This is my first time using LaTeX, and I'm confused a little. I've got my bib file, with references written like this:
author = "R. E. Madsen, S. Sigurdsson, L. K. Hansen and J. Larsen",
title = "Pruning the vocabulary for better context recognition",
journal = "Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks",
year = "2004",
volume = "2",
pages = "1439-1444",
month = "July",
When I compile my tex file, the references appear in the list, but in the text they are all displayed as ?. I don't know why. Right now, my best and only theory comes from the fact that the refs are supposed to be displayed in the text as (Madsen 2004). Where does the program get the name "Madsen" from the bib entry? I'm guessing it's not sophisticated enough to parse the author field. So I must be missing a field. But what is it called?
Or am I way off? What else could be causing the problem?
- latex
- bibtex
- latex
- latex
?Compiling the tex file, I can get this error:
Compiling the bib file, normally after I got the above error, I get this error:
"I found no \bibdata command--while reading file test3.aux
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "madsen2004""
Normally, those go away when I delete all compilation files, but it seems to me like it shouldn't happen at all.
EDIT: More specifically, it seems that the error occurs every other time I try to compile the tex. I compile once and it works, then a second time and it fails, then a third time and it works, and so on...
To address something earlier: Actually, it is sophisticated enough. Using the "apalike" bibliography style, using \cite{madsen2004} prints out:
If you're interested you can take a look at the style definition (apalike.bst).
EDIT: What are your \cite and \bibliographystyle commands?
The document class I use is clv2.cls given here. I include it at the begining of my document using
I just realised that there is also a document style available, but when I try to use it with I get an error "two \documentclass or \documentstyle commands"
I'm using WinEdt on Windows XP.
According to this: The cls file that you are using now should work fine. However, your bibliography will require a different style to display properly.
Also from the page you linked, they provide this archive that contains files you should need (if they aren't already provided for you on the machine you're using): fullname.bst and fullname.sty. Once they are installed you should be able to use and
Since you're not all that familiar with LaTeX, you should give The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX a read.
I get a new error now, when I try to compile the tex. It seems I'm out of memory??
How is that even possible?
I'm continue playing around with the various ways to cite entries after I take my dog out.
Finally, after 10 hours, I have working references!
Not yet
Multiple authors should be separated by the word "and". The citation will then read "Madsen et al. 2004". Using what you gave me it lists both Madsen's & Larsen's name. As far as names go, this is pretty concise as to how it's handled.
Glad I could help.