Star Wars... Not as good as you think.

FallingmanFallingman Registered User regular
edited April 2007 in Debate and/or Discourse
This did surprise me.

Starwars VS Serenity

For those not wanting to follow the link:
Space thriller Serenity has beaten Star Wars to the title of best sci-fi movie in an SFX magazine poll of 3,000 fans.

Now, dont get me wrong, I like Serenity... I own both it and Firefly on DVD. But better than Star Wars? That's big. And definitely worth discussing. Also, do you think this will ring the "Money Bell" those in charge of the Firefly/Serenity franchise? Could we be in for more? Personally, I dont care what their motivation is. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Get your geek on! Go on, have a Dorkgasm.

Fallingman on


  • Me Too!Me Too! __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    Fallingman wrote: »
    This did surprise me.

    Starwars VS Serenity

    For those not wanting to follow the link:
    Space thriller Serenity has beaten Star Wars to the title of best sci-fi movie in an SFX magazine poll of 3,000 fans.

    Now, dont get me wrong, I like Serenity... I own both it and Firefly on DVD. But better than Star Wars? That's big. And definitely worth discussing. Also, do you think this will ring the "Money Bell" those in charge of the Firefly/Serenity franchise? Could we be in for more? Personally, I dont care what their motivation is. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

    Get your geek on! Go on, have a Dorkgasm.

    Star Wars is awesome. Those 3000 fans should be shot. Star Wars is the greatest Sci-fi movie, period.
    Now, in terms of franchises/series, it goes like this:
    Star Trek
    Star Wars.

    Me Too! on
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Episodes 1-3 have destroyed respect for Star Wars, even among its fans.

    Zek on
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Serenity is a better sci-fi movie. However, comparing one single movie to an incongruous six-volume movie is like comparing apples to aardvarks. Even comparing Firefly + Serenity to Star Wars is not a good comparison.

    As for the sci-fi elements of both, I'd have to say that Serenity is better.

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • South hostSouth host I obey without question Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Zek wrote: »
    Episodes 1-3 have destroyed respect for Star Wars, even among its fans.
    What episodes 1-3?

    South host on
    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
  • Me Too!Me Too! __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    Zek wrote: »
    Episodes 1-3 have destroyed respect for Star Wars, even among its fans.

    See, I like to pretend that 1 and 2 never happened, because I mildly enjoyed 3. Now, if Lucas would've left it as Episodes IV, V, and VI, it would've been perfect.

    Me Too! on
  • NoneoftheaboveNoneoftheabove Just a conforming non-conformist. Twilight ZoneRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Zek wrote: »
    Episodes 1-3 have destroyed respect for Star Wars, even among its fans.

    And we're still left in the dust wondering just what in the hell happened!

    Noneoftheabove on
  • FallingmanFallingman Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Did... did you just put Star Trek on a list?

    Why would you do that?

    Fallingman on
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Because Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is arguably one of the best sci-fi films known to man.

    *not that I put it on the list, but it deserves to be there.

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • Me Too!Me Too! __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    Drez wrote: »
    Because Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is arguably one of the best sci-fi films known to man.

    *not that I put it on the list, but it deserves to be there.

    I defy you to watch the scene with the bug in the ear without getting mildly freaked out.

    Also, greatest line of all time: "Khan, you bloodsucker....KHAAAAN!"

    Me Too! on
  • jclastjclast Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Serenity would have been better if it actually felt like Firefly. That being said, an honest-to-God Firefly movie could give Star Wars a run for it's money. Serenity, however, doesn't come close the quality of Star Wars: Episodes IV, V, and VI.

    jclast on
  • monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Zek wrote: »
    Episodes 1-3 have destroyed respect for Star Wars, even among its fans.

