I is Bewildered. Very, very bewildered.
I would like to own the original Star Wars movies in a high-quality format. Blu-Ray IFF available. I am fine with sets that contain the prequels or whatever extras, so long as I can end up with a set that contains both the original releases and the most final versions Lucas inflicted upon us. I had/have high hopes for
this, but the comments are really back and forth, making me gun shy. Some suggest that it is exactly (or nearly) what I'm looking for and others say no with just as much force. (MUCH less important to me would be to have a companion set for the prequels, but it is something I will want, and it would be a big plus to have it packaged with the GOOD Star Wars movies).
I have been able to find individual DVDs, but wow are they
pricey. I'm hoping I don't simply have to save my pennies. I figured I should seek aid form the Help and Advice Alliance before I took any further action.
To be completely clear, what I'm ideally looking for is: BR box set of the Star Wars films that includes both the original theatrical releases and the final(?)[1] Lucas cuts. The optional pluses would be a BR set that also includes the prequels[2], and any extras that the respondent might find worthwhile.
Thank you, forum. [The Most Obvious Star Wars joke Known To Humanity[3] would traditionally go here. Instead of that, why don't you roll your own? I can be fun for the whole family!]
(these footnotes are simply jokes of debatable merit, although I like them. So....there?)
[1]God willing and Disney concurring
[2]Did Lucas do any after release modifications to the films that might have needed it? T he prequels, obviously
[3]I will simply declare it: if you are 26[4] or older and don't instantly know what that joke would be, I'm afraid that means you suffer from untreatable goose-brain disease. I hope you enjoy these final weeks and days before you race to join the flock, and know that we with you well, and ask only that you do your best not to get goose-droppings all over while you wait the chance to take wing and FLY! FLY! in pursuit of your own kind...
[4]Those younger have hope of being only "gosling-brain" suffers, and ever effort will be made to save as many of your as possible. Take heart! Provided dedication and commitment on your end, our highly trained and caring professionals have recently achieved a nation's best recovery rate of
eight percent!. So don't give up hope; we may yet be able to save you from a life or trolling the Facebook pages of elementary school students!
"Everything in war is very simple, but the simplest thing is difficult. The difficulties accumulate and end by producing a kind of friction. . . . This tremendous friction . . . is everywhere in contact with chance, and brings about effects that cannot be measured, just because they are largely due to chance"
Carl Von Clausezwitz.
Both the set I linked and the discs contain the same version of the original trilogy -- they're "bonus discs" and presented in non-anamorphic widescreen. Picture and sound quality isn't great -- they appear to be taken from the laserdisc version of the movies. Lucas contends that his restoration process destroyed the original film prints for the movie, so they couldn't use them to recover the film.
It is legal to download this torrent provided you have a copy of the original film in some form or other. This can be VHS, DVD, Laserdisc or any other format released in the last twenty years.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Lucasfilm and Disney have both contacted Adywan and they made the rules clear. Sorry, I should have posted them above.
It is legal to download this torrent provided you have a copy of the original film in some form or other. I usually don't need to say this on geek boards because usually everyone has at least one copy, usually one of the old VHS Vader Silver/Gold versions.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Think that's the set I have. Has the unaltered originals - or at least as close as they could get - plus the less screwed with modern versions. Ah, here we go: Star Wars Prequel DVDs
Edit: And just realized those are not the movies you are looking for. Though I do have the ones I described.
this is the article I think you are referring to, but it has the same issue as another version mentioned above.