating to you doesn't mean it is to everybody, and just because you agree with the video doesn't make your opinion the word of God. ExtraCredits said themselves at the beginning of the video that just because they're interesting doesn't make them good.

    Try not to get offended when people on the internet don't like something you like.

  • zegotazegota Registered User regular
    So, while "no-one has to die" is fun, it's a little too similar to the DS game "999," even down to the themes of shared memes.

  • AsteriskCGYAsteriskCGY Registered User new member
    Oh hey did not know Madoka writer was the Saya no Uta writer as well.

  • omegawyrmomegawyrm Registered User new member
    Well, I wasn't particularly offended by anything, I think "jaded" is a pretty benign descriptor in terms of internet discussion, and I'm pretty sure I explicitly framed my response in terms of my personal opinion, so I'm not sure exactly what I did wrong here.

    A somewhat negative opinion had been expressed about something that I thought was quite valuable, so I was just further explaining why I thought it was worthwhile.

    I was actually wondering about how similar it sounded to 999 when they described that one. Still, a comparison to 999 is enough to get me to try it and see for myself.

  • themilothemilo Registered User regular
    I don’t really like horror but if I ever do decide to try some horror games out I might try out these games.

  • UbersuperslothUbersupersloth Registered User regular
    Let me save you some time, "no-one has to die" is on Kongregate, it's not very scary and someone has to die (until you complete every path but I won't spoil it). I found it reminiscent of "9 hours 9 persons, 9 doors" and "virtue's last reward".

  • Redskull87Redskull87 Gamer TucumanRegistered User regular
    i was REALLY thinking of playing "I have no mouth and i must scream", just the name for me sound awesome(really, being fair, how little people care about the impacts of the names of the games actually, for me sometimes is the reason that i only look your book/game...). And the saya i know that but not play it...because i don´t liked mahou shoujo(is was meh, but the designs were a little cool sometimes). But i know a lots of fans of this...i am gonna check this. And i forget about the mmo of the passage creator, thxs Extra credit to make me remember that game :D.

  • PitterPeterPitterPeter Registered User new member
    This is a bit OT.... There was a game mentioned at some point on EC that involved progressing thought 8-bit to 16-bit, etc as you level up and/or as the game advances. Sound familiar?

  • agentsmith666agentsmith666 Registered User regular
    In case it hasn't been mentioned yet... GoG is having a sale on I have no mouth and I must scream for $2.99:

  • MinuteWaltMinuteWalt Mister Registered User regular
    Cool! More James' suggestions, please. For once I haven't heard of any but 2 of these (Outlast and NOHtD) and have only played one. These shows are always a treat when they come out, and they always have something new and interesting for me to hunt down.

    @LitleWaffle Agree, I quite liked No One Has To Die. I have no idea how I got there now, just that a source I respected recommended it.

    I thought it was just a silly puzzle game at first, and almost walked away, but then with each replay I began to understand what it was they were doing. It's a weird little title with a weird little story, but definitely worth sticking with it to play to the end.

  • Titanium DragonTitanium Dragon Registered User regular
    I was a bit disappointed that No One Has To Die worked the way it did. The story was decent enough, but it would have been more interesting if it had in fact been a false dilemma. I think the game would have to be massively more complicated for that though.

  • BarnesmBarnesm Registered User regular
    So given these are the games James chooses to play, his tastes are 'special' aren't they?

    seriously great list but playing a few of these in a row, late at night when everyone else was asleep feaked me out a bit.

  • gtademgtadem Registered User regular
    Games you might not have tried is definitely my favorite fixture of this series. However the one element that is almost always missing is mention of platform. As I'm watching an episode, it helps me get stoked about a game if I know I actually have access to it or not. A mild critique, but one I hope will at least be considered.

  • DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    Probably 70% of the lists are James's picks. He writes the script. This was probably just the weirdest ones with the Halloween vibe to them that were otherwise considered too weird by the group to include in other lists.

  • keika_dkeika_d Registered User new member
    I did not know that the writer of Saya no Uta was responsible for Madoka, that actually explains a lot. Another game that could've been mentioned here is Demonophobia, a really twisted and sick 2D survival game akin to Saya no Uta in the way it disturbs... But the game is way too hard and most of the disturbing parts of the story comes from dialogue that isn't translated in-game (I had to check on obscure forums to get what that was all about) so there's that.

    About Pathologic I remember reading on their official forum that they considered remaking the game after Knock-Knock was done. The game is out so maybe we will hear more about a remake (and a proper translation) soon.

    It's funny seeing OFF in this video, I know some of the guys who worked on it and was part of the same RPG Maker community for a while. Glad that they get some recognition for this.

  • flyingelfflyingelf Registered User regular
    Thank you for mentioning Song of Saya. I played 20 minutes of this game years ago somewhere and completely forgot what it was called. Good to find it again.

  • PickapokPickapok Registered User new member
    I know it doesn't fit at ALL with the theme for this list, but now that VNs are officially on the table as discussion topics is there any chance we could see Katawa Shoujo pop up on one of these lists or maybe even as an episode topic in and of itself?

  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    Saya, yeah, proof of the fact that if the wiki synopsis of the game freaks you out, its a powerful work.

    You should play it, if you can handle it.

  • AlanaAlana Registered User new member
    Since no one has commented on OFF yet...

    It is honestly one of my favorite stories I've played in years, even if the game style itself is rather old-fashioned. But the thematic elements and the level of fascinating ambiguity, and the role of the player as a character in the game, having YOUR morality questioned-- man, it builds up to one hell of a powerful ending after a damn unsettling game. Not really scary, just... how to put this?

    It has a deeper morality than most games with morality systems. And that morality touches the player, not just the character, even though there's only really one track to play the game on. Still, you choose to board that train, don't you?

    Also the translation is DAMN good, the music is great, and the game's short enough to not drag IMO, so, you know, a++ would play again. (For like the fourth time.) I definitely recommend checking it out!

  • FenreilFenreil Registered User new member
    Hey, Pathologic got mentioned. Does this maybe mean that The Void will finally be shown in one of these? I've been waiting for quite some time, you know.

    Also I'd like to support the idea of VN-themed episodes.

  • FreakyCheeseManFreakyCheeseMan Registered User regular
    Okay, loved this episode, but still, I have to ask... where's my episode on the misuse of lovecraft in games?

  • PerkulatorBennyPerkulatorBenny Registered User regular
    I know (of) I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, but the only game I actually have tried on that list is Song of Saya (or Saya no Uta), but I really LOVE that game. I even own a physical copy of it, which is rather rare with Visual Novels.
    Most are, after all, fan translated.
    It is one of the very few games that takes inspiration from Lovecraftian horror and does it RIGHT.

    It's a wonderfully twisted and macabre "Lovecraftian lovestory", with themes like dealing with insanity, finding your place in the world and, of course, the way true love does not know any boundaries.
    I love how well crafted all the characters are, and I absolutely love the parts where you find out their stories. Who they are, where they came from and how they have been shaped by the world around them. (Especially Saya and Ryoko.)

    Also, it has one of the two most beautiful bittersweet ends I've ever seen in any medium.
    Called the White End, for reasons I won't explain because spoilers. Just play it and find out. You'll know it when you see it.
    (The other game is another visual novel called Kira Kira, just in case anyone's wondering.)

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