    Pretty much. Once your nostalgia gets raped it's hard to look back on it favorably in comparison to newer and equally good things. However, you really do need to take into account the context of the first 3, the latter 3, and Serenity to have anything even close to a fair comparison. I mean, before ILM there was nothing in terms of special effects in movies outside of guys in rubber Godzilla suits.

    moniker on
  • FallingmanFallingman Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I think Serenity was good BECAUSE of firefly.
    I watched the movie, thought "ok..." watched the series, loved it, re-watched Serenity and thought "That was awesome".

    Otherwise River kicking arse wasn't anything special.

    Fallingman on
  • siliconenhancedsiliconenhanced __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    I don't really see the problem with this. Serenity was, in my opinion, head and shoulders above Star Wars.

    siliconenhanced on
  • FallingmanFallingman Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Serenity was, in my opinion, head and shoulders above Star Wars. that legal?

    Fallingman on
  • NoneoftheaboveNoneoftheabove Just a conforming non-conformist. Twilight ZoneRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Fallingman wrote: »
    Space thriller Serenity has beaten Star Wars to the title of best sci-fi movie in an SFX magazine poll of 3,000 fans.

    Was the poll presented to Serenity fans or fans of Science Fiction as a whole?

    I enjoyed Serenity, but is it the better of two science fiction films? Only time can say I think.

    Star Wars may have lost ground because we're judging the series by the new trilogy, rather than the originals or even the first film itself, Star Wars IV: A New Hope. If so, I know Star Wars : A New Hope is a timeless classic. Serenity has just begun to earn a following of people in my opinion.

    Noneoftheabove on
  • Me Too!Me Too! __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    I don't really see the problem with this. Serenity was, in my opinion, head and shoulders above Star Wars.

    Blasphemy! Burn him at the stake!

    Me Too! on
  • supabeastsupabeast Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Drez wrote: »
    Because Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is arguably one of the best sci-fi films known to man.

    *not that I put it on the list, but it deserves to be there.

    Wrath of Khan pwns!

    That said, Star Wars shouldn't even be on a list of sci-fi films. It’s a fantasy film with a pretty generic plot yanked from generic mythology. Simply because most of it takes place on space ships and a space stations does not make Star Wars any less about a guy using mysticism to save people from evil. Science fiction is about what could happen if certain technology appear, not about what might happen if people had magic powers.

    supabeast on
  • Me Too!Me Too! __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    supabeast wrote: »
    Drez wrote: »
    Because Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is arguably one of the best sci-fi films known to man.

    *not that I put it on the list, but it deserves to be there.

    Wrath of Khan pwns!

    That said, Star Wars shouldn't even be on a list of sci-fi films. It’s a fantasy film with a pretty generic plot yanked from generic mythology. Simply because most of it takes place on space ships and a space stations does not make Star Wars any less about a guy using mysticism to save people from evil. Science fiction is about what could happen if certain technology appear, not about what might happen if people had magic powers.

    Then what do you call the Death Star, or X-wings, or lightsabers? Don't those count as technology?

    Me Too! on
  • SentrySentry Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Once you get past the nostalga factor, Star Wars Episode 4 is actually pretty boring. 5 and 6 can arguably stand on their own as excellently awesome movies, but number 4 needs the other 2 to really make the leap to that level...

    As for Star Trek, I take the Futurama approach... "you know what 7 movies average out to be pretty good? Star Trek movies..."

    Sentry on
    When I was a little kid, I always pretended I was the hero,' Skip said.
    'Fuck yeah, me too. What little kid ever pretended to be part of the lynch-mob?'
  • monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    supabeast wrote: »
    Drez wrote: »
    Because Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is arguably one of the best sci-fi films known to man.

    *not that I put it on the list, but it deserves to be there.

    Wrath of Khan pwns!

    That said, Star Wars shouldn't even be on a list of sci-fi films. It’s a fantasy film with a pretty generic plot yanked from generic mythology. Simply because most of it takes place on space ships and a space stations does not make Star Wars any less about a guy using mysticism to save people from evil. Science fiction is about what could happen if certain technology appear, not about what might happen if people had magic powers.

