Actually it makes me think of god of war because that's the king of third person action mutilation.
Well. Kratos is a dick. Ergo, prone to dick moves.
Actually the romans were pretty dickish as well.
I mean, when you adopt a fighting style and hobnailed boots partially because you want your enemies corpses to be as mangled as possible (about equivalent to shooting someone in the face because you don't want them to have an open casket funeral) you have pretty much established yourself to be a dick on a national scale. Having slaves fight to the death for your entertainment and making about zero difference between entertainers and prostitutes (if you're one, you better be ready to provide the other) is just icing on the cake. An entire nation of dicks.
In fact, have you ever looked at the words "virility" and "virtue" and thought "Hey, these words look kind of similar?". That's because they have the same root, "Virtus" (from the latin "vir", Man), a latin word that pretty much means all the things a man should be/have. Couragous, virile, resolute, self-controlled, having a dick, being a dick.
Rome, the nation that made being a dick a virtue.
Fiendishrabbit on
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Actually it makes me think of god of war because that's the king of third person action mutilation.
See, hearing that just tells me that you haven't played Shadow of Rome. Not only can you do virtually any barbarism, you need to mix it up to keep the crowd interesting. Imagine a Tony Hawk or SSX game where the "tricks" are mutilations.
Too bad there was a terrible stealth game tacked on to it.
Actually it makes me think of god of war because that's the king of third person action mutilation.
See, hearing that just tells me that you haven't played Shadow of Rome. Not only can you do virtually any barbarism, you need to mix it up to keep the crowd interesting. Imagine a Tony Hawk or SSX game where the "tricks" are mutilations.
Too bad there was a terrible stealth game tacked on to it.
Break someones arms, then cut their arms off, then their head, then beat someone else with their head and throw it into the crowd!
It's too bad they cut off each others' noses before the first panel of the comic. Wait, what do you mean their noses are supposed to look like that? Just kidding.
Anyway, the Romans were dicks. The culture that had the first vestiges of modern democracy and dominance over the entire known world also gave us professional militaries, crucifixions, human and animal death arenas, and the concept of Total War (maybe not the originators, but the fact that they would sweep through and murder/enslave everyone to the last man and mutilate the bodies afterwords made their military feared, at the very least).
Just out of curiosity, why is it that the RSS entry for the news story propagates so much later than the publishing time of the news story itself? The news story for today is still not in my RSS feed.
It's not a pointlessly inserted French word. It's a culinary word that happens to French, inserted quite appropriately, as the next step after dice and julienne, which were used earlier in the sentence.
It's not a pointlessly inserted French word. It's a culinary word that happens to French, inserted quite appropriately, as the next step after dice and julienne, which were used earlier in the sentence.
Brunoise is a culinary knife cut in which the food item is first julienned and then turned a quarter turn and diced again
Looks like his usage was actually pretty adroit.
Oh shit, I just used a French word too!
Be careful, the anti-french bureau might come for you. They've sent out several communiqués warning people away from this sort of behavior.
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Actually it makes me think of god of war because that's the king of third person action mutilation.
See, hearing that just tells me that you haven't played Shadow of Rome. Not only can you do virtually any barbarism, you need to mix it up to keep the crowd interesting. Imagine a Tony Hawk or SSX game where the "tricks" are mutilations.
Too bad there was a terrible stealth game tacked on to it.
It's not a pointlessly inserted French word. It's a culinary word that happens to French, inserted quite appropriately, as the next step after dice and julienne, which were used earlier in the sentence.
It's not a pointlessly inserted French word. It's a culinary word that happens to French, inserted quite appropriately, as the next step after dice and julienne, which were used earlier in the sentence.
Brunoise is a culinary knife cut in which the food item is first julienned and then turned a quarter turn and diced again
Looks like his usage was actually pretty adroit.
Oh shit, I just used a French word too!
Be careful, the anti-french bureau might come for you. They've sent out several communiqués warning people away from this sort of behavior.
Oh no, they've been corrupted from within!
that's the joke
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Well. Kratos is a dick. Ergo, prone to dick moves.
Actually the romans were pretty dickish as well.
I mean, when you adopt a fighting style and hobnailed boots partially because you want your enemies corpses to be as mangled as possible (about equivalent to shooting someone in the face because you don't want them to have an open casket funeral) you have pretty much established yourself to be a dick on a national scale. Having slaves fight to the death for your entertainment and making about zero difference between entertainers and prostitutes (if you're one, you better be ready to provide the other) is just icing on the cake. An entire nation of dicks.
In fact, have you ever looked at the words "virility" and "virtue" and thought "Hey, these words look kind of similar?". That's because they have the same root, "Virtus" (from the latin "vir", Man), a latin word that pretty much means all the things a man should be/have. Couragous, virile, resolute, self-controlled, having a dick, being a dick.
Rome, the nation that made being a dick a virtue.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
See, hearing that just tells me that you haven't played Shadow of Rome. Not only can you do virtually any barbarism, you need to mix it up to keep the crowd interesting. Imagine a Tony Hawk or SSX game where the "tricks" are mutilations.
Too bad there was a terrible stealth game tacked on to it.
Break someones arms, then cut their arms off, then their head, then beat someone else with their head and throw it into the crowd!
Handmade Jewelry by me on EtsyGames for sale
Me on Twitch!
Can you be a lot more specific? I'm zero good at identifying those things.
Oculus: TheBigDookie | XBL: Dook | NNID: BigDookie
He is the most well-mannered of barbarians. Especially surprising given that he seems to be a Gaul.
They might be referencing the centurion-guy's right arm.
A bit out of expected arm-bending capabilities.
This comic gives whole new meaning to "These Romans are crazy!"
I think it's the odd bend of the centurion's arm, combined with the way the barbarian's severed arm lines up with the centurion's elbow joint.
By Toutatis and Belanos!
Nusquam Findi Factionis
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Anyway, the Romans were dicks. The culture that had the first vestiges of modern democracy and dominance over the entire known world also gave us professional militaries, crucifixions, human and animal death arenas, and the concept of Total War (maybe not the originators, but the fact that they would sweep through and murder/enslave everyone to the last man and mutilate the bodies afterwords made their military feared, at the very least).
But at least they gave us the aqueduct.
Oh shit, I just used a French word too!
Be careful, the anti-french bureau might come for you. They've sent out several communiqués warning people away from this sort of behavior.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
I thought about "Spartan: Total Warrior" because no one thinks about that game anymore.
Sounds like an ancient times version of manhunt.
Oh god manhunt.
Oh no, they've been corrupted from within!
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Don't sweat it, we all make a little faux pas now and then.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Gamer Dater - My Video Game Dating Website full of Faygo
Strip Search Wastebasket of Broken Dreams App I made
I'm feeling a lot of schadenfreude, though.
Steam: adamjnet