Building on the success of the last
Hearthstone thread!
Sign up for the beta! You just might get lucky!Latest Patch Notes: Here!@Kime 's PA Hearthstone Tourney was a great success!Full results here!
We'll do it again for sure, probably with a few format changes.
That old OP video for the new folks:'s list of useful facts:
- Max handsize is 10 cards. Any card over that is discarded instead of drawn.
- You can't have more than 7 minions out.
- If you draw from an empty deck you get progressively more damage instead: 1 damage/card the first time, 2 damage/card the second and so on.
- If multiple things happen at the same time (e.g. trigger at the end of the turn) they happen in the order their respective cards have been played.
- There are hidden quests/achievements that award gold, notably: 100g for beating all Expert AIs, 100g for playing every class to level 10 and 300g for 100 wins total.
- The Shaman hero power always calls one of the 4 totems that isn't out yet. If you get a totem bounced to your hand, you can play a second one, though.
- The hunter spell Animal Companion just calls a random of the 3 possible minions.
- The Warlock spell Sense Demons gives you 1/1 imps for 1 mana if you don't have (any more) demons in your deck.
- Stealth overrides Taunt, not the other way around.
- Stealth is only for the enemy, you can buff your stealthed minions.
- Priest: Shadowform refreshes your hero power, so you can use it twice in a turn.
- Druid: Wild Growth at 10 mana crystals awards you a spell "Excess Mana" which draws a card for 0.
PA Hearthstoner list: Add thyself!Hearthstone strategy and resource links
Easy intro to Hearthstone in an
Full daily quest list
Hearthstone Article Portal, and excellent place to start.
Starting Stone guide - decent general advice, currently updating.
Arena cards ranking from a popular and successful streamer.
HearthHead - Best Arena draft practice, decklists, deck builder, card db
Hearthpwn - Practice Arena drafts, decklists, deck builder, card db. Same stuff different layout.
Chrome Hearthstone Card mouseover extension - Easily find out what all those cards people are talking about do without leaving the thread!
Decent streamers/youtube clips to watch, to learn!
TrumpKripparianEllohimeapDropek0pValue Town with Chanman
1 Cold Blood
2 Sinister Strike
1 Betrayal
1 Blade Flurry
2 Eviscerate
2 Shiv
2 Defias Ringleader
2 Kobold Geomancer
1 Perditions Blade
2 Fan of Knives
1 Headcrack
2 Dalaran Mage
2 Ogre Magi
2 Assassin's Blade
2 Assassinate
2 Azure Drake
1 Spiteful Smith
I know I want to add another Blade Flurry, for more area removal, but I think I need more weapons to help that along. My largest hurdle is dealing with taunting guys, but I have lots of ways to take them out. I played a mage once that that basically had spells and taunters and I still beat them. This deck puts out sick damage. I usually lose to a flood of minions.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
They cover a lot of interesting arena stuff.
PSN: Vorpallion Twitch: Vorpallion
Origin: KafkaAU B-Net: Kafka#1778
I played a knife juggler. Then, while it still said 'enemy turn' he played a warsong commander, a shield bearer, and a shattered sun cleric.
On 3 mana.
Then suddenly it was my turn at 5 mana and the time was running out.
what in the fuckety fuck? That made me lose an arena match.
PSN: Vorpallion Twitch: Vorpallion
PSN: Vorpallion Twitch: Vorpallion
Anything besides headcrack I should replace it with?
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
It's just the normal turn timer. I doubt he was getting your emotes.
I controlled the crap out of the game, had a hand full of spells while he played a few minor threats (two bigger dudes got Polymorphed). Finally drew into my spell power minions, he plays a Mountain Giant, which gets promptly Fireballed for 8, plays other dudes, Arcane Explosion for 4 and finish the one guy left.
I think I broke his spirit...
PSN: Vorpallion Twitch: Vorpallion
First as my warlock. I hate priest. Answer to everything. Still I was drunk and tired and could of played much much better. Lost an 11-8 void terror to a priest though MC. Should of thought that out.
Then played a couple as my shaman for my daily. Went to town a priest(he had to mc a yeti because I refused to play anything bigger) and another priest who mced a fire elemental which I killed before he could use it. Won with a silence from an owl and a bloodlust on my my totems.
At least I was able to lay some priest beat down.
kind of yes, but if you're aiming for combos then it has uses.
3DS: 0447-9966-6178
I can't help there. I need some tips on how to build constructed decks myself. I pick all the cards I want, then it's well, guess I just take tazdingo yetis and clerics right?
Origin: KafkaAU B-Net: Kafka#1778
best arena deck i've ever gotten probably, but went 1-3, 3 losses to priests. thanks.
So like.
I know what I'm doing.
Second game, I got out a Raging Worgen, and luckily he lives through the opponent's turn. Instead, the guy for some reason plops out an Ironforge Rifleman and opts to battlecry-damage the worgen for 1. For... reasons? Now, on my turn, I was going to Eviscerate the Worgen for 2, Cold Blood it for 4, and attack. But, I mean, he's already damaged, so I Eviscerate the Rifleman, Cold Blood the worgen, and attack for a total of 16.