    Technically it's a Space Opera, but that's getting rather semantic in polling.

    I mean come on, there were lasers.
    pew pew pew

    moniker on
  • Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Serenity was crap and I hated it.

    Star Wars the new trilogy was crap and I hated it.

    Star Wars OT was good and I liked it.

    So lets make less crap and more good stuff please.

    Death of Rats on
    No I don't.
  • deowolfdeowolf is allowed to do that. Traffic.Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Drez wrote: »
    Because Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan is arguably one of the best films known to man.

    It's okay. You don't need to qualify that statement.

    This whole Serenity/SW thing is going to take some thinking.

    deowolf on
  • BriareosBriareos Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I don't consider Star Wars to be true scifi. It's more like space fantasy. I could see die-hard sci fi fans believing that Star Wars is not the best sci fi ever. Because it isn't.

    The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite movie. Star Wars blew my four-year-old mind away and changed my whole life. The characters, the locations, the expanded universe, and the overall story are my favorites of all time. But I definitely think there is better sci fi out there than Star Wars.

    Great space fantasy? Yes. Great modern mythological storytelling? Yes. Great sci fi? No.

    Briareos on
  • ElJeffeElJeffe Roaming the streets, waving his mod gun around.Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited April 2007
    Star Wars was very good, especially for its time, but most of its appeal now is because of the inherent coolness of Jedi and the surrounding mythos, and that mythos didn't get properly fleshed out until ESB and RotJ.

    Also, Serenity as a movie really doesn't work unless you've seen Firefly. Most of the reason it's a great movie is because it has such great characters, and the characters aren't nearly as awesome until you've seen them fleshed out over the course of a dozen hours.

    In summary, the comparison is sort of absurd. Star Wars was the first movie of an epic saga. Serenity was basically the two-hour series finale for the Firefly series.

    ElJeffe on
    I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission, follow this link.
  • Al SimmonsAl Simmons Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    If Serenity came out in the 70s as well maybe I would call it better, but you gotta admit, Star Wars was for its time quite awesome.

    Context is pretty dang important in judging the quality of movies imo.

    Al Simmons on
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    ElJeffe wrote: »
    Star Wars was very good, especially for its time, but most of its appeal now is because of the inherent coolness of Jedi and the surrounding mythos, and that mythos didn't get properly fleshed out until ESB and RotJ.

    Also, Serenity as a movie really doesn't work unless you've seen Firefly. Most of the reason it's a great movie is because it has such great characters, and the characters aren't nearly as awesome until you've seen them fleshed out over the course of a dozen hours.

    In summary, the comparison is sort of absurd. Star Wars was the first movie of an epic saga. Serenity was basically the two-hour series finale for the Firefly series.

    I think Serenity could stand on its own, but I think it works much better as a film if you've seen the fifteen Firefly episodes first because the "twist" has a much graver impact, and, as you say, the characters mean more to you.

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • darthmixdarthmix Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    The article makes it a bit unclear whether by "Star Wars" they're referring to A New Hope or the whole saga. If the survey made it similarly unclear, this result makes sense to me. Because, sorry, ANH didn't age all that well; the pacing is all wonky, and the scenes on the Death Star seem to really drag when I watch it now. Empire is the only one I still think of as a classic.

    Anyway, I think the designations of "Sci-Fi" and "Fantasy" are mostly about setting. If it looks like sci-fi, if it takes place in space and invovles shiny or dirty-shiny objects, or if it has computers, it's sci-fi. If it has swords and castles and magical creatures, it's fantasy. If it takes place in New Mexico circa 1850 and people have guns, it's a western. In practice the lines that define the genres don't run any deeper than that.

    darthmix on
  • siliconenhancedsiliconenhanced __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    I don't really see the problem with this. Serenity was, in my opinion, head and shoulders above Star Wars.

    Blasphemy! Burn him at the stake!

