Simerica is a bug ridden wasteland. Within it lies an embarrassingly small 'city'. Outside the plot boundaries, an inexplicable desert; the cursed Region Map. Inside the plot boundaries, a cursed city, stretching and clipping through terrain. A jaggy and unattractive concrete landscape. 30,000 Sims (well not really, the numbers are fudged) living in the ruins of a once beloved franchise... and the mega DLC of the new one. Mega towers. Mega maglevs.
Mega Sim City One
Okay, so Sim City was... sort-of a disaster. it was not a bad game, in my opinion, but one that did not meet any reasonable expectation, did not live up to any of it's advertised feature sets, was not moddable, was unplayable without cowing to some extremely intrusive and unstable DRM and - really the worst thing - was built on a quicksand foundation called 'Glass Box'. There is no way to honest way describe this hyped piece of technology aside from, "It's a piece of shit that does not work as intended,"
Cities just choked to death on their own traffic congestion, and you had to essentially use certain tricks / exploits to prevent a catastrophic traffic deadlock after certain population thresholds were reached. This kneecapped a lot of creative play in what is supposed to be a digital toy / sand castle builder. You couldn't fix this through modding, like what happened with Sim City 4, because of the DRM component of the game (and I'd kind of assume that Glass Box would be a pain in the ass to try and mod anyway).
It was also way too easy to rake in literally billions of Simoleans and give no fucks about anything like a budget.
There's an expansion pack out on the 12th of this month:
...I'm torn on this. on one hand, the towers and monorails look superb. I want theeeeeeeeem. I can finally build the equivalent of slum Mega Blocks while pretending to operate from a seat in the Halls of Justice.
On the other hand, they are basically selling stuff that ought to have been patched-in for free alongside the new content. That's not cool with me. They also lied about giving us bigger city plots, they won't do anything to address the compaints about the Region mechanics / view (it just looks stupid to have a bunch of cities with perfectly square edges sitting so far apart) and are adding
even more agents to an already overburdened system.
But... those towerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.
What do we get?
1) A new research hub, where you unlock all of the new technological marvels like Fusion Power (because we really need another power source at the moment)
2) Poop-to-water converter, a corporation that actually spreads itself around without your consent (which sounds legit cool)
3) 'Robots' (honestly they look fucking terrible in the video) that fly over your streets performing essential services. So even if your firetrucks are caught in a jam, the robot firemen will presumably be able to get to and extinguish your fire problems. But yeah, this shit shouldn't even be necessary.
4) A few new disasters, like a giant robot attack.
5) Raised traffic routes that look like they might actually fucking work, unlike the temporary 'solution' currently foisted on us.
That's not very good value, but I'm thinking I might buy it just because those towers, and I like to naively pretend that expansion packs can magically solve all of Cit City's problems.
Pretty transparent. 'Come play the game! We've fixed it! we promise! its all good now! oh, and new 'expansion'. give us even more money for a slightly less buggy game'
Sorry, i realized that was slightly being a downer... but, yeah no... unless they actually make changes to the base game, i'm not going to pay them to fix it.
This game is boned.
Control Net: Allows agents to work from home which addresses two problems: traffic congestion and workers unable to find jobs(even though plenty are available).
Maglev: More traffic reduction. The video implies it's tied to the roads but it seems to have fewer placement restrictions than current roads allowing it to be built over top of some buildings.
Drones: Traffic reduction. Addresses the dysfunctional police/fire/rescue agents. Also addresses the problem of sims being unable to find shops by delivering directly to sims at home.
Academy building: New research options. Gated system for unlocking the new content.
Sanitation plant upgrade: Saves space by combining waste treatment with water production. Appropriate since they can't increase city sizes.
Omega? Whatever. It's an alternative to building an electronics industry city I guess.
Ground Scrubber ploppable: Finally! An efficient method of reducing ground pollution. Now if they'd just add something to clean up radiation....
Mega Towers: mini arcologies. Good idea for a number of reasons.
My opinion: Cool stuff but these are things that should have been in the game to begin with. It will take a little longer to max out your city but there's still no end game to speak of. Most of the Great Works are still useless. Regional issues still remain.
Final Assessment: Do want. Do not want to pay full price for it.