Next turn, the guy still doesn't kill the worgen. I can only assume he had a bad hand.
Anyway, next turn I use the worgen to hit for another 16, and then do... something else (don't remember the exact card combo) for 4, getting a 5th-turn victory.
I wish there was an emote for "Dude I just drew a ridiculous hand, I'm so sorry for what's about to happen, this literally in no way reflects on your skill as a player, but also I'm not a big enough man to not use this cheap combo".
If Hearthstone is anything like Magic, constructed cards are going to live and die off synergistic combos and timings. I think decks that just go, best cards low-to-high might not play out well; though there is certainly space for plain "value" decks in Magic, I'm not sure there's enough value in Hearthstone cards in the same way. I mean, the last Hearthstone constructed tourney I saw, the winning deck was a Hunter, low-cost beasts, removal, unleash the beasts deck, where... was it ChanmanV?... just stalled out with removal until he assembled the cheap combo pieces he needed, played them all out in one turn, and killed.
Like, mages have a ton of removal. Cone of Cold, Arcane Explosion, Blizzard, and Flamestrike for mass AoE. Polymorph, Frostbolt, Vaporize for single target. If you play a mass-rush deck, those Polymorphs and Frostbolts and Vaporizes become liabilities. If you play a control, big-drop deck, those Blizzards and Flamestrikes lose value. If you play all things... then all those mage cards have value, so I don't know if that's the way to go, depending on the meta. Shadow Word: Death and Mind Control become really silly cards if your opponent plays nothing but <=4 power creatures, and "deadening" 4 cards in your opp's 30-card deck is pretty powerful.
Of course, just random Play is different than tournament play. Just my line of thinking.
it's like look buddy i appreciate maybe you're not as experienced with the game as i am but i would still really suggest reading the cards i play
While I'm still waiting for "Worth Opponent Found" animation to load, it says "Your opponent has left" and it loads the board only too show me the "You won" screen and kicks me right back to the Arena menu.
(and also: who would even do such a thing? it's not like it takes me more than four clicks to restore it)
(and also also: still no more EU players makes me sad)
i do not think that mage could have been more surprised to see a
for lethal.
he is hilarious, i am never disenchanting him.
If you can get a Bloodmage Thalnos, he would be pretty good.
If you do replace the Sinister Strikes, I would probably take Deadly Poison, it's cheap to Combo off and is sort of removal. (also synergizes with blade flurry)
I think I would want another Cold Blood there. Maybe take out the Betrayal, it is very situational, but good if it works.
I don't like the Smith, Gadgetzan Auctioneer would be great for your deck instead.
Also this would lower the spellpower aspect of the deck, but I think both the Kobold and the Dalaran Mage are weak minions, so I would think about replacing one of them with Bloodsail Raider or SI:7 Agent.
I also like Ellohime and apDrop as streamers, they have a lot of interaction with their chat. And then there is Ekop, who I vaguely know from the WoW TCG (he played pretty competitively including winning player of the year). He's not the most likeable persona in his stream, but he boasts a >80% Arena winrate.
And I don't remember who asked for this in the last thread, but there actually is a Chrome extension that turns Hearthstone card names into links with mouseover. I haven't tried it myself, though
Yeah I watched Ellohime a bit. I tuned in for his first 9-0 run, living the dream! Added to OP.
Swapped out the sinister strikes for another headcrack and deadly poison. Dropped the smith for an auctioneer. Dropped the betrayal for another deadly poison. Let's see how this works out.
PSN: Dyvion -- Eternal: Dyvion+9393 -- Genshin Impact: Dyvion
Steam ID: Obos Vent: Obos
Twitter - discolouie PSN - Loupa Steam - Loupa
e: Oh n/m you meant beta keys. My bad.
Steam ID: Obos Vent: Obos
I actually like Hearthhead more, if only because they don't have such a stupid name. Their Arena simulator is also better because you can link the draft, so multiple people can pick through the same options and compare their results.
Was it arena? Don't feel bad I had the same thing happen.
I'm not sure why, but my priest arena decks seem particularly susceptible to getting a bad distribution of the class cards they need. I seem to only ever get 1 of shadow word pain, death, or MC. And almost never a holy nova. One game went on particularly long, and then I light well.
Never picking that card again.
PSN: Vorpallion Twitch: Vorpallion
That's an easy interaction to mess up though. Especially if you haven't played with both cards together. Sometimes cards are very literal, and other times they aren't.
Northshire Cleric for example only draws you a card if the minion actually has health restored. Even though it says whenever a minion is healed, it actually means that there has to be some health loss before hand.
The first time I played the priest I thought for sure there was no way it would interact with my hero power as that would be grossly overpowered, and then whelp, it did.
Yeah I think I have to kick my Lightwell addiction. It all stemmed from playing against a Priest who tossed it out early and me with no creature to kill it. Then came the taunt minion wall, and it was just so frustrating. Then I managed to pull my own and Inner Fire in a half-decent Arena run last week.
"Play 20 minions with a cost of 5 or more" - 40g.
I guess at the time I was running a late game druid deck though so it didn't seem too burdensome.
PSN: Vorpallion Twitch: Vorpallion