    I thought it did the entire setting very well. I wasn't a fan of "magical socialist utopia" (Star Trek) or "heroic underdog beats overwhelming EVIL force" (Star Wars). I liked the fact there really wasn't a lot of black and white in Serenity/Firefly among the main charecters. I liked that there wasn't nifty technology to save the day, and there really weren't any "red shirts". I liked that the Alliance may have been a bunch of bastards, by far and large they were competent bastards.

    But oh well, I will die if I must for my beliefs, a martyr to my cause.

    siliconenhanced on
  • monikermoniker Registered User regular
    edited April 2007

    moniker on
  • Nova_CNova_C I have the need The need for speedRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Yeah, the definition is important.

    If we mean Star Wars as in, "A New Hope", then I think Serenity is a better film. The direction, characters, acting, dialogue, all of it was better.

    If we mean Star Wars as in, the six volume series, then Serenity is FAR better because Lucas can't direct his way out of a paper bag and this time he didn't just copy classic war movies for his direction.

    Of course, I will add that if we compare just Serenity to JUST Return of the Jedi, then I say Jedi is the better film.

    Nova_C on
  • Vincent GraysonVincent Grayson Frederick, MDRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Nova_C wrote: »
    Yeah, the definition is important.

    If we mean Star Wars as in, "A New Hope", then I think Serenity is a better film. The direction, characters, acting, dialogue, all of it was better.

    If we mean Star Wars as in, the six volume series, then Serenity is FAR better because Lucas can't direct his way out of a paper bag and this time he didn't just copy classic war movies for his direction.

    Of course, I will add that if we compare just Serenity to JUST Return of the Jedi, then I say Jedi is the better film.

    Jedi? Really?

    I'd argue the only great film in the entire Saga was Empire, although Jedi wasn't terrible.

    But yeah, no question in my mind that anyone not trapped by maddening nostalgia could recognize that Star Wars films, by and large, are poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed movies with pretty good special effects. Serenity on the other hand was wonderfully acted, directed well enough, and had a somewhat interesting, if obvious story.

    Neither are amazing sci-fi movies (if SW is even sci-fi, which it's not, imo), but Serenity is certainly better than all but Empire, and that's close.

    Vincent Grayson on
  • DrezDrez Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I'm definitely in the Empire Strikes Back > Return of the Jedi camp as well.

    I think the real problem here is that George Lucas cockslapped all of us. That cuntbasket ruined his own franchise and our collective opinions both of him and it. Frankly, I think of his as a complete artistic failure.

    It's very hard not to separate my emotions when judging the films at this point.

    Drez on
    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Serenity looked like a made for TV movie from the 90's in the way it was shot and the lighting.

    Death of Rats on
    No I don't.
  • siliconenhancedsiliconenhanced __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    I agree with the entire "if you didn't see Firefly, Serenity didn't hold as much importance for you". I saw Serenity first, and it stirred my interest in the series. Went back in watched Serenity again, and it was like an entirely different movie.

    River's line to Simon before she jumped out the hatch, especially.

    But yeah, Empire was great, but I still think Serenity was a better movie.

    siliconenhanced on
  • CrayonCrayon Sleeps in the wrong bed. TejasRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    It's true, Firefly is a better movie.

    Crayon on
  • jclastjclast Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I agree with the entire "if you didn't see Firefly, Serenity didn't hold as much importance for you". I saw Serenity first, and it stirred my interest in the series. Went back in watched Serenity again, and it was like an entirely different movie.

    River's line to Simon before she jumped out the hatch, especially.

    But yeah, Empire was great, but I still think Serenity was a better movie.

    There's also a pretty significant camp of "if you saw Firefly, then Serenity pissed you off." If I had it to do over again, I'd rather see Serenity first, then fall in love with Firefly, and then never watch Serenity again.

    The story was fine; the characters though, they all just felt wrong somehow.

    jclast on
  • SithDrummerSithDrummer Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    Briareos wrote: »
    I don't consider Star Wars to be true scifi. It's more like space fantasy. I could see die-hard sci fi fans believing that Star Wars is not the best sci fi ever. Because it isn't.

    The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite movie. Star Wars blew my four-year-old mind away and changed my whole life. The characters, the locations, the expanded universe, and the overall story are my favorites of all time. But I definitely think there is better sci fi out there than Star Wars.

    Great space fantasy? Yes. Great modern mythological storytelling? Yes. Great sci fi? No.
    I agree. It's a great "space opera", but isn't really in the same category as other films traditionally labelled sci-fi.
    Drez wrote: »
    I think Serenity could stand on its own, but I think it works much better as a film if you've seen the fifteen Firefly episodes first because the "twist" has a much graver impact, and, as you say, the characters mean more to you.
    What twist are you talking about?
    Wash's death?

    Edit: Ah, never mind.
    The reavers.

    SithDrummer on
  • siliconenhancedsiliconenhanced __BANNED USERS regular
    edited April 2007
    jclast wrote: »
    I agree with the entire "if you didn't see Firefly, Serenity didn't hold as much importance for you". I saw Serenity first, and it stirred my interest in the series. Went back in watched Serenity again, and it was like an entirely different movie.

    River's line to Simon before she jumped out the hatch, especially.

    But yeah, Empire was great, but I still think Serenity was a better movie.

    There's also a pretty significant camp of "if you saw Firefly, then Serenity pissed you off." If I had it to do over again, I'd rather see Serenity first, then fall in love with Firefly, and then never watch Serenity again.

    The story was fine; the characters though, they all just felt wrong somehow.

    Really? I thought the charecters were very good - I just think Serenity was everything coming to a head. Simon and River leaving the ship, Mal's disgust with the Alliance, and Jayne's constant near mutiny was the logical effect recent events were having on the crew. So it was going to seem different to us since the charecters were undergoing so much drama.

    siliconenhanced on
  • Nova_CNova_C I have the need The need for speedRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    I know a lot of people prefer Empire to Jedi and I almost do as well, but I'm a big fan of confrontation dialogue and I love the back and forth between Luke and Darth Vader at the end of Jedi. To me, that puts it that little bit above Empire.

    It's interesting that the two most popular Star Wars films are the two that weren't directed by Lucas. Ah, hell, it's not interesting, it's obvious, but still.

    Nova_C on
  • Nova_CNova_C I have the need The need for speedRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    jclast wrote: »
    I agree with the entire "if you didn't see Firefly, Serenity didn't hold as much importance for you". I saw Serenity first, and it stirred my interest in the series. Went back in watched Serenity again, and it was like an entirely different movie.

    River's line to Simon before she jumped out the hatch, especially.

    But yeah, Empire was great, but I still think Serenity was a better movie.

    There's also a pretty significant camp of "if you saw Firefly, then Serenity pissed you off." If I had it to do over again, I'd rather see Serenity first, then fall in love with Firefly, and then never watch Serenity again.

    The story was fine; the characters though, they all just felt wrong somehow.

    Really? I thought the charecters were very good - I just think Serenity was everything coming to a head. Simon and River leaving the ship, Mal's disgust with the Alliance, and Jayne's constant near mutiny was the logical effect recent events were having on the crew. So it was going to seem different to us since the charecters were undergoing so much drama.

    I watched Serenity after seeing the series and I thought the characters were fine. The only things that didn't make sense are trifles that sound more like nitpicking than actual issues.

    IE, in the pilot
    Simon makes it sound as though he paid an underground group to get River out and he had picked her up from them, whereas in the movie, he himself got her out.

    However, stuff like that is easy to forgive since Whedon was either trying to make the story palatable to the people who hadn't seen the series or the studio demanded that he make the story palatable to the people who hadn't seen the series.

    Nova_C on
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